Why does everything they touch turn to shit?
Why does everything they touch turn to shit?
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Lowest common denominator makes the most money.
Bottom feeding trash
If most of what they've "touched" are Bethesda originals, can you really say that? Wouldn't be better to say "Why has Bethesda grown more shit over time"?
I came in here to say this. But to be honest, I wouldn't have said it so succinctly.
Appealing to casuals.
It doesn't. If you mean Fallout then it was always shit.
>tfw you will never play a true Morrowind remake
top 2 devs faggot
R* and Beth make constant huge game hits. get a reality check pleb
because of cancerous fanbase who eats every shit when Bethesda just sprinke it
I can understand Bethesda from the companies point of view: why put too much work into games when it will sell anyway
>because of cancerous fanbase who eats every shit when Bethesda just sprinke it
sure you're not talking about Obsidian?
Todd Howard hasn't told a single lie in his entire life.
As a publisher, they are actually doing a decent job.
Dishonered was good, Dishonered 2 looks like more of the same good stuff.
Wolfenstein blew everyone away with how good it turned out.
Doom was the same story.
Prey looks actually really promising and fun as well.
As a development studio though, they are trash. They have been ever since Morrowind was such a a run-away success and they realized there is a major profit to be made in first-person open world RPG's, especially if they orient themselves primarily on console market. They quite literally sold their souls: decided to base their own design philosophy exclusively on market research and very cynical exploitation of lowest common denominators.
Least they publish decent to good games I suppose
Just, don't develop video games again Bethesda
>They have been ever since Morrowind was such a a run-away success
>what is oblivion
>what is FO3
okay buddy
lowest common denominator can still be fun, see everything blizzard shits out except sc2. bethesda are just incompetent.
How's those mountains coming along Todd?
thats what
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
Oblivion and Fallout 3 were ALREADY products of a major design shift. After Morrowind was such a success, they changed their design philosophy, resulting in Oblivion and Fallout 3. What is so hard to comprehend about that? The two games came AFTER Morrowind, you know...
Publishing good games doesnt equate to being a good publisher
The only game I can give them credit for is wolfenstein, no multiplayer and standalone expansion are pretty rare since they dont make the most money. Dishonoured was risk-free and doom has godawful tacked on multiplayer outsourced to be cheaper & fucking season pass
Uh, fine? I don't know why he gets mocked so much for that, he said you could climb them and you could.
He gets too excited for his own games and he occasionally overhypes, but I'm no liar.
yes, it was different than morrowind. But they were still GOAT games and rpgs. sure they were probably too streamlined, but you can't say were bad games made by bad developers.
I hope FO4 backlash pushes beth in a good direction. I hope they step their game up in every department.
will this comic ever get updated again
Howard and Hines. With Zenimax pulling the strings.
Bethesda made some pretty good titles, it's just gotten worse and more repetitive since and including Morrowind.
I really miss the days of Skynet and Daggerfall.
>But they were still GOAT games and rpgs.
They were shit, and had all the problems that get Bethesda all the flack today. Honestly, Oblivion and Fallout 3 were just as bad, if not worse than Skyrim and Fallout 4. If you actually think those were good games, but still complain about the later games Bethesda developed, you are nothing but a hypocrite.
Bethesda Game Studios only makes Fallout and TES games.
Dishonored, Doom, Prey, ESO are made by other Studios under Zenimax.
Bethesda Game Studios have created probably the best sandbox open-world rpgs ever. No manner of shitposting will change my 1000s of hours of fun experience in their games.
Tho I agree they try to appeal to the casual gamers with each new game.
destructible buildings and dynamic economies
Sure convinced me contrarian fag. Calling other people hypocrite when you are acting like one.
name a better open world game than Oblivion in 2006. it's a 10 year old game, you seem to forget that fact. when FO3 came out it was a breath of fresh air that IP would never have got if it weren't for bethesda. What other dev would make a better revival? get real son, bethesda is a top developer, on par with fucking ea and ubisoft, compared to them they're fucking saints.
>Shitthesda better than EA and Ubisoft
wrong image.
wow your so hardcore
do you even know what on par means?
/thread i liked nv though
wrong, there are 3 great fallout games
>fallout 3
>fallout NV
Fallout 3, 4, and Shelter
I agree with you
because more people will buy shit.
>Sure convinced me contrarian fag.
My bad, I forgot the Xbox generation of cretins who never played Morrowind or original Fallouts are the majority in here nowdays. I'm sorry, but saying that fallout 3 and oblivion were shit and mark of Bethesda's demise is not contrarian. At least until recently, it was common knowledge. Again: if you like these shit games, in which case you have absolutely NO right to complain about anything Bethesda has done since.
The fact that there hasn't been a decent open world RPG until New Vegas and later on Witcher 3 (arguably) does not make these games not shit. And you would still be better off playing Risen or something.
>publishing good games doesnt make them a good publisher
>doing their job well doesnt mean theyre good at their job
>Implying I haven't played Morrowind
>New Vegas
>Witcher 3
>"Best open-world rpgs ever"
>The fact that there hasn't been a decent open world RPG until New Vegas and later on Witcher 3 (arguably) does not make these games not shit. And you would still be better off playing Risen or something.
all your credibility lost in two sentinces
>New Vegas
>Witcher 3
>"Best open-world rpgs ever"
Could you PLEASE quote to me specifically where I claimed either of those being "the best open world RPG's ever"?
Because I could swear I said
>The fact that there hasn't been a decent open world RPG until New Vegas and later on Witcher 3 (arguably)
Since when "New Vegas and (arguably) the Witcher 3 are decent open world RPG's" translates to "best open world RPG's ever"?
Are you even sane? The FUCK is wrong with you, you fucking retard?
Those games are complete shit.
hang yourself edgy pleb
>People actually calling others "pleb" for disliking Fallout 3 and Oblivion on Sup Forums.
Never thought I'd see the day...
>liking fallout 3 and obsidian
underage as fuck
Well I'm sorry I don't like shallow buggy open world games with shitty combat, nonsensical plot, copy pasted quests, watered down RPG elements and leveling enemies, everything inside a game world with shitty graphics and stiff animations with a wooping 5 voice actors.
Go eat shit, you can put some cream and a cherry on top of it and pretend is mods.
obsidiots trying to feel relevant
Because their Idea of an "RPG" is the following
>You can do the quest line for the main story
>Or you can do various side story quest lines
>you may do mostly any quest line at any time
Which sounds good but then:
>you may not have meaningful interaction in the quest line
>you can not suddenly turn around and kill the quest giver (he will just sit down and get back up again after a while)
>you can not do the quests in creative ways. You do it like we tell you to do it
>you can only choose to do something differently when we explicitly tell you that you now have 2 options
In essence: while they can write quite good stories (which mainly comes out in side quests as almost all of their main quests are turbo fucking retarded while a lot of the side stuff is almost god tier), but they are too afraid to let the player fuck with their "vision" quite ironically they make huge open world games that allow you to go anywhere but are super restrictive in what you can do once there.
Also they think romance works like this:
I'd MUCH rather have a game with a fixed romance that has some depth in it than these token "romances" where you check the "take this to have sex later" option 2 times
Not an argument.
>arguing with deluded obsidiots
never gonna happen fag.
But Valve doesn't make video games user.
>CTRL+F Gamebryo
>1 result
You're kinda dumb, Sup Forums.
One of these do not belong
Because they're lazy.
Fine by me, faggot.
Because their marketing team, and directors, know exactly how much effort to put where in order to make the most money.
Fallout 4 was a massive success. They'll do it again, simpler, every time. Your best bet is to start a ragtag team of developers, design a great RPG, make a proof of concept, visit a venture capitalist after establishing your LLC and a holding company (of which you own the shares), hope the venture capitalist is able to front you 3-10 million USD, get to work, higher marketers, raise hype, release it through digital distribution mediums to save input cost, and then give it to me for free.
No, but everything they touch turn to shit.
You can do a lot with 10 mil. VtMB cost that much.
But VtMB is unfinished.
They are probably going to get a certain minimum number of sales just for being bethesda, so they can maximize profit but cutting corners and making it as cheaply as possible.
Obsidian is better than Bethesda. Being restricted to either the Fallout engine or turn-based CRPGs really limits them, however.
It would have been if Activision let them work on it.
Man, fuck Activision. They don't deserve nearly enough hate.
>Obsidian is better than Bethesda.
in what universe is this true?
I really hope Kingdom Come: Deliverance gets some more attention. It's got such ridiculous attention to detail and complex features that it would be a shame for no devs to take note.
shoo shoo, neo Sup Forums
Are they owned by EA?
Why can't someone do the game bethesda do but good?
Bethesda may be more commercially successful, however New Vegas holds a higher rating than F3 and was held to a higher regard by critics and consumers alike, in addition to accruing similar sales percentages as F3.
Or you can be a little shit and make baseless arguments because you're underage, shitposting or a faggot. I don't care. What do you care?
>implying that NV doesn't own all of his success to FO3
okay, now I know you're a pleb
So, they weren't able to get an old black lady voice actor so ended up using... whatever the hell it is they picked for her that still doesnt fit?
Also a reminder that Whiterun was originally going to be carved out a giant crystal.
Here, enjoy: youtube.com
>So, they weren't able to get an old black lady voice actor so ended up usin
No. They didn't want to create a "magical negro" character that would be seen as racist
>couldn't get an old black lady voice actor
really son? do you understand how many voice actors there are?
And that is another one, todd.
>what is oblivion
>what is FO3
Disappointing. Fucking infuriating, in case of the latter.
>argues that the birth/tutorial sequence is """boring"""
> defends mindless conversation options in the old fallouts
this is the most juvenile crap I saw, figures
What are you even talking about? Their games are only getting better and better.
her's right, though
They lack talent and employ people based on college connections
>"It just works"
Dude, most things wouldn't even Exist if they didn't touch them.
a series is better dead than bastardized
t. edgelord
Obsidian would have a chance if they had a business guy with real authority to cut things at the correct time.
At this point the inmates are running the asylum and they don't cut things until they are at the "Oh Shit" phase.
It is ok they can always blame the publisher.
Add to that the rate they are bleeding talent and Obsidian is almost ready to join the Mt Rushmore of failed RPG studios.
Quality rebuttal. You really showed him. Have a (You), good sir.
I remember reading somewhere that working at Bethesda is seen as an entry-level job in the industry, and that they bleed talent like crazy because of it.
Would explain a lot of things, like the amateur tier animations and general lack of polish.
Source: boards.Sup Forums.org/v/
Their producer always cuts shit. Obsidian wanted to do a lot of things for NV but a lot of it was never put in, their products being buggy is the QA department's fault which is always a publisher's prerogative.
They are too hesitant to pull the trigger on ending things.
By the time they decide to cut things it is already problematic.
Feargus has talked about this.In many ways Obsidian is their own worst enemy.
>they bleed talent
has anyone talented ever worked at bethesda?
They actually have a very high retention rate.
They have the team they like and the money to keep them.
Kirkbride, user. The only good thing about Elder Scrolls is its lore.