Ignoring the plot and story, was it a decent game worth a playthrough?
Other M
Even the controls are godawful.
Not really
There's practically no exploration and the combat is "spam dodge roll into free charge beam spam"
Whoever thought they could pull of 3D movement with a D-pad deserves to be fired.
No, having to go into first person to shoot missile is retarded and you dodge by pressing a direction as you are getting hit but there is no "window" to speak off so you can dodge everything by tapping direction like crazy
I actually literally just beat this for my first time 2 days ago. Ignoring the story? Yeah, I honestly enjoyed the gameplay although the first person shooting and pixel hunts were quite a bit of an annoyance. The game sees a noticeable increase in quality straight after ceasing communication with Adam.
But I can't ignore the story. They made Samus such a fucking helpless bitch at times (the intro to the Ridley battle and Adam going into Sector Zero). Adam needing to authorize every one of your items until near the end (and the first time Samus does it on her own she still feels the need to reference Adam for no fucking reason: "Any onbjections, Adam?"). There's a bunch of drama shit for no reason like the mother/daughter shit for Madeline and MB.
But other than that, it honestly plays as some kind of 3D Metroid Fusion with a shitty first person system when it gets heavily used. I don't like how they handled getting the power bomb literally at the last fucking fight of the game.
The after credits gameplay was fucking sick though. After all the story intrusion shit the main game had, the after credits gameplay was so goddamn refreshing and the Phantoon battle in it was badass.
The only problem it has (outside of the story) is that it's the worst of the franchise gameplay-wise too, I'm not saying it's awful but you're better off playing any other Metroid game
>dpad for 3d movement
So you never played Crash 1 or Spyro 1?
This; this game has good boss fights in generale. If it wasn't for the animation sequence before it, the ridley fight would have been fucking great.
>The after credits gameplay was fucking sick though. After all the story intrusion shit the main game had, the after credits gameplay was so goddamn refreshing
Agreed. One low point, though
>end game
>replay on hard mode
>explorating is now more useless than before because there is no more upgrade to collect
the fuck? well at least it's challenging, okay
>beat the Metroid Qeen and bare yourself for the post credit game
now this should be some fun
>baring myself for nifty though times
>there is no after credit game in hard mode
Depends. Are you Metroid fan and want to experience it for yourself? Sure. Are you just a person looking for an action game? You can safely skip it as there are better action games out there.
well I bought it for 5 dollars in gamestop and I wasnt a metroid fan and I found it fun as an action game. Metroid fans are bitchy as hell I guess because this game was the definition of "okay", impressed how butthurt they were that they got the game to sell like garbage when the franchise sells like garbage
But other than the BABY and MUH ADAM it was bretty fun, got me into playing Super Metroid afterwards
I'm going to go against the grain and say yes. It can be fairly fun at times. It has a lot of fun ideas that were implemented in sub-par ways, and even a few that were done pretty well.
View it as a spinoff and you'll enjoy it much more than if you take it seriously.
It's never going to be a worthy Metroid title, but it's not the CD-I Zelda type game people make it out to be either.
>but it's not the CD-I Zelda type game people make it out to be either.
you're right It's worse. At least you can laugh at the CD-I games.
To be fair I recall Spyro 1 having analog controls.
The gameplay is so shallow that you will see nearly everything it has to offer during the tutorial.
>Whoever thought they could pull of 3D movement with a D-pad deserves to be fired.
You can actually blame Sakamoto for this.
He wanted to capture the feeling of playing Metroid on an NES controller.
The Metroid fanbase as a whole is one of the worst. Metroid "discussion" is basically just Super vs Prime flame wars and Zero Suit Samus Porn. Followed by more flame wars between people who think Samus should be an strong amazon warrior and people who think she should be a sex goddess in armor.
Playing Other M feels like playing a cancelled game that got leaked.
The game was going to be 2D until Team Ninja convinced Sakamoto otherwise.
Everyone involved was a retard.
I wonder if he's still kicking himself over that one after seeing how successful 2D games were on the Wii.
100 million people owned a Wii. Circumstances will never get better than that. He blew a once in a lifetime opportunity to make Other M.
No, the gameplay is horrible too.
100% dodge chance just by pressing right or left, what the fuck were they thinking, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
>I don't know what a Metroid game is
>so that's why this game is ok and metroid fans are stupid for batching it
There's retards everywhere, before other:m we had the comfiest metroid threads you could ever imagine.
100 million people owned a wii but only like 20 percent bought shit like SMG and even less bought Prime 3
I've played Super and Zero Mission, I know what a metroid game is.
AM2R was the best thing to happen to metroid since other M
The threads were good
It had both options available.
>Ignoring the plot and story
You cant, the game shoves it in your face at every turn and if your try to it'll lock doors and throw up invisible walls to make you do what it wants
No. Ignoring the plot and story just means you need to deal with all the other bad game elements, not to mention the unskippable story parts.
>people unironically hating on other M
Is this fricking meme ever gonna end?
Why does nobody who defends the gameplay ever bring up the horrendous Where's Waldo pixel hunt segments?
I don't think that anyone who defends the gameplay has actually played the game.
I liked the game, it was a solid 4, but now that I know samus is a tranny I refuse to play any metroid shit
>people unironically sticking up for this game
When is this frickin maymay gonna end?
I was just dobposting
>No exploration
>Bland gameplay
>Graphics are absolute shit
>Music doesn't fit
>Storyline that makes little sense and retcons the fucking Prime triology
>Reducing the main character to a whiny, weak and overemotional dumbass
Fuck this game.
The controls were really dumb, but they're also really easily improved, they could have easily changed it to Wiimote+nunchuck, instead of dpad.
With that change, the gameplay had a lot of potential, I could enjoy a metroid 5 with an improved control scheme based from this game.
Also, a more allowing level design, other m's was too linear and didn't give much freedom, that's another thing to improve on.
The thumbs-up sign had been used by the Galactic Federation for ages. Me, I was known for giving the thumbs-down during briefing. I had my reasons, though... Commander Adam Malkovich was normally cool and not one to joke around, but he would end all of his mission briefings by saying, "any objections, lady?" He was joking, but others weren't. At the time I felt surrounded by people who treated me like a child or used kid gloves because I was a woman. And yet, with Adam, I was grateful for the nod... My past has left me with an uneasy soul, and as a result, it touched me on some level that Adam would acknowledge that past by calling me something delicate -- like "Lady." And I knew more than anyone that every word from Adam was deliberate. My thumbs-down was a two-fold response: a sign of derision at being called a lady, and a signal of my complete understanding of the mission orders.The other soldiers were always willing to support me with easy smiles, despite the fact that I clearly had so much yet to learn. Among them was Anthony. In the face of his well-meaning behavior, and that of other soldiers, my response was to become increasingly bitter. I was a child, always with something to prove. A chip on my shoulder. And I was angry. I felt that if I let my guard down, I would easily by broken. And beyond that, I was scared. But even in the naivete of my youth, I could see in Adam's joking manner how close he felt to me. Adam knows my past. And he knows me better than anyone else. Confession time. Because I was so young when I lost both of my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure. When I rebelled against him, I knew I could get away with it. And his paternal compassion in the face of my rebellion reinforced the special bond I felt with him. I understood well that chances were slim that I would ever find anyone that understood me like Adam. And yet... When the time came, I still left his side. I was so young. Young and naive...
Crash 1 is a 2D platformer disguised as a 3D one, that's why it plays better with a D pad.
What a mess of a man
Aside from the bonus mission The gameplay fun
Seamusfags need to realize that game can still be enjoyable even if the plot was shit and the gameplay was mediocre.