Name one PC game that will put a high end PC on suicide watch

Name one PC game that will put a high end PC on suicide watch

No Mans Sky

Deus ex MD

any poorly optimized high-end game

alternatively dwarf fortress with 800 pop

Stronghold 2

Star Citizen in ultra settings

Full embark location's a good bet too.

Wolfenstein Old Blood

>32x MSAA

almost any recent 3d game on 4k resolution with literally everything turned up aiming for 60fps.. tadaa ... alternativly crysis in 4k on ultra lol

All it takes is a never ending loop starting other loops

How many raiders can your PC handle?

Shiny Days.

It'll unironically turn your computer into a volcano. WHat's even funnier is that it'll still technically run on lower spec PCs, but it'll burn them up until they crash.

>Visual Novel


Isnt MSAA a shitty AA anyways?

It's technically a visual novel but unlike most visual novels which have sprites backgrounds and textboxes it's functionally more like an extremely long movie with a few dozen choices thrown in. It's an interesting concept. I'm not too sure exactly why but it does actually overheat anything it runs on.

I couldn't run ark at a stable 30 fps a year ago at max settings with a 980. Not sure if it hot any better cause that game is trash

Planetside 2 run on all max settings during a 40 man battle.

No mans sky

>turn shadows off
>instant 60 fps 90+ cluster higby

Star Citizen, Squad, Arma 3


team fortress 2

Deus ex MD.

Game runs great..people are just assblasted that they cant run it on ultra.

Good benchmarking game



Arma III

why are they almost naked?


u wot? it's second best AA

the console just spawned them in that way

will this run on a toaster on low settings ?

Maybe? It's mainly CPU intensive and the graphics have been heavily nerfed to force console parity. Be sure to set textures to ultra because, despite common sense, they run better that way and shadows off

Thanks user. Ill give it a go sometime

Have fun!

VCO on emerald, the game is a lot more fun in a good platoon/squad


Metro 2033/Last Light


got stable 60 1080p on my E6700 ,4gb DDR2 and 650Ti

You probably dont know how to change settings in-game and in the nvidia control panel

runs fine on a 1070 at 2560x1440 all shit maxed

any game if you get into supersampling

first you have to define "high end PC"

the adventure mode of sexy beach premium resort.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided in 3840x2160 with 8xMSAA.
i5 6600k with GTX1080 ~10fps.

It blows my mind that they managed to fuck up so badly using unity.

Update that fucking i5 and add more ram. Everything is better with more ram