
>spend real money to use fake money

literally why do people do this?

Not only that they are also literally letting you pay for cheats.

>they are one-time use and you have to buy them again to use them again

The jew is strong in this one

funfact: Your pre-order bonuses are also one time uses.

it's Denuvo too right?

fucking hell

of course

>you can only use money one time

He's talking about the Praxis-kits.
Calm down your autism

But you should be able to use them again in your next playthrough.

I wasn't really hyped for this game, but now I'm full flacid.

Monetising on people's stupidity. WHo would have thought.


So, why should I buy shit in the ingame shop when I can simply use cheat engine?

It seems that new games nowadays are just part of some kind of contest on who can be more jewish

>Singleplayer pay2skip grind (P2W

Dead Space 3

thats why dummy

Are there people really so stupid they don't know how to use cheat engine??


>the arcade argument
is that why 90% of the arcades went bankrupt and the only ones that still exist is because they are cheaper than daycare centers?

Denuvo doesn't block cheat engine.

Dragon's Dogma

>people bought season pass for extra praxis kits and items
>you can only use them once, doesn't reset when you start a new game

How come nobody has mentioned far cry 4 so far? That was the first time for me to see micro transactions in a singleplayer game

>Dragon's Dogma
Not on PC

How come consumers nowadays are so eager to get robbed?
It's hilarious to watch the butthurt afterwards but it's also a bit sad because they fall for this stuff again and again

`How is this even remotely comparable to microtransactions?

I bought it because I didn't know it would be one time use.

I'm getting a refund today because it looks like the shop is here to stay.

I hope the EU lawyers up and blows Square a new asshole.

In my country we have this saying
>its not stupid to ask, its stupid to pay


What does it have MTs for on console?

Can't you just open the console and type stuff?
What is this shit?

>I hope the EU lawyers up and blows Square a new asshole.
I dont see that happening anytime soon

Inb4 you get VAC banned for that

There is a reason why Arcades died once home consoles were introduced, and I remind you home consoles were way shittier than an arcade machine.

>нe пиpaтить

лoл дeбик

>I bought it because I didn't know it would be one time use.
You tried to buy easy-mode for a video game? lol

Remember, this is the dick that DRM cuckolds want up their ass. This is what DLC-worshipping curs want. Garbage like this isn't even a game; it's an extortion platform devoid of any artistic vision or worth. By supporting macrotransactions, DLC or DRM in any way, you will be an accomplice in further ruining the industry. You, the consumer, will be responsible.
Say no to cuckoldry, embrace rejection of evil.

>Easy difficulty is pre-order bonus.