Let's test your game theory Sup Forums

Let's test your game theory Sup Forums

You have a magic room or building that does research in your kingdom.

How do you keep mages busy once they've research everything?

They will rebel and take over the kingdom, if you don't.

put bounties on monster lairs
majesty was fucking awesome

Send in the prostitutes

Build a casino.


Pump highly addictive and gaseous drugs in the room.


slaughter them because mages are an abomination

Have them research the square root of a negative number.

build another magic room with mages and the explicit order to formulate and invent complex sounding unsolveable conundrums.
Neither gathering of mages will ever run out of things to do.

Damn, I haven't played majesty in over a decade. That was a good fucking game.

Invent an korean imageboard website for them to post on and argue about videogames.

Zyklon B

Ask them to open portals to alternate dimensions and let them research magic of other realities. Since the amount of alternate realities is infinite, they will busy for quite some time.
Either that or build a brothel next to them.


Make them un-research my enemies' inventions.

I tell them to suck my pecker

Task them with discovering the nature of divine magic.
Best case scenario, they figure it out, travel to heaven to meet god, and become gibbering morons because they can't comprehend divinity.

post a bounty on magic-resistant monsters and nail the only bounty poster inside the mage tower

I give them land and force them into a personal union.

Send those lazy fuckers to the frontline.

A moment of laxity spawns an era of heresy.

Jesus, I thought it would have covered the entire story.

Rebellious Mages? EZ

Send them out to collect artifacts for my museum. It will satiate their natural inquisitive nature while providing wealth and value to my kingdom.



make them compete against each others' inventions in a circular manner

Obviously purging them isn't a good idea as you lose high level wizards.

We solved that problem on the real world by making our academia based on constantly publishing new results. How many scientist rebellions have you seen on the last three or so decades? Checkmate, atheists.

Start rumors about the mage Tower of another town having secrets that your mages don't know.

Create an exclusive academic fellowship with significantly less seats than there are mages and a series of bizarre and arbitrary metrics to determine how applicants are ranked and accepted and replaced.

They'll be too busy killing themselves while subsisting off mediaeval top ramen in disgusting sharehouses making up new research topics and starting academic beef to ever threaten me.

3 words:

>tfw so proud of the town you built that you kill ratmen for half an hour after the level's done and the map cleared

I'd put them on the coast and tell them that I want either of the following:
>the ability to raise islands of any size in the middle of the ocean
>have swimming islands of any size that can be steered at will
>have underwater buildings, gardens, and a race of mermaids to tend to kelp, fish, and clam farms (if mermaids don't exist yet)

after they are done with that, they can work on bio-magitech whales, creating an illuminated, self-sustaining, and pressure-proof castle at the very bottom of the ocean, and mass-enchanting water-breathing equipment for the people of our kingdom.

That's an easy one.

Make them go crazy?

trap them in a loop that dissuades them from venturing beyond the wizards tower, letting them dismiss the possibility of life existing outside the tower. As long as no-one shows up immune to having their brains scooped out it's cool

But how do get anything new out of them if they are doing the samething?

There's one problem with that.
By allowing casinos you are also allowing dagger ears.

Did you read OP post?
The problem is not that they cant research stuff, the problem is that once they are done researching they will turn on you, so by putting them on a loop they can never turn against you.
Also you can pull some medieval corbomite maneuvers by telling your rivals that if they try invading your territory you will set the raving lunatics loose.

He said how do you keep them busy once they've done not we've completed our research let's turn on them.

Busy can be let's give them a new task like tracking down dragons.

Simple. If your Warlocks' levels approach level 15 combined, you drop some of those motherfuckers back in the portal. Left click 'em all, right click the portal.

Max level for any creature is 10, so if you have 5 and you only train one you're golden.


Drugs and whores

And what do after the dragons are all gone?
Set them on a hunt and kill quest against ogres?

Face it, ultimately they must be brought into a mental loop where they cant escape on their own.
It is merely a matter of time.

I was thinking of playing this game

Is the HD re-release good or should I stay with the original? And what about Majesty 2?

You kill them you stupid motherfucker. You sacrific them or send them into combat as frontline cannon fodder.