>has a character named 'zero'
How you know a game is shit
Only if it's made by Gearbox.
>still mad about memerlands
What if I name my own character Zero?
kirby isn't shit
at least im not anthony burch
you are a shitty edgelord just like these shit game writers
>its a multiplayer game, but still
I guess MGS is shit for having Major Zero
>good writing
pick one.
Life is simply unfair.
I am glad he is called Dr.O then.
>it promotes liberal views
i know there has to be other characters out there named zero. help me out
>MC is a cardboard cutout blank slate, a mute, silver or black hair, has no default name, or is named Yu, John, Guy, Jack with a prompt to change it.
bonus points if they are also a complete Gary Stu
>dev states there is multiplayer, then tweets on release there is no multiplayer
>made by Gearbox
In itself a really good way to tell a game is shit.
i agree with this.
You're wrong.
Hey buddy, fuck you
pure shit buddy.
>made in japan
>game cover is moeshit anime and on playstation