
Who was truly the best of the bunch?

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Etna is cute. CUTE!

>Make a series built on grinding
>Call it good value for money
What was the idea here

I've only played the first 3. Adell > shit > Laharl > Mao

Sardine boy was pretty all around good person without any of the drama.

Adell and Laharl have my favorite special attacks.

>Make a series built on grinding
what's wrong with that if grinding is enjoyable process?
It's not a mindless grinding, Disgaea grinding built on you discovering exploitative mechanics in the game and using them to your advantage.
That's the beauty of it.
Also if strip all grinding process down, it's still quite a bit of story and sidestories to finish for like 100 hours.

Sue me i dont give a fuck

>liking Adell

>liking annoying brats
pedo pls go


So when does the game start getting good?
I keep loosing to the mid-boss sassy demon guy in the first chapter.

>liking someone with literally zero character grow versus ones which have
>muh revenge
Only good thing about new Disgaea 2 characters was Axel.

>stupid annoying brat learns about love and friendship he's a good character
God Disgaea 1 fans are like babies. Do you also watch carebears?

>I keep loosing to the mid-boss sassy demon guy in the first chapter.
>he can't figure out geo symbols
you earned to see THAT ending over and over again until you grow a brain
>he doesn't understand greatness of Dark Hero



Adell was a pretty cool guy.
Never especially liked any of them, though.

Flonne a best

Valvatorez was bretty good tier. I'd like to say I'm a fan of Adell, but really it was Rozalin's tits.


He didn't need a fancy sword to wreck shit, he just went full rip and tear.

only in D4.

I liked Kilia the most but his english VA is pretty fucking dreadful when most of the english VAs have been pretty good

he just sounds bored and slightly retarded

>he just sounds bored and slightly retarded
that's describes all english VA tho

Flonne has too many versions it sickens me

>Fallen Angel

and fuck off with your callout spam in japanese I don't even know what it is but it sounds like she's saying MINEYMAS or shit

No contest.

He's supposed to be edgy loner but you get emotionless and dumb

Why did I read this in the Smash Announcer's voice

But he's not a Disgaea protagonist.

That's why he's actually cool.

>No contest.
in becoming a book?

D1 etna >>>>>>>>>>> all others
Her original VA was the best as well

Valvatorez > Laharl > Mao > Adell > Killia

Flonne was the bestest in D4, but I love Flonne in all forms.

I wish Disgaea D2's story weren't so boring.

>Her original VA was the best as well
so, JP one which stayed the same?
space detective one at Etna story of D1 was nice. Including brainwashing moment.

>People like Laharl

>Disgaea 5
>hmm maybe they stopped being jews
>Post-game only unlocks the 'bad guys' on your team
>DLC is literally completely recycled with nothing new
>Laharl, Etna, Flonne, Sicily, Girl Laharl
>Adell, Rozalin, Axel
>Mao, Almaz, Raspberyl, Sapphire, Salvatore
>Valvatorez, Fenrich, Fuka, Desco, Emizel, Artina
>Zetta, Pram, Petta
>Demon Priere, Nisa, Metallia, Plenair
>Female Ninjas, Female Angels, Witch Doctors


I'm quite certain that I'm the only person who likes Mao.


That fight made me give her a fist weapon in every game just to watch her do flips and punch things.

>disgaea 3 laharl


He's too lolsorandum for me.

In fact, everything Disgaea 3 onward is too lolsorandum for me.


>Disgaea 5 took place in the distant past
>by the time of the other disgaeas, Usalia is a grown woman, probably a titty monster like her mom, and probably has Majorita as her sex slave still

That's good idea actually. I plan to start DD2 soon, so will do that.
Cause her being a mage or gun/bow user never really worked out for me

disgaea 5 toned it down but Disgaea 4 was pretty bad about the dumb anime references and literal anime attacks

>Omega spells are fully animated
>Tera spells are still images

>he doesn't like Holo

Laharl is great

Adell was simple but really you cant have him with rozalin and they make a really fun duo. Probably my favorite, shane about dd2 ruining his voice though

Mao was pretty shit

Le sardine meme was pretty shit

Havent played d5 so idk

>disgaea 3 dub
I don't even want to try listening to the other games.

I'm a sucker for the mad scientist shtick. It's been awhile since I played, so my opinion of him might have changed. Regardless, D3 introduced my favourite generic unit.

>Adell was simple but really you cant have him with rozalin and they make a really fun duo.
only in post game/next games
until they get together they are fucking insufferable.

>Female Heavy Knights are said to be a small minority compared to Males
>Males removed and Females replaced them completely

remove these sluts

>listening to dub
found your problem

>My opinion of him might have changed.
If you are who I think you are, probably not.

D4 had one good thing and that thing is ITS TIME TO BUST SOME BALLS

Who cares about the rest of these losers when there's glorious Axel?

Axel from Disgaea 2 is dead and only Axel from 4 remains.

Best D2 character
he got better after D4 main story

Reminder that the Axel from 4 was mostly an act.

Axel's just an absurdly good actor, that's all.

All Disgaea protagonists are pretty great in their own ways, Adell and Killia are Kamina levels of bro tier for example.

Mao is hit or miss due to being voiced by Vic Lasagna. A lot of the plot focused on dealing with his various traumas he's sustained thanks to Aurum and people likely totally missed out on all the hints about Mao grieving over his dad and trying to get the power to put him to rest. Disgaea 3 becomes a lot better if you play it a 2nd time, just like how everything falls into place when you replay Makai Kingom and all the shit Trenia does between cutscenes makes sense.

With that being said, the best Disgaea protagonist is undoubtedly Axel. Inb4 "he's shit in D4", if you actually pay attention to his lines, what he does makes perfect sense.


I swear between him and Asagi...


I am biased towards Adell, but the others were good too. Well, I guess I was never that fond of Laharl.

why is he so perfect?

Valvatorez obviously. Laharl acts like an 11 year old, Disgaea 2 guy is so fucking forgettable I can't remember his name, Mao is a little faggy bitch and I haven't played 5 but he looks like a fuccboi.

They are/were absolutely a thing at some point. This ship has limitless potential, Axel+Asagi duet fucking when?

It's impossible.

Asagi has a different personality every single game. A relationship with her is impossible.

Because he's the most determined Disgaea character out there. Even with all the lolis NIS throws at us, Axel remains extremely popular. He beats out every other D2 and D3 character on polls and is just behind the likes of Laharl and Val in overall popularity.

We deserve an Axel Mode 2.

>Disgaea 2 coming to Steam

So, how garbage was the original's port? I've heard it had severe issues with crashing and looked like trash. I got this itch for grindan gaem and was thinking about picking it up.

I'm playing D1 currently, when is it efficient to transmigrate? Should I monly do it when I can do it as genius and on the last tier of the class?

He can always stick around Asagi every time and trick himself into that they have relationship
no action from Asagi requied

Laharl>Adell>the rest who all start getting super annoying character quirks

The vampire in particular. I LOVES ME MUH FISH.


Seriously, he's the least bullshit and the most badass. The absolute worst thing you could say about him is that the sardine joke can get old.

His game also contains the best Disgaea girl too.

>>So, how garbage was the original's port?
The port being shit was due to Steam Beta's fault which tripped up the game at launch. Those who had Steam Beta suffered from framerate issues and the like, and those who didn't had a perfect experience. That being said NISA fixed everything within a week and the port is fine now.
As long as you don't do it too early and don't mind quickly regrinding your unit back up to speed, you're good to do go. I did it around lv60-70 when my generic units couldn't keep up. A Warrior transmigrated from tier 1 to tier 4 and brought back to the same level they were transmigrated at will be almost twice as powerful.

You don't need to transmigrate unique characters like Laharl since they're powerful enough until you get into postgame and really wanna boost your stats.

Gig is better than all of them.

>tfw Makai kingdom was about a crazy bitch who wanted your dick

and she somehow got it considering Petta

If we're getting into other NIS characters then the best is obviously Metallia.

>Asagi has a different personality every single game

Until Disgaea 4 where she keeps having the voice of a snooty middle aged woman instead of a young woman. This retained in D2, Prinny 2, Infinite and Disgaea 5.

Asagi is shit now, fight me.

To hell with that shitty edgelord.

Val > Adell > Mao > Laharl

Still need to play 5. Disgaea 1's cast is shit aside from Flonne.

Raspberyl is best girl.

I'm surprised he wasn't in D5 since he's Recycled DLC: the character

>looked like trash
They are not up-ressing the sprites or anything, so the low res sprite work will look jarring against the crisp low poly environment.
Not much different than emulating some ps1 and ps2 games.

but then they run them through a filter and they look even worse

>Asagi has a different personality every single game.
Didn't Disgaea 5 explain this?

It's not the same Asagi in every game.

Probably Laharl

I like Adell and D2 in general the most though

no, it's just supposed to be a meta joke where she never keeps the same VA or personality except they stopped doing that.

The lots of Asagis were made on that world only.

I've only played Disgaea 2 on the PSP. From what I remember everything played and looked fine and there was nothing wrong with it nothing I noticed anyway. I'm going off of memory from like 4-5 years ago though.

Disregard this post. misread.

Good tired of him not being paired with Revya

Soul Nomad's evil route will always be the best


>tfw no hunny knight dlc character

I wish they'd had both Metallia and Hundred Knight. At least then maybe Metallia would have had a combo skill as well. Sucks she didn't have one at all.

I still don't quite get why they made Metallia a monster class also.

>that ending where you end up sealed in a crystal and Danette joins you, despite all the shit you did, so you won't be lonely

Danette is pure and good.

You can disable those filters. It's just NISA keeps them on when doing the trailers for god knows what reason.

She was the only character I maxed out in DD2 and D5, her overload and spells were super useful for finishing the story quickly.
Loved Witch and the Hundred Knight, platinum'd it on ps3 but I never got far for ps4, got to the fourth level before I stopped, kept getting my ass kicked by those bugs with resistance to fucking everything

You soul nomad kiddies act like the demon path is even insane

I loved the game too, Platinumed it on PS3 as well and got the limited edition of the PS4 version. Playing through it whenever I get that urge for more Metallia, and I definitely want to Platinum this version too. Pretty hype for the sequel even if Metallia isn't gonna play a big part in it.

She was my best unit in D5 as well. Beat Carnage Void with just her, Twin Heads and abusing the shit out of Afternoon Tea from a bunch of maids.

Nice to see someone else who appreciates her and the game.

True Zenon did nothing wrong.

Danette is a stupid cow.

>soul nomad port NEVER EVER