My friend is wealthy and decides to start pc gaming

>my friend is wealthy and decides to start pc gaming
>buys pre built pc (custom) from pc shop
>good pc
>has i7 16gb gtx 1080
>tells me he games at 1080p

He might prefer to play on high frame-rates like 120+

>He might prefer to play on high frame-rates like 120+
that's the worst part, he has a 60hz monitor

Your friend might be retarded.

>build high end PC
>skimp on the peripherals

Why do people do this?

Keyboard doesn't matter though. Mech keyboards are the stupidest meme.

Humans cant see past 1080p anyway.

>pre built pc (custom)
so how is it custom? did he choose the parts and they build it for him or what?

In 99% of applications, yes, but there's a use for mechanical keyboards.

>pre built pc (custom)
so how is it custom? did he choose the parts and they build it for him or what?

I meant it as in it's not a pre built shitty one, he designed the pc how he wanted and had it built for him.

Mechanical or not, you still need a good keyboard that feels comfortable, is responsive, and won't shit the bed after 3 months.
There's no reason to skimp on a good keyboard and mouse because they're what you're going to be using the most.

You jealous or something? What was the point of this thread

>won't shit the bed after 3 months.
This doesn't happen. A $10 keyboard will last you many years of daily use.

I've never had one last less than 2 years.


I bought the standard Microsoft keyboard and mouse 5 years ago and they still work fine and are comfortable to use

You can basically get away with any decently built keyboard. Mechanical and 'gaming' keyboards are an absolute meme.

>mfw I bought a mechanical keyboard
I love the tactile bump and feel and going back to membrane feels uncomfortable.
Pls don't bully

>falling for the decently built keyboard meme
Literally any keyboard is perfect. If you pay more than the absolute lowest amount you can find, you're ripping yourself off.

I got a mechanical keyboard because after 15 years of playing on an old-ass Microsoft keyboard I wanted to get something nice. And they offered a pretty nice headset as a gift for a purchase.

>tell my friend I'll probably build a new PC soon
>"Just go to Best Buy. They have great deals on computers"
>ask what he means
>"I got my gaming laptop for $800 there. Runs Xcom almost perfectly"

>spending just $800 on a gaming laptop
>at best buy so it's probably worth like $600

What GPU should I get if I don't intend to play above 1080?

GTX 970 I use an amd r280x

Not true. Many keyboards don't support hitting a bunch of buttons at the same time. I had issues for years playing games until I said fuck it and bought a $30 Razer keyboard. Going strong for 3 years so far and none of the keys have worn out so it looks brand new.


been using the same Dell keyboard for almost a decade now

The top of the line gpu so you can run it quieter, and be more future proof. I spent $400 on a gpu 3 years ago and it's ran every game at 1080p just fine.

Thanks anons, For the price I might just go 1060.

Don't fall for jewvidia. Anything below the 1070 go AMD.

4k is still a meme res
nothing is adapted to it yet

mechanical isn't, gaming keys are.

There's merrit in mechanical switches.

I bought a 1070 and have no intentions of replacing my 1080p, 60hz dual monitor setup.

Suck an egg. If I really want to push resolution, I'll do some downsampling.

amd 480

>tfw my r9 280x just died 3 days ago
Why have you forsaken me Lord?!

>why yes i game at 1440p the 10 extra pickles sure do make a difference

I love how the RX 480 feels in 1080p, and its price is amazing.
For a budget 1080p GOOD PC: RX480
For a 1440p GOOD PC: GTX 1070/80

almost every membrane keyboard made in the last decade has chosen a rollover strategy that avoids gaming key conflicts. unless you're using some irregular hand position you probably won't get this issue anymore

is the rx 470 any good rx 480 supply is very limited

60 fps is a meme and is still borderline unplayable. 80+ is the sweet spot for single player games

Had this issue in 2012. W+A/D+shift+spacebar wouldn't work.

Sorry to hear that, brother.

How long did yours last? I'm at a year and a half now.

Pretty stupid.
But I did almost the same thing bought a pc from a computer shop (design the parts I want myself) because I have no other shop that sells parts and ordering from another country will just make me pay more at the mail because expensive shit has sort of a fee of 50% or some Bullshit.
Then I noticed that I only play on 1080p and it sucks so I bought an Asus pg279q which is nice cut I only use headphones and don't want to buy a stereo system so when friends come to play vidya I can play it with sound,the only problem with this monitor for me is that with very dark lighting you can see a little bright at the corners.
Oh and btw at the time I bought it I had a 780 but it broke so I had it repaired at the shop but they didn't have any 780 so they gave me a 980ti instead feelsgoodman
Sory for long post just bored as fucking at the train

Getting a 970 now seems to me a shitty idea, gimped VRAM and Nvidia going not giving a fuck about old gen, unless you get a crazy deal on the price

It is, but they only sell non-reference cards for the 470 and sometimes the price goes to $ 220. Considering the reference RX 480 it's $ 230, it's not a good deal.

2 years and 8months.
Wish I was joking.
Probably VRAM is fucked because when I tested it I got white/gray lines.

>he plays at 1080/60fps
>w-what a moron
unless you offered to help him build a proper pc when you knew he was planning to get one you have 0 reason to come here and bitch

you can get a decent mech keyboard pretty cheap if you don't care what brand.
The one I'm using right now was only $49 on sale, has worked fine for awhile.

In england it's 180 quid for rx470 and anywhere from 220-300 depending how much of a jew the seller is

>have a friend
>dont even try to help him because I'm not actually his friend

Sup Forums

>be poorfag
>middle class friend buys a good pc
>has good specs high end componets
>he games at 60fps and 1080p with his real friends
>Cry about it on /r/videogames

I'm a noob when it comes to pc gaming. Why is a i7 16gb gtx 1080 bad? the only thing I can think of is that i7 is a bad choice since an i5 can perform the same for gaming right?

>projecting this much

>i7 for gaming

3 generations ago sure, now it makes a difference, well it sort of makes a difference.

the chipset makes a difference, X99 has better single core performance than Z170 but Z170 has better multi-core performance.

Nothing wrong with those parts if you've got the money. The problem is that he's wasting those parts with a 1080p 60hz monitor.

He'd be better off even with an i5, 1070 and a 1080p144hz or 1440p60hz monitor.

You've got that backwards.

>has i7 16gb
That's not really saying much, it could be a gen 1 i7 and RAM is not expensive. I have that and I play on 900p with a 380X

Its called prioritizing, it does seem stupid when people spend a fuckton on everything else
I do this because some peripherals are pretty expensive, I don't feel like spending almost the same cost of my cpu or gpu in keyboard and mouse. I do plan to get some good ones eventually, but a better screen comes first.

>hurr durr mechanical keyboards are a meme my 5$ membrane shit feels the exact same


rate my keyboard

its mechanical and has a membrane

thanks sega

even bought a hand made adapter for this


he's probably not buying those no-frills business keyboard/mouse sets. They last forever and the only reason you'd replace them is if you're feeling lazy on cleaning them.

>the kind of guy who refers to a CPU as i7 without model name
>in any position to make fun of other people for tech related knowledge


lets say you have a build with a 1070 in it, and you also picked yourself some damn fine overpriced meme gaming reddit shit peripherals.

you at that point could just go ahead and do that, or you could buy normal peripherals and a 1080.

Sent ;)

what kind of stupid gook thinks up all those stupid symbols?