How will you prevent yourself from getting Persona 5 spoiled in the upcoming months?

How will you prevent yourself from getting Persona 5 spoiled in the upcoming months?

Not browsing Sup Forums
Muting everyone who buys P5 from my timeline

I won't. I've accepted that it can't be done. Hopefully by the time we get Persona 8 Atlus will give a damn about their foreign market.

Im just going to let it all hit me. I'd rather spoil myself than someone on Sup Forums do it with one of those spoilers in the thumbnail things or whatever. I cant stay off the internet for half a year.

I might even download the game on my japanese psn and try to stumble through it.

I cant wait until February.

not giving a shit about persona is a good first step

>Not browsing Sup Forums

I'll just stop browsing Sup Forums. I have plenty of other shit to do. College, TV shows, video games.

Use a addon that stops me from going to Sup Forums, and start working on my backlog

By not being a faggot weeb loser who plays shit japanese trash.

>like Persona 3/4
>have played them a bit but never finished them
>know most characters names
>visit Persona threads all the time
>have done so since P3 came out.
>have never been spoiled

Nanako being the killer literally makes sense for all I know.

Anyway, I think I'll be fine for P5. I don't even know the names of the characters.

Do you know who Door-kun is?

5 Months

152 DAYS


No and I'm leaving now.

Nice try sucker I will never EVER be spoiled.

20 days left for JP :^)


Shit I got that game on express preorder from Japan. I'll be the one spoiling the hell out of it

Got the digital 20th version so I'll be playing it on Wednesday. Took the some days off so I can marathon it.

It will get ruined for me, but I'll still be able to enjoy it.

Persona is definitely one of those destination > journey games.

I'll use filters and keep all the threads and posts hidden until I beat the game myself like I do for every single game I want to play.

Can you guys just not spoil it? Please? I've waited quite a long time for this game

Can you translate the game as well?

Honestly I probably won't.
Now I'm not going to go looking for spoilers, but I'm also not going to go full blackout mode.

P5 is popular enough that I assume people will spoil it in unrelated threads to be an asshole.
Oh well, I enjoyed P4 well enough even though I knew who the killer was.

Is Akihabara (or anywhere really) having some sort of huge event for the release? I'll be in Japan again on the 15th and am praying to the gods I'll have a day off from work that day.

Even if there isn't an event I already know Akihabara is gonna be poppin.

Take a break from Sup Forums and hang around Sup Forums more, maybe even a little Sup Forums, stay away from Sup Forums though, that could still hold spoilers.

or spend all my time on /gif/ or /d/

this. instead of being an edgelord who thinks he's getting one over on people, be helpful.

Who else liked getting spoiled it gets me more hype for a game

I'm not sure if they're planning anything big other than the concert happening for the series' 15th Anniversary on September 20th.

Also the Day Breakers OVA is supposed to be out in the first week of September so it'll probably be subbed and put on nyaa within a day tops.

Oh nice, I hope I can go to that concert but I'll likely get out of work really late.
Is that OVA supposed to be watched before you play the game? Or is it just side stuff?

I've been staying away from info cause trailers and shit show too much.

Minako best gril

The OVA comes out before the game releases

I can read Japanese so I'll be one of the people spoiling it.

me desu
I'm way more bummed out learning too much about the actual content of a game (thorough details on all the dungeons for instance) than say the ending

Can you translate it as well?

There's no way I can avoid it. It's going to be literally everywhere
I'll just hope I don't see too many details

Leave Sup Forums and work on my backlog instead of browsing this shithole.

I'm not going to actively try to avoid spoilers, but my life is about to become insanely busy for the first time in years right around the JP release, so hopefully I just get caught up in work until February and miss everything

They haven't had plots worth a shit so I don't care. People will yammer on about who is best girl anyway.

Bullshit. I don't believe you never got Adachi spoiled.

Getting P3 and P4 spoiled by my mate trying to get me to play the games did not make me enjoy the games any less especially since he didn't mention anything about the journey only the endings. Neither did actively spoiling myself on Xenoblade X then waiting 8 months for it to come out in the west.
I just feel like I want to play through a game I want to play for once without already knowing late game stuff.

>can i take this vibrator out yet?
What did he mean by this?

Name the last JRPG that had a story worth avoiding spoilers over.

Any story based game you're excited for. What kind of question is that?

Getting a game spoiled because some other douchebag either thinks the story isn't worth it or because they're an asshole is never okay, regardless of a story's quality.

By playing the game.

This. I knew Adachi was the killer before playing P4, but that had achieved meme status years before the fact so it had no impact. The only details that people will manage to spoil are quick guerrilla spoilers, one or two lines in all caps in an unrelated thread, Snape kills Dumbledore shit, and I've long since come to peace with that.

>Game's plot is literally summed up as X IS THE TRAITOR!

traitor is clearly either Futaba or Haru

Soul Sacrifice

Why the hell would anybody who spent the effort of learning Japanese go out of their way to translate it for lazy people?

did they purposely make the release date valentines because they know JRPG fans have nothing better to do on that day? (^:

Obviously weaboo don't have any life or girls.

I used to do it for the practice during the early stages and warm feelings of helping people but now I'm too lazy to do it. Some do it for money.

no because the game is about The Phantom Thieves of Hearts

They just wanted a meme date that also gave them enough time to finish censoring everything.


You deserve everything you get.

Patron saint right here

>ATLUSUSA in charge of localization
>#FE localization was placed in charge of NoA

>Mainline megaten
>having no waifus

OVA is just about the side mission stuff, no other party members past Yusuke show up. Half of it is apparently just interviews with the creators and the cast.

Because you want to spoil it. So translation is a little bit more work.

Please translate it.

But SMTF has some of the cutest girls in the Atlusverse, and one of the sexiest

>discussing a game is spoiling it

>spoiling a game is discussing it

>talking about spoilers with others isn't discussing it

>caring about story in Persona games

I love mainline SMT and all its branches like Persona, but I don't really play them for the story.

Ironically people who spoiled Persona 4 were being generous by saying Adachi is the killer, because they left the true surprise unspoiled of Izanami being the final boss


I remember how well done the spoiler tags were in the ZTD threads. You could go into a thread and not get spoiled if you didn't hover over any spoilers, and discussions went splendidly for that game.

The spoilers for Persona 5, on the other hand, will be pure foul play, and in no way point to any actual discussion, other than meme bullshit. It'll be people who got spoiled, spoiling it for others, and nothing more.

>tfw nothing in the game surprises you

I am filled with regret to this day

>remove Sup Forums from my bookmarks
>all of Sup Forums wont be safe either if there's some sort of twist so I might have to leave this place as a whole until it's out
>will just have to hang out in my discord groups and reddit maybe

If I get spoiled and it's not that big of a plotpoint I'll be ok. If I get spoiled and it's MC dies/gets jailed, Minato comes back or something else as big I'll be a little upset. Dont know if I'll make it, but I'll give it a shot.

>Tfw will miss Sup Forums reacting to the NX reveal/news since the sticky's and threads will likely be compromised


Staying off of Sup Forums isn't actually that hard.

Zero Escape threads are great.
Black Bar General

Ah okay, cool.

By not caring at all.

it may not be but you get spoiled about shit everywhere

>tfw spoiled about MGSV on Sup Forums

Persona is just too popular here. Be sure you will be spoiled on unrelated threads/boards.
Hope we get some passable discussion though, Berseria threads were fairly comfy.

The Persona games have terrible stories so I don't give a shit about spoilers.

Well to be fair the original P3's ending is really ambiguous
It's only in FES that they make it clear that MC dies

Avoid Sup Forums and Sup Forums and you're set. I haven't seen P5 discussed anywhere else, and if you're paranoid you can put a filter up for the word weebshit since that'll be the natural reaction of a P5 post in any other board.

Never got any Persona game spoiled somehow. Still yet to play the series.

Save yourself the time and never play it.

Here's a spoiler, they're shit games

Kill the one with the weird eyebrows
Fuck the middle one
Marry Nozomi.

Have fun with Persona 5 sony friends ;-;

maybe I'll get it on my PS3

Kill the middle one, fuck the one on the right, marry the eyebrow girl.

3 is worth it for fusing.

Yeah, I'll probably avoid Sup Forums for a week or two while I'm working my way through it.

The only real issue I can see is that save states for old games have spoiled me, I can't just stop reading halfway through an hour long diatribe. Hopefully the game is more forgiving with saves than the other ones.


I know Japanese.

That's because nobody fucking played ZTD. It's funny, I downloaded it, started it up, saw that the entire game was going to be awful cutscenes with boring characters, and gave up before I even hit the first puzzle room. The second game had some pacing issues towards the start, but you could just tell that ZTD was going to be shit from the first minute.

Amazon bringing it to my door next month. One of the perks of knowing moon and living in Tokyo.

What is she referring to in OP image?

Chinks are bringing it to my FTP server a week before launch. One of the perks of having CFW.

I'm gonna be playing the jap version and I'm not going to spoil it for you bros :)

Just put filters on every characters name it should catch most of the spoilerfags here

Jesus, you people are naive/new. People will just spam pictures with big letters containing spoilers to get around any filter.

>implying I won't disable all images also

Picture spoilers are the worst. I'll never forget Heavy Rain

Filter all of the cast's names.

Hey Onso, can I ask you a question?(; ̄︶ ̄)