Degenerate Cosmo is high and losing his mind on twitch.



wtf is going on


Cosmo gets high?

He slowly looks more and more like wu.

stop cosmos.

just work on your stream and move on.

Will our girl make it?

never speedrun, kids

>have access to a time machine
>can go back to when the Nintendo championship took place and prevent this from happening by breaking John Fucking Numbers hand with a pipe so he has to forfeit
would you do it?

No, because that would mean faggot speedrunner e-celeb winning over the people's champion. Fuck cosmo for making speedrunnning about le ebin personalities and memes instead of the games.

I would go back and cuck your dad so you never get conceived.


Who is this semen daemon?

Is Cosmo even video game related anymore?

dudes is she one of them ladyboys?

>and losing his mind
>Isn't saying anything while spergs chat fight


what the fuck OP I came here to see a shitshow not a tranny playing videogames

>break number's hand
>cosmo still fucks up
>looses to john fucking numbers who plays through smm one-handed
>online media everywhere praises john
>cosmo becomes even more depressed and does webcams selling his boipussy to fat old men

Lo! Cosmo!
I miss the fast days.
I like to imagine Narcissa is just an aggressive split personality that killed cosmo and now walks in his skin, the real cosmo is trapped deep within.

>found an entrance to escape into the dark
Oh boy.

I'd fuck Cosmo just to fuck Cosmo. I don't care how bony and weird he looks, I'd take that boipucci all night and shitpost about it on /srg/.

The only possible redeeming factor of this faggotry is that apparently there are no mods in the chat right now

OP should still kill himself though

thanks for the contribution you degenerate retard