>Dragon that can spread a virus that either kills shit or makes them deadlier is considered less of a threat than a cloaking chameleon
Monster Hunter thread
>Dragon that can spread a virus that either kills shit or makes them deadlier is considered less of a threat than a cloaking chameleon
Monster Hunter thread
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Are the deviant weapons good?
Hellblade Glavenus weapons most of the time are the best you can get for Blademasters, and are at their very least still very good.
Silverwind Nargacuga has a couple of nice ones too though, as with some Grimclaw Tigrex ones.
Haven't you heard? Frenzy doesn't even work anymore.
Literally has no effect on the environment whatsoever. Magala's nothing more than a fun fight now
Hyper is the new hotness.
What happen
Did wystones end up having some environmental impact
Anyone up for arena? Need to get me some shiny earrings.
I made the mistake of posting in the last thread just before it was kill
No, Frenzy Virus for Monsters just doesn't exist anymore.
No mention of it at all even though the Magala Family is still in, deformed cousin not included.
Instead we got the completely unexplained and horrible looking Hyper Monsters.
I'm up for it, post room.
is it a good idea to do coal hearted alone
ID: 26-0533-5247-9864
Pass: 7243
I'll leave the room capacity at 4 in case another duo wants to try their hand at beating times with us or something.
Nothing wrong with doing it solo
Make sure you have charm chaser and gathering +2 at least and eat for explorer, farm the blue nodes, then jump down, get 10 coal, farcaster back, deposit, grab farcaster, get 2 more from the nearby grey zones (think it was area 3 or sth) and farcaster back once more
Doesn't take long
That said, be ready to hate your life. Charm farming can do that.
It's like 5 minutes max solo, two if you're lucky and you avoid arguing with everyone about which method to use.
It's no problem at all.
I just want money
Just make sure you're not in an offline hub, even if you have to create a local wireless one.
>That said, be ready to hate your life. Charm farming can do that.
Dunno about anyone else, but charms are just hot shit in this game. Even other games were more lenient about them in high rank
Money making it's great, but I wouldn't blame anyone being sent off the deep end and hacking one in
>mfw they bring back khezu instead of gigginox
Just go in with any old gathering set, doesn't need charmer.
Get your 12 coal, takes the same time anyway.
Then sell all the ores and appraise everything, grab what you want out of the charms or weapons and sell the rest.
Same process, same results.
thanks user, much appreciated
I did that after spending days farm charming and getting nothing for it.
Just couldn't be bothered.
I'll already have to spend so much time getting annoying as fuck drops from some monsters I hate and would rather waste countless hours on that than falling asleep to the same ~4 mins charm farming routine over and over.
Bonus of having great charms now is that I can actually use less clownsuits, make use of good looking equip or full sets and still get one or two skills I want
Khezu has been more established for a while. Giggi is way better though.
hub ID:
yellow is out of sync with the rest and its bugging the shit out of me
>Halcyon Melding requires one of each Hyper Hunter ticket
I'm sure this is totally worth it huh, you little jew
whats a good weapon style combo for Kirin? she's wrecking me in HR6
Switch axe. Just go crazy with sword mode.
Why would you point that out? Now I can't unsee it.
Give me ten minutes and I'll be there.
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.
n-no... this cannot be...!
Last I remember reading Chameleons apparently has a crazy lethal miasma or something that it shts out just because it can because ElderDragon woooooooo
It's like a giant dickhead Purple Haze with nothing better to do than fuck villages up on its daily strolls
Because not enough thunder monsters
Someone should go online, activate every single automatic shoutout and have all of them be the exact same thing. Something like "uguu~"
Once MH is on Vita. Vita is a handheld/console hybrid.
fuck you I didn't need to know that
Some faggot here did something similar. Turned every shoutout into different cat noises.
>not turning every shout-out to "I mounted it!"
What are some HR CB armors?
Using Zamtrios right now for the guard+2 but there must be more to life.
Switch to adept to not need guard+ and then just use the ukanlos set. Comes with attack up L, razor sharp, recovery up, and the highest max defense in the game. Use a talisman and weapon slot(s) to gem in artillery novice/expert.
but I like using my shield
>trying to S rank Plesioth Grudge Match
Shit's making me so mad I may very well start crying blood.
Someone said you should solo online hunter hub rather than offline.
For charm runs? You can't trick the game for the extra rewards with the exploit if it's the offline hub.
All I did was edit in a Sharpness +5 OOO charm and then deleted the tools right after. I managed to get quite a few good charms legit from charm runs, but there is seriously something wrong if you can get fucking shitloads of timeworn charms in sub-one minute more than any other MH and still get the results polluted with shit.
Playing MH4U now, should I get MHGen or wait for MH5 or whatever when I finish this?
It'll be a long time before we get MH5 in the west
Alright cheers arena user, that was great.
Does anyone else think the arena is a seriously underrated part of Monster Hunter? Making do with less conventional setups and learning other weapons is actually quite fun, it's a shame it's so small this time around.
if you want more MH now get generations.
If you need a break wait it out.
Ez as that
Gen is a dlc tier game instead of an actual new game
TGS is in 20 days.
Yes but that doesn't mean we get MH5 in 20 days.
And even then, Japan will get it before the west
It was fun, man. We could've done better, but well, shit happens.
I need 1 more alatreon webbing. I fought about a billion alatreons last night, people only sometimes manage to do the sub quest and the wings never break, not once have I seen them break.
This is what hell must be like.
But at least you can make an informed decision. Let's say they announce MHXG instead of MH5 at TGS, would you still buy MHX? Even if the localized version is still months away?
deposit the coal 1 at a time too
Sure. Months is a long time.
Good point I guess.
I'm just hoping they won't do MHXG.
It's been too long since MHX came out in Japan now to just announce a lame MHXG.
I wish any regular quests with your own armor that take place in the arena where all in their own category instead of shuffled about among regular quests
It's funny because she's the perfect one in the show.
But that's about the only possibility since we are too close to the holiday season. It can only be theorized that they held back the reveal to sell MHGen first.
I was thinking about doing the same thing. I just dont have time to be farming charms like that. Would rather spend it killing shit.
Can you link to more info?
They'd have to make some really substantial changes for me to justify buying MHXG. Additional monsters and weapons wouldn't be enough to sell it for me.
I don't know. I want to believe.
I want to believe them saying they are cooperating with Nintendo to put a new MH on the NX as a launch title.
My dick twitches at the sheer thought of it.
>G game
>new weapons
For reference MH4G coming from MH4 iirc had
>some moveset changes, most notably the charge axe shield boost thing and the piledriver attack
>delayed wakeup
>all the apex shit and wystones
>seregios, gogmazios and subs
>some old monsters like daimyo and shit
So yeah. In Japan MH4G lost 1 million sales from MH4. But back in P2nd to P2ndG they actually gained 2 million sales.
Nintendo is not attending TGS nor is the NX launching during this holiday season. New MH title has to sell 2 million by March so pretty much means MHXG on 3DS during the holiday season or earlier.
How else could MH sell 2 million units?
Maybe it's MH stories
See It's not Stories. And Stories won't sell past... let's say 500k.
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
Maybe it's Meowstress vs Meownsters, the spinoff game where you play as the Meowstress in a megaman like game
I'll spoonfeed you the rundown. You just need Homebrew at the very least and we can do it on the latest firmware as of now.
>Smealum's starter pack thing extracted to the root of your 3DS' SD card; comes with a lot of other shit like secondary exploits and PrBoom+
>Use Browserhax via QR code with camera to access homebrew
>Install the Menuhax installer bundled with the starter pack so you have a means of accessing on boot up, like holding down on the D-Pad or something on boot
>Export the extdata with JKSV
>You get a file called 'system' which is a copy of your save
>Get your save onto PC (FTP would be the fastest way)
>Use the Talisman editor to edit your charms
Of interest there is also a tool called HANS which can help take screenshots and also use N3DS clock speeds in O3DS games. Unfortunately you can't use the C-Stick or ZL/ZR while using it so don't bother for now, who knows when smealum will actually fix it.
Anyone can find a full save editor themselves; go earn your weapons and shit like everyone else. Have some experience with charm RNG bullshit or don't go overboard with it at least.
you're late and don't you have a 3DS anyway?
Wouldn't sell past 200k I'm guessing. Back when MH is at its peak on PSP, MH Diaries sold 500k something and MH Diaries G sold 200k something more. That's the spinoff range of sales.
If you want to talk, talk with some information.
I'm just looking for ways for it not to be MHXG because I don't feel like buying the same game + G rank again
On the other hand I also don't want to play a new MH for so long
just curious, but whats the limit of how good a charm can be in game until it becomes impossible to get outside of save editing
The charm editor will tell you
But you can also look at
narge a cute CUTE!
I'm telling you now so that you can brace yourself. It's not 100% MHXG, but if you were to bet on something, that should be it.
Unless you're a gambler and want to bet on MH on PS4/Vita. Situation this year mimics that of 2011 when MH3G and MH4 were announced at TGS 2011 coming right after MHP3rd and MHP3rd HD.
thanks senpai
Do 3DS chargers have a habit of just suddenly shitting out even though everything else plugged into the other outlets is fine and dandy? Mine doesn't want to seem to work.
i have a nintendo one and friend has shity gamestop usb charger. Have had no issues in the past year and a half since we got ours.
Think you just got unlucky and bought a faulty one. Could also be a problem with the 3DS itself.
How can I improve this bow set of mine?
Come to think of it, it's probably 3DSXL old. That could be it since N3DS onwards here they don't bundle one.
A third-party cable I have as a backup seems to charge the system fine for now.
if your charge port ever fails you could always solder a new one on it old 3ds's arnt too bad or just get a charge dock. But sounds like you just got a shity charger you can get nintendo ones for around $10 on amazon. I like those better because the cable is pretty long i think like 3 or 4 feet.
why the fuck is dreadking such an asshole?
Drop focus for WE and get good at adept dodging for full charges. I use that set for maximum comfy though.
>tfw there was only 50 Rath variants in this game
You don't think they are gonna start focusing on other monsters instead of glorious Raths...r-right?
Trying to get barrage earings
Already got the A ranks for the hunter ones, now got to do the prowler ones. But need to unlock them first too.
Any tips on how to arena as a cat? I imagine there's preset ones too.
rathian is fine
Gathering for Great Maccao.
Fighting for Gypceros.
Gathering for dromes.
MHXG will be announced after TGS.
MH Stories is not starting off well. Preorders are pretty low.