This just got released

>this just got released
>no one is talking about it

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

New style looks dogshit.

Worms died with World Party

>announced 10+ 'free dlcs' before release
>All of them are tie ins from other games and weapons that have been around since the original
World party is still the definitive version of worms, they should just stop trying to revive the series desu

I kind of want to be really excited for WMD, it does look good.
But the last two Worms games I bought kind of looked good too, and they were dogshit.

I also still have have Armageddon and World Party. So paying $30 seems kind of pricey for something that may very well be worse than what I've already got.
I'll probably pick it up during a sale or something, but otherwise it's hard to get into. I'd really love for it to be great, but I don't really have the energy to get excited only to be let down again.

>not armageddon
wew lad

worms look ugly i agree, but the rest is pretty

> try to start a worm thread.
> my country is banned from starting threads

Armageddon is the best one but World Party is still pretty good. It's everything that came after that sucked ass.

that's why


I miss playing Worms 4, a possum actually invaded my room when i was playing online with a friend and when i finally managed to drive it away after over a hour the match was still going and the sudden death rising water was almost covering the high building

The only time I ever preordered a game was for Worms Revolution.

Almost worth it just for Matt Berry.

Never again. Armageddon was the last good game.

None of the games past Armageddon have addressed the major flaw of the series: It moves at the pace of a literal worm.

In fact the best worms game is not world party or Armageddon, but pic related.

>they're still milking a 20+ years old meme game

>All these fags saying armaggedon was last good game

Bullshit. Worms 2 was the last good one. No other worms game allowed me to fully edit each weapon to create a level annihilating super minigun.

Artstyle is garbage.

>Ming Vase, Sheep Launcher and Kamikaze are pre-order exclusives

You gotta be shitting me

Can you or can you not make your own levels using your own images like you could in the past?

Can I import my animu images and wage war on them?
That was the best thing abour Worms.


This is fake, right?

No. I got into worms arma, tried making a thread and it said my country was ranged banned.

I like the building mechanics

I think it looks nice

I even like the new worms look

That looks pretty neat

On facebook they announced the image importer for maps in PC version. So yes.

Are you on mobile? My telstra mobile is range banned because some faggot was spamming Sup Forums with a little girl.



No on my computer when i tried it a couple of times.

The best Worms was Worms 1995, the first one

The art style of EVERY Worms game afterwards is shit

In the last few years there have been several new Worms games I can't even keep up which one we're talking about. Worms: Revolution, Worms: Clan Wars, Worms: Battlegrounds, Worms World Party Remastered, etc. etc. etc.

They all look the same-ish, but not really. I don't know which ones are actively played, I don't know which ones are good, I don't know which ones are bad. There is just too many Worms games, and these frequent releases make it feel like they simply abandon all the previous games.

When I want to play Worms, I just do the safe bet and play Armageddon, because at least then I know what I'm getting.

Nice. That's something I wish Worms Armageddon had back when I played it as a kid.

Well, depending on how robust the level editor and customization are, I might actually get it.

>tfw same here in Canada

>try out Worms Armageddon back in 2015 because I heard it still had active servers
>mfw it's all ninja rope faggot servers, no real Worms matches at all

>they simply abandon all the previous games.
It's not like there is much room for DLC or updates on Worms games.
Besides, most of the releases have been for completely different platforms. PC hasnt had one since 2013.

>feels like dogshit compared to W:A
>everything feels floaty, explosions feel weak
>worms have ugly and vague animations
>shotgun bullets don't impact with worms, have to hit the ground they're sitting on to do damage
>missing fundamental weapons such as the dragon ball, mole bomb, petrol bomb and bungee; kamikaze is a preorder exclusive
>vehicle weapons are very weak and unsatisfying
>introduce a crafting system that you can do out-of-turn but make no effort to accommodate it in local multiplayer
>terrible optimization


>shotgun bullets don't impact with worms, have to hit the ground they're sitting on to do damage
Wait, are you kidding? What the fuck. Also, what vehicles? Since when does this franchise have vehicles?

>On facebook they announced the image importer for maps in PC version. So yes.
Yes! I am getting the game right away then.

>mfw I unironically like 3d worms games
probably because of muh nostalgia especially the one with towers which I can't remember the name of

didn't intend to reply to that guy whoops
Here's how it works
Not as simple as Armageddon but at least it's there

3D games where great, especially Forts Under Siege. I just wish it didnt have such long waiting times between turns.

Do I have to publish them to the Steam Workshop to be able to play them?
That kind of sucks. What if I want to play on something really risqué or otherwise non-Steam approved?

Then everyone gets to know you're a pervert.

People still play worms?
Does it have online?

>Visibility: You can select if the landscape is Public, Friends only or Private on Steam Workshop.
You could set it to private

Can I watch you jerk off?

Steam allows weeb porn games. I don't think you will have issues, just don't play them online

>waiting between turns
>not playing local multiplayer and control all teams
loved to do that along while doing a tournament or similiar, to not make preferences I just had the idea of killing the nearest team without hesitation even if it was my favorite
Since I was a kid I used to write things down instead of using Excel too,
Might do that again later with Worms Ultimate Mayhem for nostalgia sake

Custom soundbanks allowed? I've got a Shaq one all the way back from Armageddon I want to use.

I enjoyed Forts too, and the others. They were fun to fuck around it, unfortunately long-range weapons were useless in 3D, so you basically resorted to chasing your enemies on foot or air strikes/homing missiles.

Could you use custom soundbanks in Armageddon multiplayer so that other people could hear them?

no for some reason the Mods have a kneejerk reaction to rangeban Australia as well as possibly a few other countries every time a subject or something gets spammed on Sup Forums for a few days.
usually after a few months they unban those countries till the next shitstorm or whatever happens and then it repeats all over again, and it is fucking annoying rangebanning entire countries just because memelords can't control themselves and create 20 threads about the exact same subject 20 times a day

I liked Forts and Mayhem and there's literally nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

Stop lying to yourself. No you didn't like it.