Quiet for god sakes

Quiet for god sakes.

Quiet is ugly af m8

Quiet a cute

>Quiet for god snakes

>putting weight on the outside of my feethurts whe nI get ouf of bed

I'm not even fat, I dont get it.

Venom is gay. GAY!

oh boy its this thread again

banned from /mgg/ again already?

I want Quiet to choke on my cum

>I'm not even fat,
sure m8, I believe you :)

6'0 180 lbs

Stefanie is not Quiet.

yep, and I have $500 million in my account and have a 15 inch penis and there is no way I am lying because I am posting this on an imageboard

Post more Joost for my nightly Joost fap.

No, go to cripplechan

Or fucking save her pictures you retard.

I can confirm :^)


Quiet is not a Mary Sue. No one likes her, everyone hates her.

You have a bunion. Get wide toed shoes asap. I have a bunion and get a pinched nerve in my foot sometimes.

How long has it been?

That's an enemy Child Soldier Gunship. One burst from its machinegun can tear a man in half.

>god sakes
What did he mean by this?

deified rice wines