mattpat is an immense faggot
Butt hay?
Redpill me on Undertale. The whole controversy slided past me.
Some weeb made some shitty indie game. Basically Autism: The Game. Then our buddy MatPat did a video saying Ness was one of the characters, causing hundreds of fanboys to ruin the name of Earthbound.
I remember the first time I saw him he did a video on how bioshock's rapture was mostly feasable. He estimated where it was on a map, how shallow the sea would be, how pressure would affect the materials developed around the time the game took place, the only real issue being the buildings where rectangular and not cylindrical. Next I hear of him it's this shit and muh tf2 has too many white mens. It's sad to see someone fall so hard for petty jewtube cash
I believe sans might be earthbound. You can tell by thier similarity's
but he's a monster, they come as skellingtons, he has a brother and everything, they dont reanimate from someone's remains
Nuh uh it's Steven Universe.
Some fag made a ok game.
Man...Mat Pat use too do good videos.
guy makes demo of game
has novel bullet hell lite gameplay to spice up turn based combat
people on Sup Forums really like demo
full release happens, people like it, there's some gays in it though
it's ok but overrated to hell, Sup Forums kneejerks
undertale threads over saturate board, Sup Forums kneejerks
it gets picked up by the tumblr community, Sup Forums REALLY kneejerks
everything dies down, people still have a sour taste in their mouth but don't give as strong a reaction
and here we are
This is the only headcanon I'll accept.
Sans was always a skeleton, and you can see here his head is too big to be Ness's.
Furthermore, I hate it whenever someone renders a non-monster character in black/white; only MONSTERS are supposed to appear that way!
No, it doesn't fucking matter. Sans IS Ness. Fucking deal with it.