Valve Software turned 20 years old today

Have your prayed to Lord Gabe today?

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Gabe died along with Valve around 5 years ago for all i care.

They died in 2003 for me, steam was and is the worst.

>20 years old
>created 1 good game

>Uhhhhh I watch MLP
>Oh so you're a brony?
>Uhhhh, yes
Fuck you Gabe, Burn in Hell.

>almost half of these games weren't made by Valve
>4 years without new games

You made this thread earlier yesterday, Valve will collapse into itself like a neutron star.

>last interesting thing they released was 5 years ago

He said he watches it with his daughters you sperg, you think he actually gives a shit? He's a fucking old man

Happy DRM day, Sup Forums.

source, bitch?

>valve was founded just under 3 months after i was born
>people born in 1996 are 20 years old now
Time flies.

Your Choice.

Does that mean a festive sales day?

no with the amount of steambux they rake in.

>opposing force, blue shift, decay

>they havnt released or announced a single game in 4 years
>4 years

its true what they say huh, they really gave up on making vidya

>I suck Valve's Cock

>Seeing my once favorite developer end like this

>He said he watches it with his daughters
>his daughters

Valve got extremely shit after getting their hands on assfaggot 2.

in honor of this post i'm having gabe newell get turned into a nigger and be killed by satan

Okay, if we're going by that logic
>TF, CS, Ricochet, DOD, L4D, Portal, Dota

Wait really? I turned 21 today.

holy shit, autism

Indeed, it would be like creditting dota to blizzard.

>gabe's kids are fedora tipping bronies
My sides, holy shit.

I am going to kill gabe newell. He is going to die.

>Blizzard in the last 2 years
>Heroes of the Storm
>New WoW expansions
>New Starcraft II expansion
>Warcraft Movie

>Valve in the last 5 years
>Dota 2

Wtf I hate Valve now

>haven't made a single good game in 15 years
Pretty pathetic to be honest


I mean, we ALL use Steam Link, right guys?

>only 2 good games released in 20 years
>both are as dead as fuck

RIP DoD and DoD:S

>Dota 2
>Game literally stolen from Blizzard

Last game they actually made was Portal 2

they did develop dota/portal/l4d. but tf/cs/dod were practically already completed when valve bought them, they just wanted to ship them retail. those are the only good games here too, and they didn't do shit.

dunno why you added ricochet in there, they just made that as an example of how easy it was to make a game on goldsrc.

>Half Life 2: Episode Three has now been in development for longer than Duke Nukem Forever

Maybe Dota but not L4D and the only valve guy that worked on portal was the Half-Life writer.

the very same thread is on reddit atm :^)

its okay to steal from a thief

Blizzard has nothing to do with Dota. Literally

>On Reddit

except Portal 2 was made buy a studio they acquired.

Jesus. I remember when they made a big list of all the things that happened during the production of duke. Would be insane to see the list if HLE3 ever sees the light of day

>Game literally uses Blizzard characters

Remember Skeleton King?


>not listing the source filmmaker which has revolutionized 3D porn

>stolen from Blizzard
Blizzard didn't do shit with dota. They had the power to make it a full-fledged game but they're too busy sucking dick to do anything with it.
Oh and by the way
The paint mechanic in portal 2 was from a small team of devs,
Valve hired them as well.

>alien swarm

Ok, what the fuck. Of the hundreds of people I know on steam, each and every single one of them both played and loved it. Why the fuck did nothing ever happen? How did it just drop off the face of the earth?

congratulations. You are as cancer as OP. why would you kill eachother. Make sure you get a webcam

fixed it for you

>episode 2
so they'll announce something in october of next year, right?

except the orange box was the last good thing

dota happened


>people stopped caring on the orange box release
>the "fuck you" point wasn't the l4d2 fiasco
stop posting

you mean it uses some Blizzard unit models as a reference. The characters themselves are just anime memes

Actual developers(black cat games, indie fags) got tired of it even before the release. Originally it used to be a mod for UT2004, it was supported for years, had great campaigns but when the devs had finished the standalone version most fans already gave up on waiting.
Also nobody wanted to make more maps so the game died shortly after release.
I believe the devs were invited to work for Valve, though, good for them.

I hate Dota 2, I really do.

Valve stopped caring, you mong

Hiring the devs of a successful free demo/mod and giving them the financial and material (art&tech labor) support to make a full-featured standalone IP version != buying an IP including a nearly complete game and putting your name on it. Valve is responsible for everything they claim to be, even more than many AAA publishers.

What happens with Budget Cuts will be the first truly exceptional case where a game/studio was already well on its way to independent commercial success before Valve bought it (assuming that is what's happened).

>All that nothing after Portal 2

Jesus fucking christ.

Skeleton King was changed because China, not any ownership dispute. They had been on a bender around that time of using the presence of the undead, especially skeletons, as an excuse to ban western products. The change was made in direct response to an advisory from Chinese censorship agency about it.

Chinese are 2spooked by skeletons.

This list must be wrong because shitposters made me belive they haven't made anything in the last 10 years.
OP, please advice.

>they put Counter Strike up there like they had anything to do with it

The low violence non-spoopy version only applies to PerfectWorld servers in China. Any changes present on western servers were made to avoid copyright issues.

Valve is just sucking that china cock THAT hard
Icefrog is a chinkaboo, even numbered TIs are rigged for chinese to win

but that's wrong

>their last game was Portal 2
>Steam machine failed miserably and so will Steam VR
They are not even trying anymore, their last card will be HL3 but it will not live up to the hype and Gabe will kill himself

>come to Sup Forums
>people tell literal insane lies


Well to be fair it is a huge game in China.

dayum, dat list-padding

>last row is literally The Failure Years
>Orange Box is a compilation of other listed games
>listing Source Engine
>listing Steam

Ricochet represent.

>the next circle is Half Life 3

The people who made Counter Strike work for Valve now.

I pray to lord Gaben every day by engaging in his favorite activity.

Eat shit and die Nu-Steamtoddler!

>Gabe used to shit on XBL for being a terrible system because they couldn't make L4d dlc free
>Same guy makes millions off community funded prize pools,maps, and skins now
>Tried to force paid mods and got blown the fuck out

Gabe was supposed to be the good guy.


needs a LOT more microtransaction shit on the right, the entire companies backbone is nothing but crate/key system

Right needs dota 2 logo and compendium prize pool.

Since 2013 valve turned shit and only trying to milk the customers

I would if there was anything to praise about modern Valve.

Actually, I can think of one thing. They're pretty damn good at milking out money with virtually zero effort, so I gotta give credit where credit's due.

I actually do. I guess im a fag.

Not as lucrative.

>ifunny repost
>shitty attempt at humor
>complete lack of proper capitalization and most punctuation
Just how underage are you, user? Please lurk moar.