How do you feel about Extra Credits, Sup Forums?

How do you feel about Extra Credits, Sup Forums?

I think they should kys asap

They're shit

I was hoping they were a fad that wouldn't last long, I'm amazed they're still out there, but I won't give them another click, you should do the same.


Some of their stuff is entertaining to watch, but they can really push a narrative sometimes, which is kinda shit IMO. I like their history series, though.

It's also pretty embarassing how they constantly stuff "diverse" stick figures into everything.

I really have to wonder how many female Muslim video game developers are there.


So up their own ass and the guy is using a voice

Make all gaming soapbox shit burn

always horribly misinformed

I know right? I thought we were past "token" characters, but apparently not.

keanu has a few good vids but after a few they get really grating. the info is interesting if you're looking for it, like how i found them, but otherwise they are one and done.

is that the fag with the voice changer
he can fuck off

>Let's argue identity politics!
Good job, you faggots just showed you're as narrow sighted as they are.


Nah, that's the guy writing it.

Sometimes you can hear the guy voicing it say something like "James thinks..." or "James always...". Pic is the James.

Fuck off.

Too preachy in their narrative and come off as condescending with their "here's what we do"s bullet list of ways to "fix" the industry.

why doesnt he cut that fucking ugly granny hair?

>Fuck off.
No. I'm here to slap your shit every time you make a dumb ass flawed argument.

Fuck off Schlomo.

Here comes the smug reaction pics. I'm sure you're going to add a lot to the discussion.

A bunch of pretentious gaming pseudo-intelectuals.

What discussion? There's about as much discussion here as there is on one of their videos.

Listening to them, you'd think they have all the answers. Like user said before, theyre condescending.

they went to see ghostbusters 2016 as a political statement, they really should just fuck off

>equating science to religion

Absolute retards.

A lot of people did that, and all of them gloat about it, I don't get what were they thinking, then again, they were always deranged.

Every thread

No wonder he has a cartoon avatar