VR all but dying and giant revolt against the CEO on r/oculus

>VR all but dying and giant revolt against the CEO on r/oculus
>COD trailer downvoted to hell and only having 10% the preorders of the previous game
>mighty number nine
>no man's sky

What other blunders happened in 2016? What other shitshows can we expect for the remainder of the year?

The NX reveal will undoubtedly be underwhelming.

Deux Humanity Diversified

Sup Forums descending into chaos when Trump loses.

Pretty much the ps4 and bone this year. 0 games, 0 hope for the future.

>Crash bandicoot teased
>It's just remakes and a skylanders character
>More remakes for ps4
>still no games.

Why are people buying?

Pokemon go was absolutely a shitshow and continues to be an absolute shitshow

Yeah, that's very vidya related.

Sup Forums-obsessed anti-Sup Forumstards are beginning to out-annoy actual Sup Forumstards.

>0 games

Uncharted 4 is the highest rated game released this year, retard

mix me up inside

I'm liking it so far

Final Fantasy XV being a broken unfinished mess (it if even comes out)
Metroid Federation Farce
Paper Mario Color Trash

I feel like No Man's Sky has overblundered all the other blunders. I didn't even know about the CoD thing.

video games are dying in your lifetime

VR will be fine. Won't take off for ages but people like it too much to truly let it die.


>not including Neo/Scorpio
I wonder who's behind this post?

>Neo/Scorpio don't have exclusives = shit useless consoles
>Neo/Scorpio do have exclusives = kick in the nuts to all PS4/Bone owners
They can only be shit.

>implying the death of the EU is a blunder

>Uncharted 4 is the highest rated game released this year, retard
Not true

>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir 93/100
>Inside 93/100
>Uncharted 4 93/100

This kind of also illuminates the problem with 'highest rated'.

He asked for blunders, stupid Jock.

I want Trump to win, but Sup Forums getting blown the fuck out would probably be worth 4 years of Hillary. They're beyond cancerous.

The sky-high price of developing a AAA game in the year 2016 has put publishers into do or die mode, pumping everything into hyping up the next big release. The release itself is likely rushed to hell and back, meeting a checklist of features and that it functions on X hardware before shoved out the door as fast as it will go.

This leads to buggy releases and mediocre content. People are becoming wary of it, I feel, and publishers are being looked at as snake oil salesmen.

>What other blunders happened in 2016?
Titanfall 2 seems hellbent on chasing all the old fans away while also giving fuck-all reason for anyone else to pick it up.

I want people who endlessly go on about Sup Forums to leave.

>uncharted 4
movie with quick time events/10
kill urself

What? PS4 already sold 50 million. Neo will only add to that number.


Hello Kaz.


Honestly if sonyggers and normies aren't pissed off by Neo, it'll prove that they'll just eat whatever shit sony gives them. It's literally sony fucking you over by telling you to buy new hardware.

Were Nintendrones and normies pissed off by N3DS?

Basically every game released this year is the next TORtanic waiting to happen.

Yes. Well not normies but they weren't part of the audience unlike with the PS$.

>FF GAY BOY BAND SIMULATOR got downgraded as fuck

>Dude Sex Mangina Divided runs like ass, and is super short
>Blizzcuck SJW squad reports that they may be removing chars in the future

>Based Faggot Todd "Former tier 2 liar" said
"We could remake a better TES game, but that would require effort- so we are selling REMASTERED SKYRIMSHIT to faggots that will buy it AGAIN"

>Density 2 is in the makes and ape kids are super hyped, even after the DLC extravaganza that wasted an actors voice due to piss poor
"that wizzard came from the moon" tier writting

>Micropenis saying "Hahaha Valve can manage without our Movie Show game about time powers"
"GUYS! We are release shitty time powers on STEAM PLEASE GIVE MUNIES!"
While trying to cuck the industry into using shit tier Win10.

>Kuntnami making a most unoriginal sequel ever: ITS LE ZOMBIES AND SURVIVAL CRAFT IN ALT MGS UNIVERSE!!! WOO

>Skyrimshit sold well! Here is Legend Of Skyrim: Link is the main dude the game

>God of War being neutered into being the Last of US

>3 More Zombie games, all being The Last of US

>Uncharted 4 is more adventury The Last of Us

>Cutcum making Resident evil into Silent Hill

>Silent Hill canceled

>Tittyfall 2 announced, another batch of retards hyping it

Gaming died 2016. and I witnessed It.

What are the N3DS numbers like, anyway? Apparent from having an even stupider name than the Wii U, it also had one or two exclusive games, and other games with exclusive functionality. It's caught in what someone mentioned above: it's pointless if there's nothing exclusive but it's a kick in the balls if it does.

Oh wow. PS4 are not backed by normies either since it has sold less than the normie-free 3DS.

rated par with literal walking simulators and indieshit

That would be hilarious. Just imagine the muliple suicides and the meltdown spilling to all boards...oh no.

In early 90s people used to say that real-time 3d was dying too. Then, when consoles moved to the new generation,e veryone was absolutely sure it was a dead end. But then tech caught up and here we fuckign are now.

Learn some history to be able to predict the future. In about 5 years VR is going to finally be a thing, and in 5 more it's going to be THE thing.

>PS4 are not backed by normies either since it has sold less than the normie-free 3DS.
False equivalence. Who od you think buys FIFA, Madden, CoD etc every year?

Playstation fans.

VR giant revolt? Give us sauce/screens, I ain't browsing through leledit.

So playstation fans buy games on PC and Bone?

>Nintendo doesn't even get a simple port of a casual shooter

Really makes you think.

>Gamers complain about COD being the same thing every year and wanting it to change
>Activision goes and changes it
>Gamers complain it's not the COD they're used to and hate on it

Video games were a mistake

Fucking shit year.

I hope all the corporations and companies related to this crash and burn, so that the new ones can rise up.

Based Nintendo.

I mean, it fucking worked on me. I still may not get it, but it's the most interested I've ever been in the series.

No. Those are PC fans and Xbox fans. Just like how there are no normies on 3DS despite having more numbers.

It won't be hilarious because those idiots will do nothing but shitpost on any other boards for weeks.

Its gonna be awful.

lmao stay mad nigger faggot

So why did uk fags really want to leave?

>Activision goes and changes it
they will never fix this linear scripted shit

Why are you being a retard on purpose?

3ds is normie central kid.

In early 2013 people used to say that motion controls were dying too. Then, when consoles moved to the next generation, everyone was absolutely sure it was a dead end. But then tech caught up and here we fucking are now.
>Learn some history to be able to predict the future. In about 5 years motion control is going to finally be a thing, and in 5 more it's going to be THE thing.

I'm looking forward to the new COD personally. I've outgrown the troo gaymur le-wrong-generation mindset.

>le linear is bad maymay
If it was open world you'd complain it was empty with nothing to do. Face it no matter what they do with COD you will still find ways to complain about it

VR will be successful someday, and probably soon.
It is exactly where 3D graphics were in 1994.
It's ALMOST there, but need a final push, a 299$ system that outperforms HTC vive and have games, the "playstation" of the VR.
And no, i'm not talking morpheus here, it is the analog of the super FX chip.

Maybe, but I'm sure the few normies who have a 3DS didn't give a fuck about the N3DS

They thought it'd fix everything.

Nah just following your flawless logic.

battleborn doesn't really need a spot there. Activision slaves want us to hate it because it "dared" to attack their religion but that's it.

>What are the N3DS numbers like, anyway
2DS - 5,170,000
New 3DS - 1,920,000
New 3DS XL - 6,890,000

>COD having 10% the preorders of the previous game

My logic is that PS4 is a normie console and 3DS isn't. That's a simple fact backed by game sales.

Bone has no fans and pcucks are the biggest plebs buying indieshit. Sonyponies are the normie plebs.

The E3 trailer was hilarious
>chat blowing up
>everyone asking what game it is
>saying it looks awesome
>title comes up
>all of a sudden everyone starts saying they hated it and it looks terrible
same with the downvotes on the original video
christ people try so hard it's pathetic

Reminder that all those blunders have something in common.


>The sky-high price of developing a AAA game in the year 2016

Its not a shit year. ITs the evolution of hype culture and providing insane money to shit cancer so it makes even more shit cancer.
This is the future of gaming.
Remasters, remakes, DLC, preorders, season passes and trow more money at me u sexy beasts, while not progressing the quality at all.
Games became horror.
Copy paste a success and turn ur franchise into something else!
Promise and lies - sell shit and flies!
Infinite Early Acesss
15 000 $ game pack
Microtransactions in a full feature game.
When does it end?

>Sonyponies are the normie plebs.
This is what I've been saying from the start.

To piss off the continent.
Note: this is the reason for everything the UK does

Because in the 70s we voted to be part of a common market. Since then it has become a new USSR with unelectable officials who makes laws that you must abide by, our parliament was powerless over 2/3rds of laws were made by the EU. Open borders were required, £350million a day must be paid to the EU so they can build train stations in Poland.

The vote to leave was for us to get our own soverignty and law making abilities back.

Also a big fuck you to globalists and leftists.

They always have been.

not when you get free games

Nintendrones, yes. Normalfags are incapable of making their own opinions, so no.

Development costs aren't even that much higher and there are fewer manufacturing costs associated with discs and none with digital, which made up a huge chunk of a games cost in the past, it's all blown on marketing. The console market is also shrinking, these publishers are trying to make more and more money every year selling to an increasingly smaller group of customers. So we get rushed games because cut corners mean saved money and DLC/Microtransactions are being pushed heavily.

Preordering has gotten out of hand as well, used to be a way to simply ensure you got a copy at release but now publishers push it for every game and get as many customers as possible to pay for the game and season pass before seeing much of anything about the game at all beyond some bullshit CG trailers or advertisements. There's no shortage of copies for these games they just want to get customers to pay upfront before release with deceptive marketing.

I support you fags then. Good on ya.

When capitalism ends.

So never. Not in our lifetimes at least.

>giant revolt against the CEO on r/oculus
lol im sure this isnt true but sauce?

You first, trumptard

If your biggest complaint about Destiny 2 is the voice actor of the ghost getting replaced in Destiny 1 then what kind of argument do you really have?

The most annoying thing is that this CoD actually looks like it might be an okay game, and looks like its doing something interesting and different for the series.

So of course, the cod babies fucking hate it.

>and leftists

I'm a liberal and I support your decision. Good luck.

Because the EU is a non-democratic bundle of cunts, now stop talking about politics.

Wasn't he really phoning it in anyway in the first game? Unless the Destiny 2 actor really sucks, it hardly seems like a thing to complain about.

gameplay and writing sucked compared to LoU
The only people bitching about Mankind Divided are Sup Forums and children with toasters. Its a good game and I can max it out at 4k with no msaa with my 980ti and keep a framerate around 40-45

You will suffer for it.
When the UN actually becomes the next URSS and get their own army, UK probably will be the first country they will invade to show the world what happens with dissidents.But still better than the "bad guys" label everyone in it will get.

So let's see... Animal Crossing is not normie, but FIFA is?

What will be Sup Forums's excuse when Trump loses?

The only people who like it are numales and child molesters. Which one are you?

Yes. You should leave our basement every now and then.

I want Trump to win and I'm a Latino..

Whatever that sells best is normie. That's the definition of normie.

>When the UN actually becomes the next URSS
The UK didn't leave the UN, you moron.


rip every board for a month if trump loses LOL

Objectively wrong.

Who plays Animal Crossing? Kids and Nintendo fanboys. Chad isn't walking to Gamestop to pick up Animal Crossing, he's getting Madden and CoD.

Indeed i always confuse both.