So I finished this game and I absolutely loved every part of it

So I finished this game and I absolutely loved every part of it.
Does Sup Forums feel the same or are you all inherently contrarian towards it like everything else that's critically acclaimed?

Greatest narrative in a game so far, honestly. Haven't really had another game that actually was complex enough for some people to not understand.

Anyways, believing you can have a discussion about Spec Ops that doesn't devolve into WP scene shitposting is a fool's errand.

I fucking love Spec Ops The Line.

The sound design is the only real flaw, the gameplay works in context of the narrative.

It was a challenging game too.

It's a masterpiece, though its story pales in comparison to that of Undertale, arguably the greatest video game story of all time.

I loved it for the look and feel. Besides the story it looks and sounds amazing.

The gameplay wasn't anywhere near good, though.

Great game, pleasantly difficult on the harder settings.

Lots of neat little things that you can easily miss, like walking by a beautiful green tree, and if you turn and look back at it as you leave the area, it's barren and dead.

>complex narrative

Lmaooooo, 2deep4 u war is bad PTSD simulator with mediocre cover based shooting and "TRULY EPIC XD" scripted moments

I couldn't get to the shocking parts since the gameplay put me off after few hours

Its great, especially if you go in expecting an ordinary shooter


>especially if you go in expecting an ordinary shooter
I think that's the crux of it.

Myself and many other people saw the name and immediately dismissed it as a CoD clone of some sort.

I literally knew nothing about the game, so when shit started getting real, I wasn't expecting it.

Pretty good job parrotinh ebin Sup Forums memes.

Kane & Lynch 2 did it first + better

I appreciate a game that goes through great lengths to make me feel awful. Nier hit that sweet spot as well.

Nothing ironic there m8 I finished the game and it was literally nothing special

If one person in this thread makes the argument that you had no choice but to kill the civilians and therefore the game's overarching theme is invalidated I'm going to get very annoyed.

It was pretty good but something near the end confused me,
How extensive was Walker's hallucinations? He was the only one who could hear Konrad, obviously, but what sort of more subtle shit did he blame on Konrad rather than take the blame for himself? The ending cutscenes kind of briefly flashed over some of it but I didn't pay enough attention.

It was good game in my book but I really wanted to burn people with that flame-thrower they showed in the trailer.

Also wish it had more content. The Co op missions that you can play alone had some cool stuff but I really wish I could make my own maps and set objectives and stuff. I don't know why but I dig the gameplay. Yes Yes I know its another third person shooter #999... but something about the each weapon being different from one another with their unique abilities and use.


You had no choice but to kill the civilians, and therefore the game's overarching theme is invalidated.

Well done, now I'm very annoyed.

You had no choice but to kill the civilians, and therefore the game's overarching theme is invalidated.
two people made that argument now, don't get annoyed user


The game has saves the things you did in the game, like shooting the CIA guy, the Damned 33rd soldier who was being interrogated by the CIA, accidentally shooting a civilian/ or not shooting, killing the mob etc. they flash before you and Konrad reveals that Walker wanted to be a hero but all he had to do was go back and inform the Rangers of the situation. He could have done it at any point but he was delusional.