Any hope left for a good game this year?

Any hope left for a good game this year?

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space hulk deathwing comes out this year doesnt it

better off playing nms

>le D44M was bad may may

fuck off

that's not a game user

Finished it with the bypass, it's not worth $60 for an 8 hour long campaign and a dead multiplayer.

no one cares

Tech problems aside, is there anything objectively wrong with the game

Exactly, nobody cares about this shit game.

It's shit automatically.

South park is goty

AM2R was great

Nobody cares about pirate fag opinions.

im a few hours into the game
it honestly is just the tech problems
way too many crashes, everything else feels the like the same deus ex game

I'm "enjoying" it but I have to take a break every hour because of the fucking loading screens.

If you're into racing games, the best game of the year is coming soon on Xbone and PC

I'll go as far as to say this will probably be the greatest racing game in history. 100% serious here, Turn10 never fails

>tfw no tech problems
>tfw this is my GOTY
I asked for this.

my PC
i5 2500k
660 2gb
8 gb ram

What kind of performance can I expect with low graphics?

a blurry mess, dont play this game if you dont have a newish computer
with a gtx960 8gb ram on high settings, im getting 40fps with a loss in AA over distances

sub 30 fps

You just posted it

don't the 960 and 660 have similar performance?

960 is way faster

Not even close

>comparing kepler to maxwell


Dishonored 2 will not fail us

Dishonored 2 will not fail us

Dishonored 2 will not fail us

DOOM alreadly came out..

You call that similar performance?

Didn't play the original. Should I give it a go?

Doesn't seem like that big of a gap

16 gbs

Can I run it?

duh nigga


o i am lafin

I mean if it's a good game or just meh

Why dont you go to can you run it.COM and figure it out yourself
yes you can

Keep in mind that those are theoretical, look at some actual in-game benchmarks and you'll see the difference.

i remember someone saying that mankind divided was supposed to be bigger but square decided it wanted a trilogy so it cut the game in half. heard the ending is halo 2 style

>runs at silky smooth 60 FPS on my rig
>dialogues are locked to 30
fucking why

it's a fuckin great game

whatchu talkin bout "meh"? Dishonored is one of the highest rated games of all time.

660ti here. Run everything fine at 60fps on medium at 900p. 50-45 dips at 1080p.

Dishonored 2 will have Denuvo

>your opinion is invalid because you don't feel obligated to defend your purchase
>only paying customers can give advice, goyim


persona 5 will probably be good
too bad EOPs have to wait so long
thanks atlus USA

Thanks for the info. Guess I'll buy it then. Literally the only game I'm interested in for the time being.

How much RAM do you have?

Sup Forumseddit believes any Denuvo game is trash, yet waits with no patience for them to get cracked,

16GB. Also I have a 3570k instead of a 2500k.

it's not that great

let's hope those don't make much of a difference. In any case, refunds are always an option

Rock on, gold dust woman

>better GPU
>better CPU
>more RAM
Yep user, no difference at all

>DE:MD sucks.
>Titanfall 2 going to suck; single player might be alright.
>Battlefield 1 is going to suck; has negros in it.
>Is there a new COD game coming out this year?

I said MUCH difference. learn to read faggot

your PC belongs in a museum.

Yeah, bannerlord of course

How does the game run on the PS4? Are the tech issues only on the PC?

Considering there is literally no other game that interests me in the near future and that the industry is geting shittier by the year I'm quite content with my current PC.

Besides Windows 10 is still a deal breaker for me considering I mostly play old games that shit the bed even with windows 7

Silky smooth 20 fps

i hope youre getting paid for this

Dishonored 2
Space Hulk Deathwing
Cossacks 3
Bannerlord (if it comes out this year, haven't really been following it that much)

Dark souls 3 was good but it felt redundant, like it didn't add anything to justify it's existance

Yeeeop real disappointing that this is the best thing coming out for the next while after ffxv. Was playing horizons 2 the other day damn that game is comfy as shiiiiit

I bought it for 30 on sale and still think it was a bit of a waste. while it is was very good, it doesn't have the replayability of doom1 or 2

I've enjoyed Doom, Uncharted 4, Paper Jam, Planet Roboto and Pokken.

Come the fuck at me.

Deus Ex: Cash Grab heh.

mafia 3 bitch

>it's bad because I can't play it for free

You're asking a board that doesn't like games. What answer do you think you'll get? Someone cum in me pease.

yes also make sure to get the 2nd and 3rd DLC (one of the best DLCs in gaming)

Gravity Rush 2

Not him but I was actually going to buy it UNTIL I found out it had Denuvo. It's not even because I have some hate boner for antipiracy, my computer is midrange as fuck and I legitimately just can't afford to have the game running worse than it should.

Nioh demo is fucking amazing
unless they delay it until next year, it will be GOTY

>Someone cum in me please.
With pleasure

>yfw Uncharted 4 sweeps GOTY with no competition

Official GOTY awards never recognize good games. Not sure how you don't know this yet.

that meme again...
I have a 280x (3gb), 8gigs of ram @ 1920x1200
Rise, Hitman, Doom, MGSV all run great

>>>implying Uncharted 4 wasn't good

game was a solid 7

what else is due out this year?

well.. what else is there this year user?

You just watch! Once Sean fixes the servers so that people can play the multiplayer, No Man's Sky will finally get the praise it deserves!

DOOM's aside, what's wrong with Rise of the Tomb Raider? it's not exceptional, but it's still a good game, did everybody forget about it because it was released early this year, or just because "oh, there have been no good games this year"
also, BF1, Dishonored 2 and Mafia 3
cautiously optimistic.

We had Doom, XCOM 2, Dark Souls 3 and some good Hitman episodes so far

Been a pretty reasonable year

because 3rd worlders and sonyggers make up 90% of Sup Forums user base

bf a shit, dishonored a shit, mafia a shit

the fuck is up with your taste in vidya

Uncharted 4
Ashes of the Singularity
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
All of those are currently GOTY contenders in my book, all great games.

Uncharted 4
Dark Souls 3
>Inb4 movie game maymay
>Inb4 DaS3 wasn't good maymay

The only real gripes I have with this is the bullshit jew practices that have been jammed right into the asshole of an otherwise great game.

>praxis kits now cost TEN THOUSAND credits to buy, up from one thousand in HR
>Money is slightly easier to come across, but it's not plentiful enough to allow you to purchase a few praxis kits when you need them, like in HR
>experience grind seems longer, again limiting the amount of praxis you receive
>don't worry tho goy, here's 10 praxis kits for 10 dollars!

>fixes the servers so that people can play the multiplayer
He actually believes there's even a single line of code in that game related to multiplayer, the absolute madman

It gives me world class headaches.

>Turn10 never fails

No one cares about a cucked moralfag's opinion either

>Ashes of the Singularity
>723 players all-time peak

>made Praxis kits TOO easy to acquire in DE:HR; I remember ending up with more money/prax kits than I could even use
>rework it so Praxis Kits are actually more expensive and rarer
>but only do it so you can peddle Praxis kits thru a pay2win microtransaction cash shop

thank you developers truly you are looking to make a good, balanced game and not cynically implementing shamelessly greedy cashgrabbling.

Shadow warrior 2

>Games need to be popular to be good
What a pleb

>one thousand in HR

It's just a DX12 tech demo, get over it.
It's dead, Jim.

I am not the one who posted AotS as their GOTY contender and I haven't even played it. I just pointed out how shit your argument was, you garbage-eater

Games need to have more than 100 current players to be considered GOTY, fuck-ass