It has been a thousand years, Sareth, since the Seventh Dragon has banished our kind from the face of Ashan. For ten centuries we have waited for our vengence. We have waited, for you. You are the one foretold by the wizard Sar-Shazzar,the Dark Messiah of ancient prophecy. You are my son, and my heir, the herald of fire and of blood. The creature that accompanies you is yours, use her as you see fit. Now, take up the skull of my ancient enemy and shatter the prison that holds me. This, my son, I command you. And, once I am free, this world and every soul in it, will be ours.
It has been a thousand years, Sareth, since the Seventh Dragon has banished our kind from the face of Ashan...
And that exactly what Sareth did and no one betrayed anyone and dad was actually proud of him.
Is this the only game that does this?
Most of the time evil routes equates a guaranteed fight with the former questgiver/bossperson. Where else I can be a an honest, loyal to boot, the best lackey in the world?
>Is this the only game that does this?
Pretty much.
What did he mean by this?
Fuck, marry and kill?
I think The Bard's Tale reboot had evil and neutral endings that left the protagonist better off than in the good.
>Thus the Bard acquired everything his heart desired... at the expense of the rest of the world.
Is Sareth's dad the best dad in video games?
you canĀ“t kill left and right, so this is rather unfair for leanna.
mean for
Fuck Leanna, Marry Leanna, Kill Leanna
In this order too.
You can banish Xana though.
>dad gave you used goods
>save Leanna from giant spider
>kill her afterwards
feel good edgelord
delet this
I never completed this game because I got stuck at a giant door that I couldnt figure out how to open.
Also apparently there are spiders so screw that, I bet you can't even romance that demon guy in the webm.
I am scared of spiders and they are the most realistic thing in the game.
Well I guess I'm not going to go back to try and open the door.
To be honest its a waste not to play it the spiders are only a real small segment. you are missing out on a great game.
As opposed to what? A virgin succubus?
Thanks but I'll pass. I suck at the combat anyway and the story didn't really seem all that interesting.
That and I already have a bad high blood pressure, I don't need to fuck up my heart any more.
Hell yeah, a pure, virginal succubus (female). A succubus in ubi's M&M universe is a human that made a contract with a demon and got reincarnated in not-hell after dying. Men get reincarnated as incubi too. I'm sure dad could find some virginal qt who is stupid enough to make a contract and then arrange her death.
>marry leanna, kill xana. Fuck dad.
I hope that's not because you're fat, right? Right? You're skinny like a twig and your blood pressure is fucked not because you're a bag of lard and stretched out skin? Yes?
>he doesnt know about virgin succubi
>romancing your dad
Sibling incest I could understand, but come on.
Absolutely not. Well I do have a belly because lol eastern europe, healthy food isn't exactly in most peoples dictionaries but I'm nowhere near american sized. I'm just constantly anxious to the point where going outside my house makes me want to hide in the closet and die and masturbate to gay porn.
First thing I did after being cleansed in a sacred pool was too kick a priest off a cliff. Looks we truly were the dark messiah after all.
>Not letting her die to the spider and then killing her again in her lich form
You in charge of stepping it up
>tfw liked Xana better but purged her because demon form was trash and the holy weapons were OP as hell
>You in charge of stepping it up
putting an user who cannot step it up in charge of stepping it up
>needing weapons that far in the game
also the demon form is better than yo uthink
Virgin succubus can exist. Or what, are succubus born non-virgins?
Fun fact: Kiril friendzones Xana.
isnt this basically the plot to samurai jack except the protag is on the opposite side
I don't really get why people didn't like it.
My only beef with it is a lack of adrenaline kill animations.
yeah the charge attack was really cool (you would knock soemone in the air, jump up, and then slam them into the ground) and you would gain HP from killing. Only bad part was that in the dark areas the red filter would make them even darker and to pop your blue eyes power you would have to go out of it. But except for that it was good. No worse than swordfighting
Fuck the bimbo, marry Xana, kill dad
>not xana
leanna is a pure qt.
Fuck Xana
Kill the Human
Marry Arantir
Dad is off limits
I'd rather use the term frigid airhead. I bet she is also like a plank in bed.
I'm kinda too old for the whole "innocent school girl" charade, months of courtship and blue balls just to get a succ. Xana is upfront, honest and passionate.
Xana just wants you for the power you can have so that she can rule too.
I'm pretty sure a lord of hell can keep a lowly succubus in check.
Also you can't blame a demon for his nature, they all strive for power, they're just like animals.
She isnt frigid, she was already enjoying your company at the point when you get the ship. Also she would be eager to please you and do all sorts of fucked up shit. Just imagine the magic sex.
Meanwhile Xana will first do everything you want but soon start demanding more and more stuff before putting out. And when she does she is annoyed she has to take your dick and demand more of your time and attention to even stick aroudn with you. Before you know it she will start flirting with other men to try and provoke you and get some other dick and in the end you walk into your bedroom with someone else inside of Xana.