Face it Sup Forums, they're called Character Action Games

Face it Sup Forums, they're called Character Action Games.

The battle has been lost. Hack n Slash is dated and triggers Diablofags, Spectacle fighters and Stylish Action never caught on.

Character Action is the term that won, just embrace it and take comfort in the fact that tons of genre names make no sense.

I'm fine with that

Name 1 (one) reason why Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is the best Stylish Action game.

Or we could just ignore you.

I liked the game, was a good Raiden arc and great cutting mechanics
10/10 would cut melons with an egdy mecha dude any day

Rising is the pinnacle of gaming. No game can ever top how fun and satisfying it is.

Nice try, but you already failed.

They're called bargain bin shovelware.

Why can't more devs make video games that are just fun games? No stupid cinematic bullshit or FEELS bullshit. Just a video game that is a fucking video game. Basically, why can't everybody be Platinum?

I just call them Action Beat em Up

>Character Action
Makes no sense. What character? What about that character? What do you do when there's multiple characters? Why do you keep pushing a nonsensical meme term made up by Two Best Friends and plebbit?

Kamiya wanted to make an action game where he can be stylish when he made DMC. Capcom now calls it Stylish Action.

Kill yourself.

My guess is the reason why people call it that is because lots of focus is on different characters feeling diverse in games like DMC4SE, much like a fighting game.

So that's why people call it character Action.

I propose a new technical nomenclature.

Time-Control-Challenge-Camera-Manageability-Entities, Planes-Units-Players

Metal Gear Rising
Realtime Direct Attack Behind Fluid Single Single 3D
Redattabefl Sinsin3D
The game moves in REAL TIME. You DIRECTLY manipulate your avatar. You ATTACK enemies. The camera is BEHIND the avatar. The manageability of the avatar is FLUID. You control a SINGLE character. The game is SINGLE player.

Resident Evil
Realtime Direct Attack Fixed Cumbersome Single Single 3D
Redattafixcum Sinsin3D
The game flows in REAL TIME. You DIRECTLY control your avatar. You ATTACK enemies. The camera is in FIXED positions. The manageability of the avatar is CUMBERSOME. You control a SINGLE character. The game is SINGLE player.

Final Fantasy 7
Turnbased Menu Attack Fixed Order Single Multiple 3D
Tubamenattafixo, Sinmul3D
The game flows in TURNS. You control units through a MENU. You ATTACK enemies. The camera is in FIXED positions. The manageability of the units is through issued ORDERS. It is SINGLE player. You control a MULTIPLE characters.

The genre system fails so hard when applied to video games its funny how much people cling to it.
Just look at any argument over the distinctions between RPG games for proof how little the system works.

No, it's
Games About You Fighting And Getting Slashed


Nothing ever happened because you said so. They're just action games. Maybe even stylish action games.

Actually, most genre names make sense. Character action belongs in the trash and only a moron would use it. Just like spectacle fighter.

>third person
hack and slash
beat em up

>Actually, most genre names make sense.

JRPG, WRPG and Action Adventure are all pretty trash genre names with extremely poor definitions.

its an rpg thats japanese
its an rpg thats western
>Action Adventure
it involves both action AND adventure

JRPG and WRPG aren't real genres for starters. They're imaginary umbrellas, like "metroidvania".

Action-adventure is pretty fucking defined though. It's a game where you directly control your character (as in not abstracted) and proceed through typically connected areas by collecting items. Basically, the Zelda and Metroid template.

Actually they're called button bashers

Dont forget Crpg, Srpg, Arpg and LGBTQrpg
Which can all also be JRPG or WRPG
And Dark Souls is a Japanese made WRPG/ARPG.

That's nice but as long as there's a need to talk about videogames genres ain't going away.

is right.

>Ask for Shoot 'em ups or Shumps recommendations.
>Get first person shooters.

>Ask for ARPG games
>Get a mix of Diablo Clones, Deus ex likes and Star Ocean likes.

Shit is generally a mess and too many hyb4ids make this harder to catagorise.

DRPG is also
RPG name itself is complete non-sense

"turn based strategy" and "tactics" distinction is also just bullshit

>Character Action Games
I've litterally never heard that term before

the current naming system for cathegorizing games is shit and should be mostly purged

the word adventure means little to nothing because it's so general, almost any game can be called an adventure

>mfw people call Metroid a Metroidvania

I mean, calling games that aren't Metroid-like Castlevania games "Metroidvanias" just because they're simmilar to Metroid is stupid in the first place, but that takes the cake

a lot of WRPGs make an attempt at being RPGs, 99% of JRPGs are just regular games with either turn-based combat, or sometimes action combat, and IT HAS NUMBERS IN IT SO LET'S CALL IT RPG

dumb fucking drakeposter

I need to play this game some more. Crashes on my toaster of a pc, but the 360 version was fine. Beat the first level and it was pretty cash


You're not really joking with this being a thing right?

call it whatever the fuck you want
so will i

my favorite character action game is The Witcher 3

maybe he wasn't joking, see

this post's image

Well hol up, adventure has a designation. It's the items part. You know how most adventure games, like point and click adventures, are about collecting and applying items? There it is. So basically

Action - Direct movement/combat
Adventure - Item collection
RPG - Statistics

And that explains action, action-adventure, and action-rpg.

>Face it Sup Forums, they're called Character Action Games.
More like Multiperson Offline Battle Arenas.

>And Dark Souls is a Japanese made WRPG/ARPG.

aka a JRPG


>I've litterally never heard that term before

because it's some moron on Sup Forums trying to force this term

>Action-adventure is pretty fucking defined though.

No it's not.

It's the miscellaneous genre.

why can't we use a good term then, instead of 'adventure'?

also notice how silly it is that people will not want to call, for example, Ocarina of Time a RPG, even though it has hp, damage, etc (though the numbers are semi-hidden)

i put Metroidvania/open-world/linear as categories for structure and pacing of the game

and actual moment to moment game can be combined with anything like space sim (elite -- open world space sim), 3d collectathon (AC -- open world collectathon), toki tori 2 (puzzle metroidvania) and so on.

no you fuck

Basically JRPG and WRPG are just country of origin.

Light RPG
Character RPG
Tactical RPG

Are the classifications


it's an RPG made by Japanese devs, it's a JRPG.


Okay, so you have four basic types of "games"

Twitch - playskill based / challenge is reaction time
Simulation - number based / challenge is optimization
Narrative - "branching" linear plot / "challenge" is getting educated, shitlord
Puzzle - puzzle based / challenge is putting the blocks together

And crossovers between the four.

This sounds like something Oceania would come up with.

Salty bitchposter

It's defined, you can't blame the genre for morons classifying games wrong.

Well, for adventure, it's just what people are used to. I think the idea is that the game is focused on the adventure as opposed to the action. Ocarina of Time is definitely not an RPG though, because any increase in health or damage is limited and dictated solely by items. Certainly action-RPGs play a lot like Zelda, but they actually let you level up and such.

DMC is officially called Stylish Action game.

>that guy calling Diablo-like Arpgs

I never understood why Diablo was Hack'n'Slash. You click a mouse over and over and collect item. Dynasty Warriors was always more Hack'n'Slash to me whereas these games are Dodge Fighters.


Thats a nice hack n slash you got there

I've playing games a lot since I'm 7. MGR was one of the most fun games of all times. Cheeky comic book humour with intense action and great feedback and mechanics from the controls was amazing.

I can't believe they haven't made a sequel let alone tease one.

Why people hate fun games Sup Forums ? Why cannot we zandatsu our way into vidya heaven?


>I'm 7

Does it really matter when the entire genre consists on just a handful of games?

When I read hack'n'slash I just picture some mindless button masher, though it can mean anything from Die by the Sword to Dynasty Warriors and even Dark Souls. If a game comes out that plays like DMC/Ninja Gaiden/Bayonetta/Rising everyone will just compare it to those and you'll know how they play that way, not because of some genre classification.

fuck you I'm high mango

Because the term came from tabletop games, where the system focuses on loot and stuff instead of "just" roleplaying

How does Hack'n'Slash denote loot grabbing though? It doesn't tell you anything about the combat.

Scalebound looks incredibly shit though.

I think it's because you just focusing on min-maxing stats for the sake of "hacking and slashing" (read: killing) your enemies instead of also considering other non-combat stuff

Correct me if I'm wrong though

Pretty sure they're called 3D Belt Scrollers

>ask for shmups
>get fps
Literally never.

What if you had a loot based game like Diablo but used guns? Would that still be Hack'n'Slash? It's a stupid name imo.

Yeah, that's how it has always been back then. Although people probably made another name just to differentiate them between settings

It's fine for me, these debates on names mostly just about subgenres. I just refer games to the main genres

Too bad these games don't exist anymore aside from being made by a single developer. This genre has no variety.

character action games are like fighting games for people too retarded to remember combos who still want to pretend they arent casual.

what about rising without the dlc then ? or bayonetta 1 ? there's only one character

This is same issue everyone ever had with RPGs you play the >role< of a character in almost any game now it doesn't mean anything anymore

What are some non character action games?

>Basically JRPG and WRPG are just country of origin.

Except Dark souls take inspiration on western RPGs a lot more than japanese one

It wouldn't be wrong to call Dark Souls a Wrpg despite it being a japanese game because the term came to mean a certain feel the game have

Which is something that couldn't be anymore of a personnal opinion

>Hack n Slash is dated and triggers Diablofags
I thought Diablo games were ARPGs?

No, fuck off, it's called Stylish Action and it has been forever. Character Action is retarded.

It's a stylish action game because in this subgenre of action games you're rewarded/encouraged/capable of being stylish as fuck.

Character action game makes no sense and sounds retarded because it's coined by some cringeworthy e-celebs.

To add to that you could say the same shit about a game like Furi ,if it was an RPG people would call it a JRPG despite it being a french game because the entire game scream Japan from design philosophies to graphic style

best soundtrack and Armstrong


Capcom calls it Stylish Action, so that's what they're called.



so much hate in Sup Forums for practically every game in existence and yet that 7/10 game gets a pass? this is a samefag right?

But they're beat em ups

Bayonetta 1 has 3 characters to play as


>Game promises the ability to cut MGS mecha cows in pieces
>Game comes out
>I can cut mecha cows in pieces with surgical accuracy
>Some faggot hates a 7/10 great action game.
It delivered slashy jap android fun, it never overstep its invitation and the pacing is great.
Lots of side challenges and an ok DLC
fuck off mate

MGR was mediocre as fuck on every single aspect, that's about it.
Platinum died after Bayo(1) and Vanquish.








>Games About You Fighting And Getting Slashed
This is actually pretty good.

I used to get triggered by this but now I'm going to start using it myself to troll.


And they run when the sun comes up,
With their lives on the line!!!
For a while,NO CHOICE!
Gotta follow the laws of the wild!!!

Does Capcom really call it Stylish Action? I would've gone with Character action, but I don't know what the hell to call them. They're not really hack n slashes, that's pretty much reserved for diablo and ilk, and you don't always have a sword in them to slash with, and you can't really call them beat em ups because you've got a sword a majority of the time anyway. So what the hell are they. Are they all stylish to a degree? Might as well go with stylish action

Oh it's an MGS fag. Hey tell me something, how many times a day do you squeeze your ass to your Hideo Kojima poster's welded dildo? 2 times right?
By the way, Deus Ex MD is a better game than MGR. Does that trigger you honey?

I am not a MGS fan... I played 1 MGS game when u was Snaek and sneaking in a box.
Then i played MGSR.
I only followed the game, not religiously love them.
But, Kojima is wierd that we need in this imagination dead industry.
So fuck off with worst spiderman movie meme, faglord.
You couldnt guess my fav series if you kept trying in 3 more threads, you are that fucking low tier compared to me.

user at least say a better game thats in the same genre. Othervise anyone with half a brain can dismiss your pathetic trolling by saying he hates RPGs or whatever deus ex is considered these days.

I propose the following

>so-called Metroidvanias
Call these "adventure platformers" or "exploration platformers". The root gameplay is platforming, but the emphasis is on the nonlinear adventure aspect.

>so-called character action
These are "stylish action". The emphasis is on gitting gud enough to pull off flashy, visually impressive, input heavy combos. "Character action" just isn't descriptive enough. Alternatively, call them 3D Beat-em-ups, cause that's what they are, despite usually having some sort of sword weapon.

>so-called SRPG
Leave this, but the "s" stands for "strategy", not "simulation". The nips are retarded. Calling these "simulation RPGs" implies some sort of resource management and direct manipulation of the parameters in which the game world exists. "Strategy RPG" is far more representative of the actual gameplay.

>so-called roguelikes
These are "procedurally generated tile-based dungeon crawls". More descriptive, especially considering 99% of folks don't even know what Rogue is