What does Sup Forums think of Black Desert Online?

What does Sup Forums think of Black Desert Online?

I've never played it

Thanks, pal


It is a typical korean trash MMO: good draphics/waifus and everything else is garbage. And its P2W with a cash shop.

Typical korean Garbage.

Played it like a year ago on a Japan VPN.

Thought the graphics and combat were nice, but its pretty repetitive. Should of kept it F2P ini the west.

For some reason i always thought it was a shooting game

If it was free to play I might consider it

Fuck spending money on a korean mmo before I can even try it out.

I wish this game fails even harder with more p2w so it goes free2play so I can play it

It's great. Finally a MMO that does just add new raids every expansion. They actually add features and entire game modes.

Sadly it's also the first solo MMO ever.

It gets boring really fast

MMOs with realistic settings are boring. Literally every area in the game is just some forest or a big empty desert.

Yes and they're also adding game breaking garbage like +20 gear enhancement and boring ass naval wars

Played ~30 hours before dropping it because I got a little lost with all the shit to do and I was fucking raging at playing on 300 ping. But it's buy once, own forever so I can come back whenever.
>Great waifus.
>Combat is pretty damned good too. Had that "Vindictus-style" combo approach, but more complex than Left/Right clicking. I did only play Ranger and Wizard but wizard was fun as fuck, ranger was ok too, but tough on my meme Australian connection with 300 ping.
>Didn't get too far into the game desu (didn't even hit level cap) but the initial leveling seemed fine and by all accounts reaching the level cap isn't too hard.
>There might be far too much shit to ever do and as soon as you step foot off the story path it's fucking overwhelming and - at least when I played alone- you'll have no fucking clue what's going on. There's a million time sinks to sink your time into, which I guess is good if that's your thing.
>seriously the waifus are great

I've probably got a free pass if you want to try the game OP.
It's fucking 40+GB to download though.

Bought it, played it, dropped it because irl-stuff, never went back. Why? Even I don't know. I think I should give it another chance because there were many things I liked and the world was (in all of it's Koreanity) very beautiful. Story seemed pretty okay also.

Promised a lot of things, but in the end they just couldn't deviate from the average korean mmo.

Not him but I'd like one if you do

[email protected]

wasted potential

it's a pay to win, buy to play, pay to play unbalanced RNG ridden piece of faux sandbox shit.

not worth playing now, it was back on launch but the game went so bad so fast.

I play the game. It is so not pay to win. You have to drop soo much money to get an advantage via silver through the auction house. People spout 'p2w' only because they believe others should have to endure the grind like they did, which is not true. But as I said above, it takes too much money to gain an advantage. The only people who will do it are the whales, and they were always going to be better than you, with or without the cash shop items being on the auction house.

tl;dr neets whine about something that isn't true

it doesn't matter how much money it is
any time you can spend real money to gain an advantage it's pay to win. simple as that faggot

but if you needa keep sucking that korean dick, keep on sucking it ain't gonna give you anything

Yes. That is the definition, but in reality it hardly applies here. You are allowed to post a max of 5 items per week. That is 30 per costume, or you can post pets which are less money, less silver. That gear that is required to be competitive is over 300 million silver per piece, which is far more than you can acquire in one week of posting cash shop items given the 5 item limit. As I said in my first post, it takes far too much money, and too much time.

I am confused as to way you are so mad about this? So few of the BDO population will utilize this, a few will to provide others with items that could not have otherwise, and an even smaller amount with abuse it, a la 'the whales.' You're just confused. I hope I helped you.

>pretty neat and good graphics for an mmo
>interesting combat mechanics
>refreshing map system and navigation

>suffers from the same koreanfuckfest mmo plague (p2w albeit very subtle, shitty grind, do this x100 times etc.)
>very solo game, only time you play with others is during boss/guild scrolls where you need a few people to defeat it

it could have been a great mmo, it certainly gave new experiences but as you continued to play you could see the shitty typical korean undertones that are heavy on the mindless gambling/grinding

i've got around 2000 hours on the game, and will probably only play it again once awakening weps are out on the western version, but i don't really see myself playing anymore due to the shitty korean nature of the game that ruins a lot of things

It's like Archeage but worse.

They are making money hand-over-foot so as far as I am concerned, they are just straining out all you angry manchildren. It'll be a better game, in the end.

But go ahead, green text how I'm wrong. :^)

>hardly applies
if you can pay real money to gain an advantage it fucking applies, simple as that.

you can't argue against this.

I grinded to softcap at release but my friends didn't make it that far.
The PvP was just a test to see if you got more potions than your opponent or to see who had friends the closest.
And PvE was just to grind mobs in a area.

I'm sorry you are so angrily blinded by your p2w protests and riots that you can't enjoy BDO. I hope you find a game that lives up to your standards.

I normally love MMOs but this one didn't hold my interest very long

I lasted about a month or two but most of my friends stopped playing it in under a week

The game should be called Grinder's Mega Grind: Grind Edition

Wah it's not!

Enjoy your empty servers :^)

I do enjoy it though
Just can't enjoy the pvp anymore.
Every week p2w faggots can get 100mil that I can't get no matter how hard I grind. I've had terrible RNG since launch but I've been able to stay competitive until just recently.

Few days ago I sold all my gear and went to life skill. I'm just gonna stock money hoping they fix their fucking game. It's a damn shame what they let it become, can mostly blame the shitty carebear "daum can do no wrong" community that plays this game.

Single player game with mmo latency

Open world PvP is always turbo cancer no matter how many restrictions you put on it.

>t. blizzcuck shiteater

doesn't WoW have open world pvp?

>hoping they fix their fucking game
Should move on user.
Never wait on MMOs. You'll only get hurt and turn bitter. Play something else.

To me it looks like Daum is just sucking on whatever money is left until the updates from Korea run out and then flip the f2p switch.

>implying I require others to play this game

you're not thinking through this are you, bud?

I thought the thumbnail was Yennefer it was so ugly.

Archeage was pretty good, but they ruined it with P2W and the gear progression.

I can grind on my 317ap/dp sorc in sausans and get 10 mil in two hours. bro, you have to try harder than that.

That's the case with almost every openworld PvP MMO

>I play MMOs single player
Might as well get a single player game since those tend to be better at everything.

Typical Korean Grinder with all sorts of cancerous microtransactions.

Stay the fuck away if you're not a mindless weeb.

normie >>/getout/

when my computer can handle it on max graphics i might come back. also if i dont have ANYTHING in my life to do at that point.

If only a single player game was as good as the single player activities and combat I can use in this mmo, than I would.

I'll never understand why people play MMO's alone

what's the point of it being an MMO?

i can only grind 7-10 hours a day
also work 36 hours a week
if I get a few bad RNG rolls enchanting I waste so much time, it's hard

this is my opinion so far

what server, IGN?


I was the dude asking for you server and ign, if youre on UNO:


Hey there weeb. How goes life? Oh right, you don't have one, BDO has put quite the leash on you after all.

where do you think you are?

sorry, edan

As a founder that has played since launch and has spent $700 on microtransactions before quitting:

-Great, weighty combat. Spells are manually aimed, and bonus damage is awarded when an enemy is knocked down, frozen, stunned, etc.
-Character customization is amazing. I've seen everything from Bayonetta to Uncle Ruckus. The level of control you have for facial structure is incredible and you can quite literally recreate real people in the game, and people have already done so. Just google "black desert celebrities".

-Game is heavily coop based. You can lone wolf it, but you get far better XP grinding as a group assuming you aren't overpowered as fuck and one shot the mobs you're killing, and players get daily/weekly/lucky scrolls that summon bosses that drop necessary items to enhance your gear and very rarely BiS boss armor. These scrolls can be "teamshared" where everyone gets a roll on the table but the host gets 3-5 rolls, so you'll often have a group of 5 spamming scrolls together to maximize loot.

-PVP is very action-y and there are good/bad matchups much like in SF4. For example, a Wizard will have a tough time keeping a Sorceress off him because Sorceresses have 6+ skills that stun or knockdown, and Wizards have only two real ways of escaping. Meanwhile, Valkyries have an incredible long range stun so they can catch Sorcs and punish them, while Sorcs have to play out of their mind to get behind a Valk's shield to deal stun while not getting stunned themselves.

-Gear is shared amongst your characters and any character can equip any armor/jewelry. This means you don't have to start from scratch when you want to remake a character. You can just leave your stuff at a town and your brand new level 1 character can pick it up and be just as overpowered as your main is.

Overall, the game is 8/10. You should definitely give it a try if you're hurting for a high-budget, high-detail, open world action MMO.

How does it taste, faggot?

why did you quit?