Chun-Li was made for Big Thick Black Dick

Chun-Li was made for Big Thick Black Dick.

She is not alive, how can she take anything?

Laura is underrated


tags:partially_visible_anus is my fetish

i know this is on the extreme though

>partially visible

nigga, i could fit my head in there

I like big wet gaping donuts, but this is fine too.

Why black dick of all things?
If you really think about it, just looks like they're shitting.

Go away Sunnibee.


Dumb cuck poster

Also gapes are terrible

> Big Thick Black Dick.
I have fucked 3 niggers and my dick was bigger than theirs
explain this shit

you're not kidding, thanks for the tag

smooth puffy long nips with big areolas, the best kind

Are you posting this from prison?

>Fucking niggers for free
Not even porn actressess do it.

Black girls are hot though


You fell for the bbc meme

>Fucking Nigresses
Bad taste, my man

BBC is a meme invented by jews to get women to go for them. I mean is there any other reason you would go with a black person?

>Not posting from prison

How do i get my wife to try it?

It's the closest thing we have irl to orc/elf porn

my whole life is a prison
I'm a skeleton

But the average size of black dicks are the same as white.

Is finding a gross, gapping asshole attractive an anal vore thing?

mods are asleep. post insani

She already is

you aren't a skeleton, you're trapped inside a skeleton

whites make fun of asians for a reason, they can't make fun of blacks.


>wanting irl
Shiggy diggy

Why are sling bikini's so best.


If the asshole doesn't close up completely after toying/fingering/ect it means it's at the point where it will take your dick comfortably (for them)

Shitposting while mods are asleep / sucking dicks

>partially visible

I could march the entire 58th army into that anus.


fries with that


That's a big asshole
