Let's have another early morning WoW lore thread, Sup Forums.
Who are the Void Walkers?
Will Illidan be a hero?
What will he be corrupted by?
Will the story of Legion even make sense?
Let's have another early morning WoW lore thread, Sup Forums.
Who are the Void Walkers?
Will Illidan be a hero?
What will he be corrupted by?
Will the story of Legion even make sense?
So we have undead Jesus now, instead of Green jesus?
Why does tauren female shamans have zero good transmogs?
Whens my time in the spotlight?
1. Evil Naaru sort of
2. Yes, the last Naaru sends you on a quest following Illidans footsteps with him discovering he is the "Holy Warrior" chosen by the light
3. Illidan will be corrupted by the light
4. Dunno. I know we have to go to the tomb of sargeras and turn off the portal with the world pillars for some reason
>tfw have to wait till Legion is officially out to buy it and resub due to lack of dosh
Fuck my town's shitty economy and fuck my minimum wage job.
You had your time in the Aszhara invasion
>a naaru saves illidan's travelling soul from sargeras after he is trapped by magic, it tells him your time is not now for you have an important future, shows him a vision of illidan fighting in golden holy armor
from the illidan book, fuck i cant wait to see that shit, a redeemed illidan wielding the power of light fucking sargeras shit up
cause its a fucking cow
I'm not excited.
Just finished leveling my furry trash rogue, other classes I played were plate users so didn't have many options but still an ok transmog
R8 and H8
>tfw you get Defiler's End one and a half week after leaving your shitty casual guild
>t: cuck
tauren are for ____
Will you get the mount before Legion doe? otherwise lmao
fite me bitch
>Not unwrapping that pretty mage boy to molest and grope
Looks weird
sure... i will post my transmog...
good morning EU
worlds best paladin
Illidan has already been confirmed to be the chosen one. Like literally a naaru calls him the child of light and his new book made him out to be the savior of the universe.
Still shit ever since you posted it for the first tme
>no blue cloak
>no blue shirt
>no Slayer of the Lifeless
he's still a fuck-up though
This is one of the few cases where you can literally say a character did nothing wrong though.
>he a gud boi just need mo tears for dem wells
He's still obsessed with Tyrande after all these years
and his waifu still loves his brother more
He still did that fucked up thing with the Shade of Akama and enslaving the Ashtongue tribe
>I just spent six hours doing invasions just to get gloves bt I keep getting the chest piece
So, Kayn or Altruis?
The dark lady is my one and only queen!
He was out to save the universe, gonna have to fuck over a few people to get what you need done. Especially when your brother is a colossal faggot.
His methods might have been shady, but you can't deny the results (he still fucked up several legion worlds and did manage to find the location of Argus.)
Altruis because Illidan fucked up and Akama is a bro.
But I don't want my fangfu to die...
Cute! Cute! Cute!
I like it
Most people I know that played in TBC picked him and honestly his side makes more sense to me
Illidan was going off the fucking deep end and no one should be beyond criticism
She is not my warchief
>user bust a flow
So I'm going to be resubbing at the very start of next month. What is a good race/class to play and RP with?
Except literally no one knew what his plans were. I am sure people like Akama would be more understanding if they even had an idea what shit illidan was doing, instead of making mutants and enslaving an entire planet.
Milfcows give milk
Level 60 brown PvP set looks decent
Now, the real pain is Tauren female Priest. All the tier sets look awful due to helmets being botched.
When you get a unique model you fat piece of shit
Kayn since Illidan literally did nothing wrong. They will probably make him a raid boss again for no reason because blizzard is creatively bankrupt
>Illidan did nothing wrong
You can't be serious
Yeah he's ultimately a good guy but he did some fucked up things
I got you
Yeah, but that doesn't exactly set up for 'Redeemed Champ of the Light' bit. It sets him up to fall into being demon bait
I'm at least hoping we get a moment of him going 'yeah, what I did was really fucking shitty, i'm gonna...stop' and you know, actually work on beating the shit out of the Legion instead of being a fuckboy.
orc warrior
embrace the zug
Sylvannas isnt going to die
I seriously doubt blizz would pull a garrosh again
7.5/10! Not bad, but the sword really drags it down
>Illidan died for this
absolutely disgusting
>chest doesn't go with helmet, or arms
>paying $60 for that set
Every race/class combo can be interesting to RP with. Except maybe shit like undead monk.
Some races are gonna be more side-eyed than others though, for instance in Alliance side people usually dislike draenei because of their ERP associations and gnomes because they're often very annoying while night elves require you to have an extensive knowledge of the lore, especially if you make them thousands of years old.
What do you like for gameplay in general? Do you have a character concept? Horde or Alliance?
Set items and heirloom gear
pretty shit
More like "I have all my serious RP friends added on Bnet and I don't want them to know I'm a slut."
Alright, so, I know there's a stigma with women characters being played by dudes, but what about the male characters played by women?
I have run into a freaky amount of people who claim to be women playing male characters. Said characters also doing ERP or just normal RP. Characters from cute Blood Elf dudes to the monstrous sort who wreck small women with massive monster dongs
I'm confused
Oh no, I just used the free 100 I got from buying the expansion.
fiery weapon transmog for this one coming soon
I said RP not ERP.
Is warrior any good? Never really played it. Something about melee classes just seems boring to me.
Well for starters I like ranged or spellcasters. As for character concepts...I'm not the best at RP, partly because I suck at it and partly because self confidence issues. My favorite classes would probably be DK, Warlock, and Hunter. Any advice on how to RP either of them?
man if this was a druid or something... anything other than rogue it would be awesome.
granted the weapons should be something a little more advanced than 2 sticks.
>impyling RP servers are used for anything other than ERP and self-insert memelord 'rouges'
It's the same shit since rping normally is pointless as your character will always be the hero and commander in the story. No matter what you "rp" as you can't change the story. You want to rp play table top faggot
>Undead monk
Excuse you, i'm having a blast RPing my Punch Zombie
The key thing you have to remember about the character you are RPing - Strip away what they do, what role they play in a storyline, and what they are. If you suddenly have no way to describe them, fix that. Your character is a person, with a personality, hobbies, etc. Focus on a personality you like playing, and fill in details of their history that would realistically lead to that current personality. It makes RPing a lot more fun and less a slog of 'uuugghhhh idk what to do i'm a retard bluh bluh'
It all depends on who you want to be.
What is your character's ambition? How do they see the world?
>Is warrior any good?
Arms and Fury are fun as heck. Especially fury.
I'm sorry, it'll look better when they're torches though!
This is the last one I have that's not bad or messed up with upgrades
1.Dead Naaru
3.He might be purified by the Light, something similar happened to a group of Nathrezim
4.That remains to be seen.
Can't blame him, Tyrande is top pussy.
arms is okay I guess, but nothing beats roleplaying a dradle with two hammers
Could be worst.
Draenei male priest.
>shitting on draenei
What the fuck, who let the blood elf into the thread?
>someone please answer
As someone who started the game how long does it take to get from 75-100? About the same as 1-75?
DK is a very hard class to RP. Basically you need to keep in mind that you're a walking weapon who *needs* to kill to survive. You probably won't be hanging around towns too much, so that can be kinda boring if you don't have RP partners. Also, people really dislike people who have a DK as their OOC class but don't play a DK IC.
Warlock suffer from the isolation problem to an extent, save for undead and belves who can just be warlocks openly. However, it is much easier to hide your identity. They're legal in most places, contrary to what people believe, but don't let your demons out in towns. You might also want to hide your class and corruption in your TRP/MRP.
Hunters are a pretty standard class, how you'll play one depends heavily on your race. A night elf hunter who uses a bow and wants to protect nature is a wildy different person from a dwarf hunter who wants to be the next Hemet Nesingwary.
If you have to play a melee, play a monk. Monk is in a good spot these days at max level with Hit Combo.
As for RP
The basics. You were probably raised a bit before the Northrend Campaign, in Lore. Your character was also likely an adventurer of note, which lead to being raised as a machine of death and destruction. It's been a few years, so, people are less triggered when they see you out and about. DK's get their rocks off on fighting and causing suffering, so, they're sort of doomed to be soldiers and forever adventuring, but nothing keeping you from having hobbies.
Fel magic is a helluva drug. You likely had some aptitude in Magic in some manner, and then got drawn to Fel magic for some reason. Your reasoning will vary, but the common reasons are 1) You like power, or 2) You hate the Legion with a passion and you're fighting fire with knowledge (and more fire).
You can literally do whatever the fuck you want with that, could be an outdoorsman, could be a tanner, could be a BIG GAME HUNTER, who the fuck knows
what are the fun classes this xpac?
I played kitty druid in the past but am thinking a caster this time around for some reason. I only have till the legion event ends to decide cause I hate leveling the normal way
Is their a true ranged/melee spellcaster yet? with more caster aspects than melee?
Whoa slow down there, Draenei are the fucking best.
But have you tried clothing a male Draenei? Tentacle clipping, horn clipping, hair clipping, eye glow overlapping with set eye glows, robes stretched out at the chest and the hips but tiny at the waist.
>Can't blame him, Tyrande is top pussy.
Yeah, but he wouldn't know
Thanks for the tips. I do like DK's but I do know that anything with Death/Demon/Blood in the name is gonna be full of emo kids who think whining makes them look cool. I guess I'll go Warlock then since fuck yeah demons. Any tips on races? I'm very very rusty on lore, even more so now in modern WoW.
Blood Elf males have the same issue. Most collared headpieces clip into the collarbone, offhands are always a no-go cause they clip into the leg, few good short hairstyles
it is suffering
smelly undead
also those gay ears and eyebrows clip through literally everything as well
>Male Human Death Knight
You were one of the paladins/knights Arthas killed in WC3. You followed him until the Forsaken broke free from his grip, now you travel the world trying to find meaning in life and coming to terms with the fact that the light failed you.
>Elf (either one) Hunter
You're a ranger/sentinel sent to fight the enemies of your people. Your sense in the wild are unparalleled, a veteran of guerrilla campaigns against the trolls/orcs jumping out of the wilderness to ambush your enemies and vanish without a trace. You scout the world on behalf of your masters, reporting all you see and hunting people down.
These aren't terribly creative, I know, but the archetype isn't important so much as you know who your character is. It doesn't matter what they do, it's what they think and feel.
Go back to your shithole
In this day and age, DK's are a bit more trusted than DH's in the RP community...on WrA, Hordeside, i've found. DK's are in the position that they've been around for a while, so they have the Factions trust (which they will break because the Ebon Blade is retarded in Legion but whatever.)
But, alright, races. Warlocks Fel energy works off of burning life to create magic. Hence the use of Soul Shards, Life tap, etc. Warlocks are pretty dangerous since, in Lore, a good warlock can literally burn away a persons soul and turn them into a hateful demonic creature (It's how the Felsteeds were made - Shadow Council liked the wild horse and was all 'lol we making these magic horses')
You're gonna be reviled by other orcs because of what happened to their race. The most powerful and evil warlock in Lore is Gul'dan, who pretty much fucked over Orcs in several iterations.
Hexxers, I guess. There's really not much lore on this, but I imagine Trolls are a bit more open to Warlocks
Undead have lost all fucks they have to give. They use every advantage they have to give a middle finger at everyone, so, Warlocks are pretty okay.
>Blood Elves
When the elves lost the Sunwell, they went full salt and bitterness at everything. Quite a few went to demon magics to sate their addiction, and just so happened that bound demons are great power sources in a pinch. Blood Elves have a society that values being pioneers in magic, so, while a few more fucks are given these days (since the Sunwell was restored by thr Light and in good faith from Velen), Warlocks are still respected.
Profit. Literal contracts with demons for cheap labor. And also arson.
Unless you're doing alliance, in which case i'll make another post
Goblins also have this issue with their hairs and ears. It seems all the nonhuman races get shafted
It was only with 7.0.5 did Ears start tearing themselves free of plate helmets.
I mean, I like the ears, since they add character, but c'mon, if they're that sensitive, it's gotta be important to hide them
Mind doing Alliance? Currently I'm thinking a insufferable genius forsaken warlock or a Orc who turned to Fel out of desperation to beat the Legion.
Not many human warlocks out here. provides a decent backstory. My own human warlock is a gilnean widow who wasn't a particularly good mage and managed to escape Gilneas during the forsaken attack while her husband did not, blamed her poor skills for his death and pactised with demons to get her revenge and never let something like that happens. She got a bit corrupted in the mean time.
Gnomes are curious by nature. You're too curious, or maybe too drunk on power.
Mostly the same as humans. Apparently worgen warlocks are a bit more accepted though.
You're likely Dark Iron, in which case you've been surrounded with warlocks all your life, or maybe you're from another clan and learned from them. In that case, it probably drew you apart from your friends and family.
Orc warlocks were usually shamans before instead of mages. Or maybe you were directly taught to be a warlock. If you're old enough to remember the First war, you've fallen from grace since orcs have renounced demons. How dyou feel about it? Also remember, Garrosh wanted all orc warlocks dead, how did you survive?
Forsaken don't have much of a problem with warlocks. You'll mostly be an edgier forsaken mage, or perhaps you were a priest who got renounced by the Light and didn't want to go Shadow. One thing though - fel needs to draw life to be called, but forsaken can't use their own, so you'll need to remember that.
>Blood elves
Same as forsaken, they aren't really shunned. Fel has been part of most blood elves' lives, when the Sunwell was lost. But recently, they turned back to the Light, so you might be conflicted for that.
Troll warlocks are a very recent addition; it used to be that trolls were the only race who could be mages but not warlocks. So you're a pioneer in the dark arts.
Goblins are all about making deals. Fucking milk those demons. You gotta be even wittier than a succubus, observer and even dreadlord.