Sup Forums reaches consensus

Agree or Disagree?

Other urls found in this thread: Mans Sky/?page=2

Basically past the WOW factor you end up with a game with less content and more broken promises than Starbound.

game is great and universally loved

>Crashing is only a -0.1 to a score...
As soon as you look past the bells and whistles of a procedural generated world. You realise it's just mining the same materials reskinned to jump to a new planet and mine for reskinned materials. To jump... my kids Mr Men books have more content than no man's sky.

And GTA is nothing but drive from point A to B then shoot or punch shit.

choose your own adventure books offer more varied gameplay than no man's sky

What purpose would you have to defend this game? Are you still trying to justify you purchase this far out?

but those objectives actually took effort and time to make and weren't procedurally generated piles of garbage

And what purpose would you have to senselessly crap on the game? Methinks you're an Xdrone jealous of Sony.

NMS took a great deal of time and effort and is far larger and more varied than GTA.

the only effort and time they had was invested in making trailers that looked nothing like the actual product

>Comparing to GTA in an attempt to make it sound good.

How embarrassing for you user-kun.

Every GTA game has like 20 hours of story at least. Fuck off with your "college educated" argument. Your stupid is showing. Fucking moron.

You know the real problem?

A Rubik's Cube can be arranged into about 43 quintillion individual positions. Familiar sounding number, yeah?

Now picture a scrambled Rubik's cube. And a second. And a third.

Can you tell the difference between any of them?
Bar the solved state or some other pretty, consistent arrangements, the vast, vast, vast majority will be indistinguishable.

That's the issue here. Every planet is "unique", but it's just the same basic pieces shifted around. The variations just aren't big enough.

It's just a scrambled desk toy. The game equivalent of a paperweight.

I played a pirated PC copy, thanks. But you're just baiting, so enjoy your (You)

You are a retard.

Once you see the "variables" of each planet, the wonder goes out the window. Is it different? Of course, but that doesn't make it interesting.

are you for real?

The finished product is 90% similar to the trailers. Any missing features are going to be added in future patches.

It is good. The only people complaining are those who expected it to be Mass Effect 4.0 instead of Minecraft in space.

Traditional stories are limited. The stories in NMS are infinite since you can make up your own story and play as you wish.

> GTA is good.
> NMS is good.

Both of these statements are false and you have the shittiest of tastes if you want to compare the two to one another.

>instead of Minecraft in space
This would have been a better game than what we got.

I disagree with his opinion in the comic. Not giving a shit about exploration would mean the end of these kinds of games. No mans sky is not fleshed out, and lacks content to the extreme, but its the spirit of exploration that is the games redeeming factor.

While it isnt a great game, the comic misreads the reason why it isnt great.


Under-rated post right here

Does that they going to add a missing feature like multiplayer in then?

No Man's Sky's planets are like pizza. The dough is the base of the planet and the toppings are all the planet's characteristics, e.g. size, gravity, atmosphere and lifeforms and every pizza is unique.

Pizza is shit, though. I should know because I eat it all the time.

>you're an Xdrone jealous of Sony.
Yes user this is a completely serious post not a bait at all.

Then stop degreasing it for a while.

>implying cookie clicker isn't retardadly popular.

Yeah except pizza is like sex. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.

NMS is often just plain bad.

I hope your bloodline ends with you, you fucking degenerate.

>pizza is like sex
You can have funghi with both.

Papa Nurgle is not pleased with either of you.

>make up my own story.
I want to blow up he space station.. nope can't.
I want to land and mine on asteroids.. nope cant.
I want to find a planet with huge alien cities. Nope cant.
I want to take animals from one place and try to populate unpopulated planets. Nope cant.
I want to find a resource richeck planet and set up mining drones to keep sending stock to me to sell to other players / online market. Nope cant

Truly making my own story here... but I can mine some more iron...

>Implying cookie clicker marketed itself as anything other than clicking cookies.
It's also not $50..

>Uses one(1) Swedish review to try and prove something about Sweden
>Meanwhile, other Swedish game sites are more harsh than their counterparts Mans Sky/?page=2

Meanwhile, Gamereactor of other countries gave it a 9.

What the fuck you can do almost all of those in Spore

Fuck off faggot. If this had 2% of minecrafts creative freedom and feautures IT would be miles better game. STOP SHILLING CUS U BOUGHT IT ON PS4 AND CANT RETURN UR MONEY CUS U REALIZE HOW SHALLOW THE GAMEPLAY IS AND HOW PRETENTIOUS THE STORY IS.
"Infinite stories"
Fuck off mate, go troll ur mother that gave birth to a fucking sad subhuman.


Try again

Where are the insects

The point they're making in the comic is that the exploration is completely meaningless because the poorly implemented procedural elements break what little immersion the game has.


>game crashes are now "irrelevant" toward teh quality of the game
Videogame industry : not even once.

>make your own story!
Seriously, I know there are hardcore autists roleplaying in Fallouts, but you have a setting and shit, you just adjust to it. In here you just get an engine without any worldbuilding and multiplayer is a must.


Sup Forums won't say
>words words words
because it's not buckley