The Bechdel Test

>The game has to have at least two named women in it,
>who talk to each other,
>about something besides a man

Is it acceptable to play videogames that don't pass this test in the current year, Sup Forums?

>At least two women
No. No game should ever depend on "at least" even one character with specific genitalia. Good characterization pretty much doesn't give a shit about the gender of the characters. I don't care if they're all men or women as long as they are all likable and believable. So this test is inherently flawed.

Fun fact: the Senran Kagura games ace the Bechdel test.

>can't play game that only contains robots
thank mr blechdel

What if it's a game set in a male high security prison?

>Touhou passes

It's a flawed rule because you can make a game/movie/anything that is 2 hours of women being brutally raped to death, except there is a brief scene where two women talk about something other than men, and it'll pass.

The SK games are probably some of the ONLY video games to pass the Bechdel test.

>mfw weeb games pass this 99% of the time

Most of the time the villain is a man, and there aren't that many characters in the game.
So kinda hard to pass it naturally.

I play my games via the inverse-Bechdel test.

>the game must have at most two named women in it
>who never talk to each other
>unless it's about a man

Fuck standards i want my fucking masculine power fantasies.

who gives a shit m8
get out of my Sup Forums

Didn't that "test" come from a lesbian comic?

Senran Kagura confirmed for feminist propaganda.

Bayonetta passes it too, which checks out

>my yuri porn visual novels pass with flying colors

Yes, it's not real, but Tumblrites like to make ti seem like it is law.

Sausage Party passes the Test.

Half of the weeb games posted here pass it. It's stupid bullshit.

FPBP obviously

You don't put quotas on that kind of thing. It's foolishness.

12 angry men doesnt pass kek

What games worth playing (no weebshit relationship simulators) have passed the bechdel test?

I think the idea is that it shows the female characters have a purpose other than their relationship with the male characters. It's a "bare minimum" type of deal - she can be a slutty prostitute who does nothing in the movie but literally suck the main character's dick while talking about how manly he is, but as long as she talks to her coworkers about how troublesome it is to put on nail polish every morning, she has SOME degree of independent female agency.

But it's stupid because it requires TWO female characters talking to each other about something else. That's the major flaw. Why can't it be one? A movie where a man and a woman talk about politics doesn't pass the test, but one where two ditzes talk about nail polish does. It's just an arbitrary quantity of female representation and doesn't belong in the test.

Why people see this "test" valid? It,s just a joke from a comic. It,s not based on a study from a doctor or somthing, is just a joke from a fiction character...

I know Tales of Symphonia and Abyss are in there too.
Even pokemon can do it

Thread should have ended here.
Sage and report, this is going to derail into feminism hate and baiting.