Why is gunplay so neglected in the majority of today's games?

Why is gunplay so neglected in the majority of today's games?

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Same reason fighting games have never had genuinely accurate technical martial arts.

Devs aren't experienced in them because they have nothing to do with programming or their occupation in general when learning in real life.

Training for John Wick 2?

Yes. Keanu is an awesome dude.

Training to fuck you up.

Actually he's been a prominent figure in two-gun matches for years.

You guys should watch some matches, it's pretty cool shit.

when will people learn not to kill his dog?

Mostly its really hard to translate all the factors that go into real life shooting without the game being rather un-fun to just pick up and play.

Check out ARMA if you'd like to know more.

But in that particular instance he was training for John Wick 2.

Im happy enough to see different empty/partial/full mag reloads. It doesn't happen too often

>John Wick 2
>ISIS bombs Wick's house and kills his pet fish
>he singlehandedly wipes out the middle east

True, but he was also chosen for the role in part of his prior shooting knowledge.

He's kinda like Tom Selleck, very supportive of gun rights and such, but not as outspoken about it as people would expect.

Rich guy shit.

Anyways, how bad are KF2, battlefield etc. So many gun games, you can even go full fetishism with Receiver. What features and details are missing SPECIFICALLY?

>John Wick 2
>Random guy kicks his neighbor's mailbox
>He single-handedly eliminates every bloodline on earth but his own

KF2 is one of the better gun game sout there imo

>John Wick 2
>A demon stepped on his lawn
>He single-handedly destroys hell and kills Satan

Well, you tell me how a game would portray things like muscle memory, fatigue, heart rate, personal visibility, flinch/blink control for one. And those are just SOME of the personal physical factors that will influence your shooting/gunfighting capabilities.

After that, there's random acts of god, like followers failing, failures to extract a case, magazines not seating/engaging, sight misalignment and literally hundreds of other weapons quirks that will quite literally get you shot/blown up in the real world.

You no-gun gamers really underestimate just how much goes into being a competent gunfighter.

I found no issue with the plot, honestly.

They killed his puppy, which was a parting gift to him by his recently deceased wife, and steal his car that he clearly cares a great deal about for whatever reason. They did that to what amounts to an idiot savant killer, who then went after only people involved in the incident. He only went after the father after he killed his best friend.

His actions seem perfectly reasonable given the situation and his demeanor/capabilities.

KF2 feels pretty good but I hate how the AK looks and things like permanant sights on Assault Rifles is fucking stupid. I actually ended up buying KF1 and liked it way more because of the weapon variety and the gunplay just FEELS good. Guns pack a punch. Great fucking game.

L4D2 is good too but with ADS it can turn people off and make the gunplay feel arcady which it kind of is.

The STALKER series is great for gunplay since a lot of attention goes into it.

FC2 isnt bad either and has something the others just dont.

Regardless of how much you know about irl guns it gets to a point where realism detracts from gameplay and many of the things you listed there would detract from that.

He was also suicidal and trying to get himself killed.

So is Keanu an actual /k/ommando?

Why do people think John Wick is such a great "gun movie?" It's still the same dumb as fuck enemies never shoot back from point blank range shit.


Yes. He's also an honest to goodness real human bean and a real hero.

Yeah, he did a lot of the choreography in John Wick himself and he actively competes in a variety of shooting sports.

Realistic reloading, accurate gunplay, Keanu looks and feels completely natural with the guns due to extensive use and training.

He got loads of success doing what he loved and has god tier genetics. He's not a "real hero". Sure, he's had some bad shit happen to him every now and then, but the guy has everything I could ask for.

And yeah, I've lost loved ones too. You get over it, and I'm sure having an enjoyable job and enough money to do "rich guy shit", as an user put it, would have helped me move on a lot faster.

Someone post the one where he shoves the Century Bob and double taps it before even swings back at him

>spent three hours today practicing concealed carry/defensive shooting
I'm not a great shot under pressure, as it turns out - or even otherwise, honestly - but it was pretty fun.

Which was the point I made in my original fucking post, right here: You asked for specific details that goes into gunfighting irl and what would need to be translated to a game to fit your autistic specifications. You were answered.

But I digress. If you really want to actually learn this stuff, I'm sure you can find some friends and/or a range.

John Wick is so fucking overrated.

It's largely dumbasses that like the style of the gunfighting over the actual substance.

The movie is pretty much Equilibrium in terms of plausibility but swung in the opposite direction in terms of detail, to me. But I'd also wager I've been shooting guns longer than anyone in this thread.

Everything is overrated to someone. I've never really heard anyone say it was a realistic movie though so I could see that getting some reaction from people. It's a good action movie though and I'm glad it's getting a sequel. Shame Dredd didn't do as well.

He's a real hero.


It takes a lot of practice. Keep at it though, it's a thoroughly underappreciated skill.

I know all of that. Doesn't change what I've said.

>mfw I'm too poor even to buy a shitty HiPoint or Glawk brand Glawk
Why even live?

You'd've lost unless you're 30 years old and been shooting since you were born.


He's basically Spike

You're just a pussy lol, at least he didn't blame it on his genetics.

You didn't read it, then. Real heroes help in every way they can, when they can. Reeves believes wholeheartedly in karma, and actively attempts to make everyone's lives around him better whenever he can. He is a real human bean and a real hero.

Because if you make some of the right friends, they'll be able to hook you up with one if shit ever goes down.

Make the right friends and they may even hook you up with an actual rifle.

Close, and I've been shooting since I was 7.

Yeah, I wouldn't either when I was making a living with a kickass job.

But yeah, keep idolizing "heroes" who make billions and give some of it away while doing what they love. That type of life would be heaven compared to mine.

I'd do that too, if life wasn't curb stomping me every second. But go ahead, keep thinking that we all have lives as easy as his and choose simply not to help others. (And I've lost loved ones too so don't start about his life being harder than mine)

He's in a cpl different shooting clubs.

Just google the shit for yourself senpai.

You're taking this rather personally for someone who supposedly is such a hard case.

Yeah okay special snowflake, I'm not going to wallow in my own pity and keep making excuses.

anybody have that hilarious webm of the guy reloading his webm in the silliest way possible?

What you said doesn't make any sense.

>bullets coming out of the gun and not your head
>included with this, bullets coming out of the barrel instead of where you sights are pointed
>being able to move the gun without turning
>more ways of aiming than ADS or hipfire
>guns having a collision model with walls and objects
>proper bullet physics and penetration
Most of this is largely neglected outside of a few military sims.

You don't have to, because you're probably living comfortably as well. 99% of people don't know what struggle is, and act like giving a small part of your winnings makes you a hero. You're one of them.

I hope that's rubber bullets, not real hard ammo

I was going to record myself opening a webm, moving the cursor around in a bunch of loops, and then clicking the refresh button but this is a new format and I don't have a capture program anymore. Just pretend I did that and you got big time zinged because of your typo.

SJW devs that have never even held a firearm.

Because most devs are limp-wristed leftist faggots who have never held a firearm in their lives.

>actually acting like an internet tough guy because some people look up to Keanu Reeves

what substance?

I usually don't like action movies, but John WIck was a good turn brain off movie.

He literally goes on a killing spree because someone stole his car and killed his dog. It doesn't try to have substance.

leftist victim mentality, everyone

I've met people who've with 99,99% had it harder than you and they aren't pathetically bitter like this

>Talk shit about some guy who has it worse than you, act like he's never had it rough
>Surprised when he's angry

You don't get cause and effect.

>whining about your hard life on an anime imageboard

>I've met people who've with 99,99% had it harder than you and they aren't pathetically bitter like this

Right, 99% of people come from ex-communist countries where you get beaten the shit out of for speaking your mind, and starve to near to death every winter.

How many people like that have you met, dumbass?

Maybe you should go cry about it in your hugbox instead of on an anonymous imageboard.

Dredd almost got a series and instead settled for a sequel user.

At least now you know that bullshit you talked about karma was false, when this sentence speaks volumes about how you really think.

Wikipedia says there were talks about either a TV show or movie sequel but that nothing has come of those talks.

a few people with a condition that's going to kill them before they see 30

one who was sexually abused by father and gets severe panic attacks every week because of it

one who dropped her career to take care of her mentally disabled brother because nobody else was going to do it

i was born in the broken glass plains of jupiter.
every day we had to work the mines while rape ogres beat us.
all we were given to eat was plastic shopping bags.
i still donated 9 billion dollars to charity, get good pleb

Maybe if you're a fucking idiot.

If life was half as hard for you as you claim, why would you even respond to guys, on Sup Forums of all fucking places, in the first place?

If you're stupid then yeah it could be pretty confusing

>Sup Forums - Hard Lives and Pity Parties

I think people that truly believe in karma and help everyone they can whenever they can are heroes. I, however, do not believe karma exists, and trying to make me feel like a bad person for not wiping your tears away and telling you everything will be alright on, again, an anonymous imageboard, makes you look incredibly ignorant of how this place works.

When people talk about karma and hard lives when they don't know the meaning of either of the two words, I'll step in to drop the truth bomb on that.

>people with a condition that's going to kill them before they see 30

Feels like you're talking about me, m8, even if you don't know me and it's just a coincidence. Back to lurking.

>bullets coming out of the gun and not your head
Didn't BF4 try this and people got pissed because they were so used to head peaking around corners and over walls so the shots wouldn't make it over?

>this post
fucking golden rekt
post destroyed
sides obliterated

You think you guys have it hard? I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

> make me feel like a bad person for not wiping your tears away and telling you everything will be alright on,

Don't put words in my mouth. I just want to make you feel bad because you talk about shit that you don't understand like a dumbass.

we s4s now

>wanting to make anyone feel bad at all

Why? You ought to educate people instead of indulging such sadistic pleasures.

I guess I should clarify it a little bit.

In regards to 'style;' I mean the look/focus of the scene. Is the character being tactical about his movements, as in John Wick? Or are they more action focused as in Equilibrium?

The 'substance' is more about what's being presented in regards to the gunfight itself. How is the main character engaging the enemy? How is the enemy engaging them? Life like action/reactions or blatant Hollywood rule of cool?

I guess that's as far as I care to get into it.

>Educate people in Sup Forums
Have you seen the people in this thread?

You think you have it bad? My dad used to just put a belt, a stick, and a wrench on the table and say, "Choose."

So far you've told us you have a harder life than 99% of people, life constantly fucks you over, and you're going to die before 30 due to illness.

Yet you're posting on an anonymous imageboard, getting butthurt about keanu reeves. Why would anyone with a known timer on their life waste their time doing that? They wouldn't.

You're just a mopey teenager who's trying to act tough. Everyone can see it, it's blatantly obvious, and we're all having a good laugh at your expense.

Just because you assign a personal and arbitrary definition to those words, doesn't mean others can't use them. Especially if they use them correctly and in a completely fair context.

You fucking pious idiot

>XD we're all laughing at you
Nice one. Use the masses on your side to make your opponent in a discussion feel outnumbered and left out.

My father was an alcoholic. Mean fuckin' drunk. He'd come home hammered, looking to whale on somebody. So I'd provoke him, so he wouldn't go after my mother and little brother. Interesting nights were when he wore his rings.

are u a grill?

>If my definition of a word isn't true, and you say yours is, then that means you have an arbitrary definition

Who's laughing?

>you're going to die before 30 due to illness.
Also when the fuck did I say that? Are you just making shit up now?

Its not your fault

You are, quite literally, the only person on your side in this thread. There are at least three or four making jabs at you, not including the people not replying to you and parodying the ridiculous hardships you claim to suffer. It is fact.

Cause guns are icky, ugh. Toi probably support Trump, do you?

Apparently the guy who posted that is? Ive seen the we are laughing at you thing done to others before and its a pathetic thing to do.

How did a John Wick thread turn into a "my life is so hard" competition

what the fuck are you retards talking about in here

>tfw keanu says he's too old to play spike now
shit sucks he's literally the only actor I can think of who could pull it off

Some guy losing his shit over people liking Keanu Reeves.