It's finally out on Steam.
And why aren't you playing the better Hearthstone alternative?
It's finally out on Steam.
And why aren't you playing the better Hearthstone alternative?
does this shit even have a general?
cool game but nobody on planet earth gives a fuck
>why aren't you playing
I've been playing for 10 months. I managed to reach rank 10 for the first time last month. My highest arena rank is 7.
I think my refusal to use netbuilds is severely hampering my ability to progress.
But yea this game is much better than hearthstone. Deeper strategy, infinitely less jewish with the card hand-outs. More variety.
And a lot less RNG. Honestly the biggest RNG in this game is the random placement summons (Summon X around Y) or the random ability summons on a few legendaries.
Currently saving up gold for the expansion.
My best deck is a healing based Lyonar.
Been playing for awhile. Gold rank as of now and I like it much more than Hearthstone. Usually what I do now is get on Hearthstone, do dailies, and continue playing Duelyst.
>My best deck is a healing based Lyonar.
Can you show me your deckbuild user?
You're a fucking moron. If you go on Reddit you would know there's an actual fanbase.
You don't shill by calling others morons.
reddit isn't people though
How do you know???
>Can you show me your deckbuild user?
Here. I got rank 10 with this, close to 9. It could be made much better by sticking to the theme less and going with the "usual suspects" of Saperspine Nigger, Repulsor Beast, and some dispel.
But it's very potent against swarm, rush and face-rush decks which are currently very common.
Thank you for delivering user. Any recommended deck builds for a basic Lyonar deck? Like for a poorfag such as myself?
>Saperspine Nigger
That shit needs a nerf down to 2-2.
Every single deck list runs 3 of them. No reason not to. Impossible not to get value with them.
>Any recommended deck builds for a basic Lyonar deck?
Here are the "Good in any deck" Neutral starters you can build whatever you want around, in order of cost so easier to find. These are all excellent cards to have 2~3 off either because of their utility or value.
1: Bloodtear Alchemist
2: Ephemeral Shroud
2: Healing Mystic
3: Repulsor Beast
3: Saberspine Nigger
4: Primus Shieldmaster
5: Brightmoss Golem
5: Dancing Blades (common instead of basic but too good not to have at least 2 off in every deck)
For Lyonar specifics, Windblade Adept and Silverguard Knight you should always have 3 off. 2 or 3 of removal spells like True Strike, Tempest, Martyrdom (eventually replaced by Lasting Judgement). Don't bother with War Surge. Divine Bonds use 2 or 3 off.
Save up for at least 2 Ironcliffe Guardians and then Holy Immolation.
All you're missing from this is some card draw. Use what you have.
ty ty user.
Because I am already playing better game than Hearthstone and Duelyst.
>tons of free packs
>tons of free Arena Tickets
>no RNG
>Every class is really different
Pick one.
Because my computer's a piece of absolute shit and can't run it.
That game has shit balance, every patch one class is stupid broken. It also has all of the problems of Hearthstone, in that there is no true counterplay, there's no instant speed way to stop your opponent from doing some degenerate bullshit, so you usually lose to some bullshit burst out of nowhere.
Want a "Hearthstone alternative"? Just play MtG you casual fuck, the game HS ripped off and dumbed down for you drooling babies. Or Elder Scrolls Legends, that game is actually good, designed by a bunch of old MtG pros.
Thank you kind sir. Quick question.
I got 2 sets of Windblade Adept. One is normal color and the other one rainbow colored. Wat?
If you are craving some new CCG play Shadowverse, despite being a game with a lot of loli's and waifus it is really deep and great.
Prismatic versions of the cards.
Foil cards or in Hearthstone terms golden
i made to rank 5 in one month
that was like 6-7 months ago tho
That game would be cool if a real control deck existed, Haven doesn't really qualify, they're just slow and have one board wipe.
There weren't so many broken uninteractive Legendaries that win the game on their own. Really, fuck Dark Dragoon Forte. Life totals should be doubled if cards like that exist.
This game looks like legitimate fucking shit
Have you ever developed a game before user?
Yes, multiple.
>You have to develop video games to criticise them
You're missing out on a pretty interesting card game then buddy.
I'm sure if it were a good game, it wouldn't look like fucking shit.
Well I play really controlly Dragoncraft deck with Satan and all the dragons that deal dmg to enemy minions and bunch of taunts.
>A casual mobile phone card game
Thanks but no thanks.
I heard this is getting a steam launch relatively soon any news on that?
Cause it's slow as shit to play. Hearthstone at least feels snappy and it's quick. You play a card, card effect happens. You attack with a card, literally takes a second to attack.
in Duelyst, every animation plays out for like 10 fucking minutes while your guy walks a mile to hit a dude. Not only that but that but if you are going to vouch for less RNG, you should have no RNG. The fact that there is RNG at all is already shitty and its arguable that it's not worse when teleporting to a random corner could very well be game over.
>visuals matter
>in a fucking card game
Dude I play MtG and I barely notice the art on cards, only the fucking text box matters. In fact, you could disable images on the old MTGO client to prevent any lag or FPS drops if you play a combo deck that makes a shit ton of tokens, also to generally just give you more time with the chess clock.
I'm not talking about visuals.
Hearthstone but the matches take longer
yeah just what everybody wanted right?
Still butthurt about the Mana Burn nerf
Fucking kike devs
>Cause it's slow as shit to play. Hearthstone at least feels snappy and it's quick.
This is what casuals say. They've never picked up a real card game like MtG. Those ones are real lengthy.
I played it for like two months many months ago. Got rank 1 in my first month with a mechazor deck. Was hoping to get to whatever legend was called, but I got the time wrong for when servers reset.
It was kinda fun as a game. It was nice to see how little RNG was in the game beyond actually drawing cards. However keeper of the vale literally ruined the game for me. Hurr lets have almost no RNG in the entire game apart from Jax and Keeper of the vale, but lets make keeper the most retarded if-you-get-lucky-when-you-play-this-you-win card. """fun"""
Also back then like half the classes were useless. Lyonar, valar and especially whatever the red one was called were top dog. Abyssian and the green one were shit. Techno mummies were garbage unless they got a lucky third wish in the first few turns.
tl;dr the balancing was shit, but that said i did manage to get very far without spending any money
Just watched Kripp play a minute of that
jesus how anyone can play this is beyond me with all that voice acting and the shitty looking cards
>Card game
How is that possible?
You could argue in another sense that having more animations is better. Hearthstone reuses effects and animations amongst cards to the point where they're boring to look at since they don't have any individuality. Duelyst has each card having they're own animation, which for me is more entertaining.
I play legacy (Grixis Delver) and standard (CoCo), used to play modern.
It still feels unsatisfying to play. When playing in person, I don't ask my opponent to wait 30 seconds after I play my card for the effect to happen. In fact, it's even faster because we can just skip phases.
It's also the reason no one likes modo, it's also sluggish as shit.
You can mod the original voices back in on Android. English dubs always use bottom of the barrel garbage VAs because the job doesn't pay (compared to JP VAs who might as well be rock stars).
They might as well pick some dude up at the bus station and have him talk into a cell phone mic.
The meta has changed greatly. You could still say that the balancing is shit, but it's definitely better than before. The only things that I would consider unbalanced right now would be Kara and shadow creep.
MTGO has a chess clock, if one player is playing slowly, they'll time out and lose the match automatically. In HS and most HS clones they can rope you every turn with no consequence.
Is it easy to pick up? any a.i to play against?
>Is it easy to pick up?
>any a.i to play against?
Yes. Prebuilt decks and you can just play with yourself or others.
sounds good i'll take a look at it, thanks.