What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?

>Literally lying about the games they release and their features (No Mans Sky). No quality control whatsoever.
>The few first party games they do release (R&C, Tearaway Unfolded, Gravity Rush HD) bomb terribly.
>PS+ is going up in price by $20 a year while the quality of software that comes with the service is going down and the servers are still terrible
>PS4 slim is practically worse in every way, removing features like the optical out and the controller has more lights and the same battery and shitty analog sticks that fall apart
>PS4 Neo is twice as thick as the original PS4 and still nowhere near as powerful as the Scorpio

Other urls found in this thread:


>New dualshock 4 model CUH-ZCT2E still has the same meagre 1000mah battery unfortunately.


So much this! Nintendo for life Sup Forumsros

>if you're not a pathetic nigger it means you surely are a nintentoddler!

>hating on based ninty
Why? The Wii U is the only console with games this gen. Only N-Dawg knows that they're doing this gen

>Literally lying about the games they release and their features (No Mans Sky)
>a game not made by Sony
You're not very smart, are you?

>"We want the PC crowd"
>give PC PSNow
>keep allowing games to be ported
>jacking the price of their paid online service

If it weren't for some companies bringing over niche games for it, I'd really be upset having wasted money buying one.

There's still ffxv so there's that.

This console gen Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo realized they can shit out turds with no games and people will still buy them


Coming to PC and NX

Allow me to tear down you bullshit.

1. No mans sky is not a Sony game. Hello games rejected Sony's requests to get involved with development. It's entirely Hello's game on every level. They simply advertised it and took advantage of the hype like any other publisher with half a brain would.
2. Ratchet and Clank sold millions, Gravity Rush sold half a million on the Vita in 2012 so combined with the PS4 sales it did considerably well for a niche new IP that you refuse to play because >weeb shit.
3. PS+ is now the same price as Xbox Live, the only difference is PS4 owners dont spam Sup Forums damage controlling Microsoft every night
4. The new Dualshock doesn't have a new lightbar, the slim is the smallest current generation console.
5. More speculative bullshit

>keep allowing games to be ported

I thought you were smarter than this.

Do you think Sony owns the publishing rights to every third party game developed for the system or something?

Sadly, I think it says a lot about Sony's current mentality that Yoshida had to fight tooth and nail with the board to be allowed to commission From to make Bloodborne with Japan Studio.

Source? Because as far as I'm aware Sony was the one that approached Fromsoft.

But didn't Ratchet and Clank sell well? I mean I hated it but it sold well.

Black people and numales buy everything is "cool"
It should be explained to them that the ps4 isn't a cool item

>Do you think Sony owns the publishing rights to every third party game developed for the system or something?

No, but they do say what games come to their systems. They didn't want DQH come into PS3 cuz the PS4 is their primary focus, but in return it came to PC. That's just one example.

Someone copy this into a clipboard and just repost it every couple of hours when the same stupid fucking thread pops up so we can just be done with it.

Sony prioritizing which games get released on their systems has zero correlation to which system the third party decides to port their games to. Sony has zero say in what third party publishers decide to do with their games.

DQH coming to PC had nothing to do with Sony. In fact it was most likely planned all along, this is Square Enix we're talking about here.

Fuck off Sonygger

Source: my butthole

>being a fucking sonygger

You're basically saying Sony can't pay for exclusive rights, which is shit and you know it.

Please as if steam quality control exists. If so we wouldnt get quality titles like shower with your dad simulator


The one thing that keeps bugging me regarding PS now is that they keep using the word "streaming" instead of just "playing". What the fuck do they mean by that. Is it all a big fucking scam?

>Ratchet and Clank sold millions


Because that's what PSNow is, you're paying a subscription fee to stream games from their servers.

Do you want Sony to pay for games they didn't help make to be exclusive?

I wish everyone would just stop subscribing to PS Plus. Unfortunately, there are too many retards with money to waste and kids with terrible parents.

>>PS+ is going up in price by $20 a year while the quality of software that comes with the service is going down and the servers are still terrible
I agree with all your points (including this one), but it's up $10 a year, not 20. Stop spreading misinformation.

>implying Ratchet and Clank 2016 bombed
It was the fastest selling game in the franchise.
Try harder.

>Literally lying about the games they release and their features (No Mans Sky). No quality control whatsoever.
It's also on PC.

>The few first party games they do release (R&C, Tearaway Unfolded, Gravity Rush HD) bomb terribly.
Wow, a shitty reboot and two HD remasters. What did you expect?

>PS+ is going up in price by $20 a year while the quality of software that comes with the service is going down and the servers are still terrible
Isn't it going up $10 bucks actually? Can't defend this one.

>PS4 slim is practically worse in every way, removing features like the optical out and the controller has more lights and the same battery and shitty analog sticks that fall apart
Who even uses that? And maybe it you didn't manhandle your controllers you wouldn't fuck them up so easily.

>PS4 Neo is twice as thick as the original PS4 and still nowhere near as powerful as the Scorpio
Oh, so you're just a Microshill. Everyone, move along.

I'm not saying that at all, Sony can and they have already bought timed exclusivity for certain games in the past.

However even if they do this, it's beside the point, they aren't in a position to 'allow' games to do anything other than adhere to the terms of the contract. If a third party developer decides to port a game even if it was timed exclusive to another system, Sony has zero control or say over it.

Timed exclusivity is a pathetic corporate practice though and even more so when it's done independently by a third party publisher, see Nier for example. Square could've announced their real target platforms on day one but they decided to lie to consumers so they could have a second pseudo-launch campaign for PC. FFXV will be done the same way although it's PC release could have been legitimately been delayed due to technical reasons. Square essentially had what less than 6 months to optimize a game engine that doesn't scale with x86 for x86 consoles and it's become apparent to us they have failed at their task, horrendously.

I don't even know what I'm saying at this point but you get the idea. Third parties porting their games to PC have nothing to do with Sony and timed exclusives are cancer.

PS4 is my only system capable of playing 8th gen games and I'm gay enough to defend it merely because I chose to spend my $400 dollarydoos on it but I can't defend paid multiplayer.

Just fucking stop, Sony. The only good game I've gotten out of the deal has been Furi and I can't play it if I stop paying them every month. PS Now is fuckin stupid too.

Stop paying. You don't need multiplayer.

The NX you can call bullshit on, but this is Squire-Enix. They just fucking told Nier:Automata is coming to PC and this after porting FF X/X-2 not long ago and before that IX and XIII. XV coming to PC is a given m8.

>PS4: Also on PC™

This is the biggest fucking blunder alongside the Pii U in terms of consoles. After Nier Automata got announced for PC I will never fucking ever buy that inferior Beta-tester. Bloodborne can go suck on a shitdick, one game alone is never worth a console.

I agree and did since last month

The only online game (assfaggots) I have and like atm for it isn't exclusive and is free.

>It's OK when Microsoft does it?

>What the fuck happened?
faggot still buy it.

Buying a PS4 for first-party games is as retarded as buying an Xbone for Japanese games or a Wii U for third-party games.

>it's sony's fault Hello Games constantly lied, even after release
>R&C didn't bomb, dumbass
>It's going up in price $10 and matches XBL's pricepoint. They only get away with it because Microsoft did it first and Nintendo is irrelevant.
>That's why you don't have to buy the slim. Neo comes out this fall if you care about features and you can get the current model now. Slims are only ever for people penny-pinching unless the system had issues functioning like the OG 360.
>based on what. Also, Scorpio doesn't even release until fall 2017 at earliest, so of course it will be stronger.

can't you at least try?

> No optical out
What the actual fuck

>Nintendo is irrelevant.

That's why the 3DS outsells the PS4/Vita every week in Japan and outsold the PS4 in the US last month

Sony won, baby. Stay mad.

>What the fuck happened
Lousy to no competition plus a very, very loyal mindless fanbase who willingly spread their asscheeks to get fucked by everything Sony shits out.
Sony is literally free to do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences because it's OK when Sony does it.

>Microsoft =/= Windows

Are you dense?

PS Now is you streaming a video feed of PS3 games from their servers

The only thing that upsets me is that they are not clear whether games will stay exclusive or not so I can pirate them on PC. It's a cheap bait and switch and borderline false advertising.

Other than that the PS4 fine, you are all over reacting. In fact I think we should all be happy that we have to buy just 1 console in addition to PC this gen to have all games.

Absolutely this, share the same feelings. However, some games are totally worth buying and supporting day one. Pic related.


Is the battery of the DS 4 criminally small ? Yes.
Is it still miles ahead of MS's "buy your own batteries" solution ? Fuck yes.

No Man's Sky is quite representative of Sony in general though.

Throwing tens of millions of marketing behind something that's pretty much mediocre

Batteries don't come cheap either, Xbox users might as well add in a $150 on top of their live subscription

That one console being the Wii U, of course

>XV coming to PC is a given m8.

so, in 8 years ?

They market what appeals to retards and the average consumer is a retard. I wish they would advertise their other first party games more though like Gravity Daze and Bloodborne but casuals aren't interested in these games. They've done pretty well for GT though

Handhelds selling better than consoles in Japan?

Who would have thought?

Being 30 it legit depresses me how low nintendo has fallen.

I've just been flicking through my 3DS games and I've realized than I've outgrown so many of these games. They really are made for kids now, very few games feel like a game for all ages.

Why is Xenoblade X on the center as if it was some kind of amazing game?

It was a huge letdown compared to the first one.

>I bought one of these for Smash, Splat, and Bayo
>I spent $200+ to play three games

I just sold it and bought a bunch of coke