ITT: multiplayer games you wish weren't dead

ITT: multiplayer games you wish weren't dead.

Battlefield 2142



Battle for Middle Earth 2
>includes Rise of The Witch King

Is Section 8 the one where you picked your own drop location and then rolled out decked out in amazing gear?

COD ghosts had great multilpayer, really wish people hadn't bandwagoned on the graphics or whatever their problem was.

Just answered my own question by jfging it.

Yea, buddy it was! That shit was comfy as fuck. Every piece of equipment felt juicy as shit and movement was the best part in it. All around a good game. Why didn't it survive?

Rock Band 3. Spent hundreds of dollars on songs and was extremely good. Loved impressing people by FC'ing hard songs with them.

Also Starcraft custom games. Was some of the most fun I had on PC and it's dead as fuck. Only MLG shit now.

I now hate koreans for the rest of my life.

Street Fighter V was a mistake.

Shattered Horizon was pretty fun while it lasted. But a multiplayer that simultaneously acts as a benchmark title and barely runs fluid on most PCs at that time won't work.


>I now hate koreans for the rest of my life.
Explain. I didn't play that game at all because I thought it was corny as shit.

Haven't logged in since last year, is SFIV dead? I figured with the backlash, IV would retain some players. Obviously, the fighting game community does not go backwards---so serious MLGfags are probably dead and gone. I just figured some bros would be left .

Games for Window Live
Too bad because it makes you feel like an American Space Marine


I too have acquired a deep hatred for the koreans, my brother

Why must all the good games die?


I can only vouch for PC. You can still find players if you disable regional filter, and I assume US folks can find games with ease, but outside of US you're out of luck unless you're okay with playing against Brazillians, Chinese and Russians.

NCSOFT shut down city of heroes, despite the fact it was still making them money so they could make room for guild wars 2.

Not only that but they are sitting on the IP and wont sell it to anyone, including the original developers behind the game who offered a good amount of money to buy the rights.

Then they gave some bullshit excuse like "We could not find a partner to buy the product who we feel would satisfy the city of heroes fans in ways that they were accustomed to."

The city of heroes IP still remains with NCSOFT to this day. Even though they have done absolutely nothing with it and have refused multiple offers from people to buy the IP.

The Specialists
Battlefield 2142
Vampire Slayer

CoD: IW is identically copying this game if you wanna play space shooters

desu Shattered Horizon should go F2P and release a new DLC to get back on the game

GFWL was a mistake and they need to be punished for that shit.


NCSoft squats on the rights of all the neat games they shut down, like Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa, because as koreans if someone ran them and it was popular after they canned it then they would lose face. It's why they kill off any private servers with their lawyer squad all the time too.

>capeshit MMO

No thanks.

Which is why I hate them.

it was making them money on the order of 1-3% ROI. they were spending about a million/yr to support it and the profit was in the low ten thousands IIRC. making money doesn't mean it was worth the trouble

CoH wasn't shut down until months after GW2 was launched and given the dropoff in activity there's no reason to think they wanted more server capacity for GW2 at that point

CoH was an underperformer, it got cut preemptively before it actually produced a loss, that's all there is to it. i'm not sure whether CoH or GW1 has the more butthurt community, it seems pretty damn close

Tribes ascend. After the devs killed it, the new 3 man team drove it into the ground at the suggestion of reddit.

Good taste.

Battlefield: Bad Company 1, 2 and Bad Company 2 Vietnam. Those were some of the best god damn Multiplayer FPS experiences I've ever had


though is not really dead, you can always find a server with people in

BC2 is not dead, senpai. Not on PC at least.

Yeah it was a neat game but requiring a Dx10 card back then was not a good move for establishing a new MP game.


It's a shell of its former self nowadays. The only people you'll be interacting with are high levels.

what games have ever died and got passed onto another company?

>people didt play it
>its dead
oh boy big surprise, i tried everything i could to keep it going even when valve messed up the default download
you wanna what killed it? the "community"



See you space cowboy...



Yes! And pic related fuggen RIP


There is just no adequate replacement. Most FPS where you can go sanic fast has no vehicles, and vehicle games like Battlefield are too different.

It kills me this is dead.

The destructible terrain was fucking amazin

It's a clunky mess compared to Arma 2 and 3, but somehow they never managed to be as fun online.

It's not completely dead, you can still find people playing surprisingly enough

shattered horizon looked really fucking cool and I loved the movement but it was really disappointing and unfinished.

if it had the stuf fit has now maybe more people would have played

the new COD actually looks kind of similar in the footage of space levels i've seen

fuckin loved this game and went on huge LAN binges with friends

it's unplayable to me now because the camera is so zoomed in

maybe there is a mod to fix that idk

Is that really dead? I heard from some of my friends that RO2 was shit compared to RO1, so I assumed atleast a few would stay behind.

its simply considered outdated to the rest, natural progression

Where is my tribes ascend? Shit was so good. Honestly best mp fun I've had.

Your friends are correct and it's pretty much dead. Last time I checked there were only one or two tank servers left with a bunch of die hard tank players.

Hosted a lobby for it on /vg/ and managed to find 2 other players, an hour of pure bliss.

What an amazingly fun game that got dropped because of a shitty dlc system and word of mouth

et sucked
