How the fuck were you supposed to figure this out?
How the fuck were you supposed to figure this out?
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I didn't figure it out either
Made sense in hindsight - it's the only one of its kind. And there's a platform above.
They actually show it in the intro demo.
Or I think they showed it in commercials as well.
This guy got it. There's a platform above, and empty space above and below the tunnel. It's just common sense to try out all of your weapons/powers to see if you can interact with it at all.
> try out all of your weapons/powers to see if you can interact with it at all.
And you won't be able to, because you don't have Power Bombs when you first come across it in a natural route.
Also, using regular bombs won't reveal that its power bombable like how regular bombing all other walls reveals the method of destroying it.
I thought so too, but I can't find a vid online confirming that.
There are a couple triggers that change the demo reel though, so maybe the recordings I found missed a trigger
>because you don't have Power Bombs when you first come across it in a natural route
>this game is all about going back to previous areas with my new toys to find new paths to explore
>except that one thing fuck that
Why is this glass tube a meme in the Metroid series when it's not even the most difficult thing to get on a first time playthrough of Super?
>the bottom right blocks before entering Kraid's section
>the floor of the sprint section with the closing doors
>the wall on the top left of the section in Lower Norfair
The glass tube was comparitively the easiest compared to all of those sections.
Almost certain it was there on the EU version at least.
There's a pretty good chance you will be leaving Norfair through that tube anyway though, and will have power bombs on the way out.
Kind of looks like the glass is cracked.
>the bottom right blocks before entering Kraid's section
There's a nearby map station that reveals that the room is bigger
>the floor of the sprint section with the closing doors
This is only because of people not reading the manual (granted, sometimes you couldn't because of 2nd hand cart or otherwise) or going into the control options and seeing that there's a fucking run button.
It's basically the exact reason why modern games have forced tutorials
>the wall on the top left of the section in Lower Norfair
Since I actually don't even know what you're talking about here I'm going to guess it's optional.
Pretty sure you don't
You get Power Bombs in Brinstar on the way to the Crashed Ship, it's after the section that you're suppose to use ice beam to climb up if you aren't a wall jump god.
By calling the Nintendo Player's Hint Line
Only $4.99/min Ask your parents permission!!@!
get the power
>Made sense in hindsight - it's the only one of its kind.
Not exactly. When leaving Maridia on the way to that tube, you pass through a room that has another tube that's already been broken. It's a visual hint I don't think many people pick up on.
As a kind I didn't really figure it out, I just reached a point I had no idea where to fucking go and just started to power bomb each room.
>This is only because of people not reading the manual
I'm not talking about the noob bridge. I'm talking about this room you enter from the left where you need the Super Sprint ability.
>Since I actually don't even know what you're talking about
This room.
Link a vid for proof.
Hell, make your own webm, Super Metroid is fucking easy to emulate.
if you leave the game at the title screen itll go into demo mode.
one of the demos shows samus breaking it.
It's glass.
What does glass do?
What might do that to glass?
I did it on accident. I used the power bomb to find secret shit in every tile, and when I broke the tube, I was scared shitless that I had just screwed up.
It was one of those really neat moments where a game catches you by surprise
Is that the room with the section of wall you can walk though, but not even the x-ray scope indicates this?
I'm pretty sure you can leave Lower Noirfair via the way you got in and that's just a shortcut.
/vr/ here, we want our meme back
Wait, so somebody was there before Samus and used the power bomb or whatever it's called, then left the power bomb or whatever it's called power up for Samus to get later?
Yes, you CAN. Doesn't excuse that shitty wall though.
Bomb it? does fuck all
Missile it? nothing
SUPER Missile it? also nothing
And all three give 0 indication that it's breakable with some other item you don't have yet.
there is a tunnel really close that looks like a destroyed version of it
but really it was nintendo power bait
like this fucking wall
this wall is a false wall and it is the only way to escape for ridley's lair, this picture isnt the best because they already passed the wall, it;s in the middle of the screen
but when you first get to the room, it doesnt look anything special and using powerbombs to reveal anything doesnt work and neither does the x-ray specs
The xray specs way to find shit like this but this specific wall, it doesnt work with the x-ray
more nintendo power shit, fucking bullshit
>why would the space pirates dig tunnels and vents designed for Samus' morphball and doors that open using her weapons ?
Stop thinking.
>well ive tried three of my weapons, no need to try them all
That's exactly what's wrong with kids these days.
Fuck off that wasn't hard
the bridge you had to run across was
Doesnt the minimap show that there's a room to the top and to the bottom of that pipe?
glass pipe was easy mode
just common fucking sense
The only thing that gave me trouble was the crystal flash
That IS trying them all.
You literally don't have Power Bombs when you first encounter the tube.
And normal bombs will otherwise reveal the method by which you can destroy blocks, which they don't do here.
they could've put like a crack with small amount of water coming in
I know it doesnt make much sense because of water pressure, but it's a game
It was in the demos that ran when you let the title screen alone for a while.
There were a lot of useful "tips" in them, like the bomb regeneration trick.
By not being stupid
You forgot the best one
>that bridge of crumbling blocks where you need to use the dash button to cross
Best part is its 2 screens apart and the goddamn MAP station is right next to it. If you've gotten to that point anyway you've passed through Maridia and can all ready see most of the map. The player knows there is more there, but i wonder if they realized that the power bomb has gated them off before.
I love how it's supposed to look like the entrance to lower norfair and going through it rewards you.
I think it would have been alright if the minimap at least showed there was more beyond the wall. That passage is technically part of the same room.
Was Super Metroid the first SNES game you guys played? If you ever touched Super Mario World, holding down a run button should be second nature.
Yeah it is. So why not just boot the game yourself and let it run until it comes up?
Super is always designed so every one of the 5 regions is separated cleanly so having a tube that just goes through like 3 seconds of Maridia is weirdly suspicious once you realise it's blocking the way to the rest of Maridia..
But having to blow it up form the inside is pure bullshit.
The platforms do instead of minimap.
Speaking which, map in SM doesn't show a lot of things.
You read about it in Nintendo Power
Your buddy at school told you
sure, or a small hint or something, this part specifically wasted a lot of time and I had to look it up
Where do i get the mist form in sotn?
Doesn't the minimap show that there's a room to the top and bottom of this pipe?
It's non-destructible and baring any crazy x-ray glitches scope that send you through walls, the only way up there is to go around
because it will never come up
I never gotten stuck in SOTN and for that reason alone, I think SOTN is designed better, not saying SM isnt amazing
Although buying a progress item from a store is weird
Thread theme.
Is that the familiar or health regen spell?
the blue door item thing
By using your fucking brian for once. Tricky shit, I understand, but still.
>but i wonder if they realized that the power bomb has gated them off before
Classic videogame logic is "try every thing until something works." The older NES games were even worse with this logic, but still similar. A whole shit ton of the original Zelda was bombing every tile of the overworld until you found the thing you needed.
How did everyone here find out that you were supposed to power bomb it? Dumb luck? A guide? Heard about it from a friend?
>that's the only place in the game with the Samus-colored geemer
>go outside and around to get on top
>the geemer isn't there
Dumb luck, just happened to detonate a power bomb there
It's been like 15 years, but I think I saw my brother do it or something
trial and error
Half an hour into the game should pretty much teach you that you should USE EVERYTHING ON EVERYTHING
I think I just happened to run through there after getting power bombs and I used it.
looked it up
Most humans have the capacity to hypothesize a solution when faced with a problem and then carrying it out to test it.
I fucking swear I saw a video of it, but after looking up the demo play it apparently wasn't that
But then again, I also remember playing 2 player Secret of Evermore and that's impossible.
Memory is weird.
I dont have one of those
The game has gated you off from the wrecked ship with a power bomb and previous areas of progression the same way. I just did what I've been doing the whole time.
Everyone who says that it was obvious or something of that nature
seriously, according to the rules of the game, it doesnt make any sense at all
there is no logical reason, aside from a previous tunnel that looked kinda similar already destroyed, to use specifically a powerbomb on it
By wondering with what you can break it by using the powerbombs of truth
>not power bombing every screen in the game
What's wrong with you?
We don't have autism?
why would you do this if you are limited on bombs, there are no blocks just glass, and you have the xray scope?
I did by accident when playing the game for the first time last year.
I was focused in trying to find hidden passages/items in every room, and when I got the power bomb I saw it was the easiest way to do that. Also, like some people already said, it's one hell of a suspicious room.
these niggas know what's up
It's not obvious. It simply shouldn't be hard to figure it out unless you're retarded.
Because there are areas under and above it, and you'd need to break the glass to get there?
Is it always the same retard who starts these threads?
>How was i supposed to know???
>Guys what do i do here?
>Help me guys
the game loops around a lot, there could be a place you reach from another way
I'm embarassed to admit I had a harder time figuring out you needed 5 missiles for the red doors.
But it was my own fault for not reading the manual.
Really hard to say. Bunch of underage fucks wanna go back and see what all the fuss is about, but they're so used to hand holding.
Like I did: get frustrated, think the tube has significance but can't figure it out, so angrily start wasting missiles.
explain this
Yep, along with lots of other cool secrets.
or bad design
>this looks suspicious
>try morph ball bomb
>try missile
>try super missile
>try super bomb
lots of times I'd drop a super bomb if I even suspected there might be a tuuuuuuube passage in the room somewhere
It's a flaw, I don't think anyone really disagrees
I don't remember that being a problem when I beat the game like a day or two ago.
>the next generation of gamers will never take the initiative, and will be incapable of discovering anything useful without 'GRAB THIS THING' hovering above it.
>Fuck. a decade ago just the fact something was brightly coloured and slowly spinning a foot off the ground would be enough to make kids piledrive sixty niggers and climb a fucking mountain of shit to grab it no matter what it did or if they even needed it.
True then and true now. Current gen is more than halfway to that point as it is.
Minimap clearly shows that you can go up and down.
>reading the manual
A forgotten art. I wonder how many really obtuse, older games had manuals that just flat out told you how to do stuff, at least early game.
It's literally optional
If you never figure it out, it's of no detriment to you because it doesn't bar progress
you would just run into walls all day? I cant see anyway else you would find it
It looks like a fake wall to me.