Should I spend all my carding money on this? Poorfag's life is hard.
Should I spend all my carding money on this? Poorfag's life is hard
>carding money
Most people who own it have some 1000+ hours in it so why not, runs on older machines too.
Plenty of good mods too, like Floris Modpack and Prophesy of Pendor.
Sure, it's a pretty good game but why not just pirate it if you want it?
if you are a poorfag like you say you can easily sink hundreds of hours into this game
or you could try saving up and waiting for the bannerlord to come out its shaping up to be real good
it should be easy to pirate a GoG or Humblebundle version
but yeah, often it's sold dirty cheap
money made selling trade cards on steam
It is a very fun game. Can only recommend!
But I'm still not sure, how dafuq I am supposed to actually win the game...
playing a pirated copy gets boring
From everything i've heard it's pretty good
Yes. The multiplayer is pretty unique and fun. It runs on toasters too.
yes, and get the napoleon dlc too the mulriplayer is the most fun ive had in a game
>money made selling trade cards on steam
I forgot that even existed
I paid full price for this like a pleb and it was still worth the hundreds fo hours I put into it. And I'm still not done with this game.
It's a really fun game user. You kinda have to set your own goals though since it's pretty open.
I'm playing it with Dickplomacy and its quite fun.
Some people pay almost 50 cents for rare cards. I've managed to finance a few smaller games entirely through selling cards.
>rare cards
you mean like pepes?
Viking stuff worth a shit?
Go to work you dumb faggot
It's just another mod, not really
I summon rare pepe in attack position.
>Being released ever
Pick one and only one.
no, just get the napoleonic wars dlc. its fun as shit
You "win" after controlling the whole map. But the game doesn't end regardless.
Yeah, already had Napoleonic Wars. Just not touched the game in ages and suddenly there's this Viking DLC.
I should see if Napoletonic's still alive, that shit was the good kind of dumb fun for multiplayer. God damn 10s reload animations.
I got an item in KF2 that was more valuable than the game itself was.
I have 12 euros left over from it.
It boggles the mind some fucktard actually paid that much for a goddamn digital katana skin.
>Denuvo's lowly paid janitor
Then by that logic, the actual legitimate copy is also boring.
go away you sad wagecuck
>It boggles the mind some fucktard actually paid that much for a goddamn digital katana skin.
It's obvious who would make such a transaction like that
I know that, but it took hours to just conquer some cities and in the same time the enemies took some of mine. It seemed like it'd gonna take some 100 hrs to have them all
It is, there's usually one or two servers at least that isn't filled with bots. I reliably play on servers every time, from time to time.
Yea user it's pretty fun. You'd def get your money's worth also plus more with all of the mods available.
>he even reloads
holy shit my sides, just charge the niggas
The game has some good replay value even in vanilla, but mods is where it really begins to shine. So that's a yes. It'll take you a while to get used to combat. Be prepared to miss things 80% of the time because you can't gauge the distance to target adequately.
Mountain Blade is the ultimate poor man's game. You will get so many hours out of it.
Don't listen to the idiots. This game appeals to specific people.
Watch some gameplay to see what you will be doing in this game and if you like it buy it.
Watch Jefmajor play the game on Twitch.
Say what you will about him, but watching his vods is the perfect way to know if you want to play something or not, you see the game and if you feel like you'd enjoy the game, then you'll want to get the game just because you know you can't possibly be as incompetent as he is.
No,game's garbage.
should i sell my cards bgs and soul to get witcher 1 or is it the linear piece of shit with crap combat i presume it to be ?
How can you afford games that have steam cards, but can't buy Mountain Blade which costs 5 dorrar?
I followed a kid who bought a steam gift card and beat him up in an alley and took his card, then bought a game that I played to get the cards.
pics of beaten kid or didnt happen
The game is actually shit.
Look dont get me wrong, great concept, and probably good for its time, but its unfinished piece of crap.
They could have made the game more comfy, better towns etc with choices that actually matters.
The only thing it got for itself is the whole large warfare thingy but the game is shit.
And bonerlord is going to suck ass, the game looks practicly the same, and they even use the same soundeffects in combat.
Go ahead and play it, but it gets stale early, feels empty and depressing.
>He didn't use mods
Also, since you're a frog poster your opinion goes into the trash.
Mount and Blade is one of the games for which I have gotten the most value out of my money. Definitely worth $5.
all these M&B threads lately made me reinstall
>play Mad Max on launch day
>all these faggots playing MGSV instead
>Mad Max cards go for good mone because it's me and like six other guys playing it
>my game was complete as well
clunky game, also looks just as goofy as it is clunky.
i haven't played it in quite some time, but i remember spending hours exploring the city, talking to every single NPC multiple times just to figure out where basic things were.
and the game will be like, "you need to find this person" good fucking luck finding them in Clonesville or out in the field.
it also is really unclear what zones push your shit in if you move into them, especially if you mod. if you try, you can get to zones you shouldn't be, then in that zone you'll be stuck as a slave bitch because you have no army or gear and can't kill anyone.
Not white either.
>Cuck poster
>tumblr file name
This is bait
>good fucking luck finding them in Clonesville or out in the field
Did you try asking someone where he was?
>it also is really unclear what zones push your shit in if you move into them
What the fuck are you even talking about? You're supposed to start with looters then work your way up.
>scrubs who couldn't beat some bandits talking about how M&B is bad
Come back when you're a king doing 700 vs 700 battles
It's worth it for the multiplayer alone, so yes, buy it. I have more than 200 hours in it, and I usually drop multiplayer games around the 50 mark.
>2016 not running steam market bot 24/7
I guess you dont like free steam bux
Buy the Napoleonic wars dlc and join my regiment you fucking faggot
>Napoleonic wars
>For You
But you paid $60 for the base game. What'd you get, like $3.50 back? That's just like returning cans after a beer purchase.
Very good game for poorfags since it's quite old and thus runs on older machines, although to keep performance up you'll have to restart the game between major battles.
Also a good game for poorfags because it lasts quite a long time. I've personally put more than 200 hours into vanilla alone, but I know that there are also quite a few great mods out there.
you don't need to buy a $60 game to get cards you peasant, the internet is full of indie trash keys that are given away for free almost on a dailybasis
Vanilla doesn't have things such as castle management, mods is the way to go with this game.
Aaah if only they added the management from Floris to Prophesy of Pendor. Bannerlord is apparently going to have even better modding support.
You've just admitted to going through cheap "trash" games to collect cards for change. You're the homeless can scrounger of the gaming world, and somehow I'm the peasant?
No you can't play online with a gog version pirated you need the cd-key.
>bannerlord is the same
Not him, but it's a weird psychological thing with some people. You don't enjoy a game as much because don't have any stake in it. If you buy a game, you feel committed to it because you have a financial stake in it, and therefor are more invested in the experience. When you pirate a game, there's nothing really there keeping you tethered to that particular game with the wide ocean of other games available for piracy. Why should I stick around on this slightly dull section of the game, when I have a billion other games I could be playing?
It's a crazy person thing, but it happens.
>not having your men fire volley after volley into the enemy
I just bought the Viking shit. Seems they've added a lot reading the feature descriptions