What went wrong with JRPGs? Was it the developers in Japans fault? Lack of audience anymore?
Or was it the wests fault favoring western garbage RPGs like Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls?
What went wrong with JRPGs? Was it the developers in Japans fault? Lack of audience anymore?
Or was it the wests fault favoring western garbage RPGs like Mass Effect and Elder Scrolls?
>what RPGs should be
>picture is persona 4
Kill yourself
jrpgs are fine when you're 15 and a 17 year old with a pure waifu neighbor with 36E tits battling satan sounds like an awesome way to blow 70 hours but then you grow up and realize you're just pressing X on goblins for 55 of those hours and the plot and characters are retarded weeb trash
i don't know why wrpgs are popular tho
What games do you play dear connoisseur of vidya?
Neither of those shitty examples are RPGs.
a JRPG is like if you take the worst, most unoriginal fantasy anime and added a braindead battle system where you just have to use your strongest attack over and over again and heal
japanese suck at making video games
>Is an actual RPG
I feel bad for you playing action games masquerading as RPGs. You probably can't even bash open locked doors.
>kill yourself over opinion
>persona 4 is greatest jrpg
Pick one
Japan shifted to mobile
>western garbage RPGs
why's everyone switching styles than
>Pic unrelated
Why not attack with fire instead of doing a bunch of useless shit?
No matter how hard you try jrpgs and wrongs will reach the true rpg experience
Because you don't just one hit kill most enemies unless you overlevel
Diablo killed the concept of coherent combat in western rpgs and bioware dating sims took over the void. Also persona is extreme example, typically jrps are only challenging if you do low xp run. Try suikoden 1, its combat is babby-tier
>Divinity OS isn't an RPG
Nice meme.
Even then that's retarded, +5 resistance is usually fucking nothing, use the knight to defend the mage, the healer will heal herself and the mage target the weakness of the monster
+5 resistance is just a generic figure of speech, and in P4 you can't actually defend anyone except for the other guys saving the MC
The knight can attack using magic because everyone in P4 can use magic and the healer uses buffs as well so your next attack will be stronger
It all checks out
>role playing game
>it's supposed to be about math equations and logic puzzles
>not about playing a role
Any video game is by definition about playing a role. In call of duty you play the role of a marine. CRPG is about gameplay via stats.
Are there any WRPGs that don't use the same "not-medieval medieval period full of dragons and dwarfs and elves with a setting where everything is coated in dark mud"?
If JRPGs have anything over WRPGs, it's variety in setting.
So your point is that the "Role" in "Role Playing Games" is a typo of "Roll", and the genre actually encompasses games with RNG combat?
Everyone is keenly aware that DnD is popular purely for its amazing combat system and skill checks, surely none of the memorable experiences had while playing that game involve a player pretending to be a fictional character.
Deus Ex, VTMB, Fallout, KOTOR, System Shock
JRPGs are still stuck in the fucking 80s when they copied wizardry. They never evolved anywhere and they only differ in the flavor of garbage anime story slapped on top. Basically you need to be an autistic weeb to enjoy them.
gta is a rpg series because u playing a role of a character
do u think this dumbfk speak english ?
>he doesn't love the tension and following ear-splitting roar following a 20 on the dice
That is literally the best part
For such a variety of settings, they have the same level of visual distinction between them as Gears of War and Warhammer 40K.
Also, find me five mainstream JRPGs where the main cast does not have coloured and/or heavily styled hair and dress in cloth not designed by the most convoluted tailor on the planet.
but in COD the way you play the game doesn't affect the role you play
It's meaningless without the narrative context behind it.
Can't everyone just agree that all RPGs are shit and move on.
That's still better than what WRPGs have become, which is either mediocre action game or mediocre shooters where the only choices are regarding which one of your companions you are going to fuck
really makes you think...
>literally who
And jrpgs have tend to have a better narrative context behind it to boot
>Also, find me five mainstream JRPGs where the main cast does not have coloured and/or heavily styled hair and dress in cloth not designed by the most convoluted tailor on the planet.
Bravely Default
Shin Megami Tensei 3
Shin Megami Tensei 4
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest VII
Personally and intellect is literally a meme.
No. If I give you five, you'll just disregard them because apparently they're not mainstream.
Isn't P4 just spamming the strongest attacks against the enemy to knock them down and then bumrush their shit in? Don't see any complex strategy in that.
Thorin is a massive self-important cunt, but a broken clock and all that.
He's right of course though he sounds like a faggot.
Persona is run of the mill at best
I hope to fucking god that this time the armor designs are just like that. Let my wizard look like one.
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
>main cast
Are the Slayers RPGs any good?
Until you get to enemies who don't have weaknesses, or until you get big amounts of enemies that attack mid turn and with different weakness so you can't do that
Also your SP will run out
I didn't think it was possible to have so much cancer in one post
RPG's on the west lived through two collapses, one was in early-to-mid 90's when the computer market shifted from RPG's, adventure and strategy games to FPS(let's just call it Doom effect) and the second, after temporal renewal in circa 2002-2003. To the problems encountered previously you have to add dipshit policies of two dipshit publishers that ended the life of two 20-years old+ RPG series(EA for Ultima and 3DO for M&M) coupled with enormous success of World of Warcraft and everybody jumping ship to consoles and... you get where it's going.
Japanese RPG industry didn't go this way. There was no collapse, just slow fall to irrelevancy. The difference is that in the west mid-tier publishers/devs who were interested in making RPG's after the first collapse mostly went out of business during the second one, or shifted priorities drastically(Bethesda and Bioware), in Japan there were still some "huge" RPG series going strong and even supported by big publishers - even if they've formed the "B" catalogue of the company now, they still remained as the enthusiasts of old games were still around to buy and play them(with good example being Square Enix' Dragon Quest).
If you look at the "big" RPG's from Japan you can see that the same factors that once forced everybody to adapt or die in the west are also working on JRPG's. Case in point - FFXV and Nier:Automata becoming action adventures with stats.
Which doesn't mean smaller games don't exist - Japanse still make "Wizardry" games(they've got the license from Sir-tech when it went bankrupt after releasing Wiz8) and tons of dungeon crawlers and the west managed to somehow revive the mid-tier companies recently.
Shockingly the Souls games have a wide cast of characters. Just so happens most of them want to murder you and don't have 20 minute cutscenes to explain why. Or are friendly, but hidden behind two secret walls, three tough monsters, and a corner that blends in with the environment.
>Nier:Automata becoming action adventures with stats
Are you implying the series wasn't always action adventure with stats?
Now I understand why SMT fans hate personafags
Bashing open locked doors is something in the old rpgs stuff like that is impossible in the new rpgs.
>Persona 4
o am i laffin!
>Role Playing Game
>Player shouldn't role play
Even if it's something retarded, it's still role playing.
What top describes is a CRPG like FFT and TO.
One thing that bothers me is games where magic karma points exist and are way, way more important than money. i.e.:
>Hey protag, we've got a problem here. Can you help us? We'll pay you 500 credits.
A: Yes, and keep the credits, I just want to do good deeds. (+1 Karma!)
B: Yeah sure. (No alignment change, 500 credits)
C: I will kill you for even asking me because I am wacky and evil (-1 Karma)
B is the choice that most people would actually choose, yet it's the least picked choice because in-game currency can always be farmed, but 'magic karma points' are precious resources that can only be gained/lost during specific events.
But I like both
>WRPGs are based on the immersive and roleplaying aspects of tabletop RPGs
>JRPGs are based on the stat-building and dungeon crawling aspects of tabletop RPGs
I've always thought that top-down JRPG dungeons and exploration played out similarly to dungeon-crawling in table-top RPGs desu.
>Enemy is weak to fire, so I should attack with the knight
>Protect the white mage with a black mage
He's a retard that can't play but try to sound smart
In Wasteland 2 or Original Sin it's very much possible.
No you don't, you idort
Yet Dark Souls is still better than any WRPG
>but 'magic karma points' are precious resources that can only be gained/lost during specific events.
This is why Wizardry series is better than modern WRPGs, because you can gain/lost karma points through combat.
Karma is a shit in most games anyways, especially when everyone seems to be aware that you're the one stealing/ assassinating. Reputation is better, but it's harder to implement
>real-time WRPG
>Shit, had I not failed to dodge that attack I would have won that fight
>turn-based JRPG
>Looks like I have to grind another 3 hours to win that fight or I just buy some items in the cash shop for 9000 Yen each
>Persona 4
I've long toyed with the idea of a game where you had two meters: one keeping track of how people saw you, and one keeping track of why you did everything. So the game could keep track of you doing "good" things in public even if you were actually a total bastard at heart playing everyone in private. But it'd probably be too finicky and be better served just having more distinct options that flowed into each other without needing to be a total dipshit asshole or boot licker.
I pick the first option. You can kill yourself now.
>people claiming jrpgs are all grinding
>when most ff, one most popular jrpg series, can be beaten at level 1 with strategy and planning alone
>faggots still complain about grinding
>ROLEplaying game
>recreates himself in the game and acts like he would
I love how in most games you only be chaotic evil or lawful good
Actually screw that you usually can't be properly evil, you can't make crazy schemes that end in bloodshed
Look at fallout 3, sure you can be Joker evil and nuke a town, but it's not your plan
>+5 resistance
>it's a "glorious nippon superior to everything" thread
the role i'm playing is me you fartsniffer