How can people justify paying $60 for a 12 hours game?

How can people justify paying $60 for a 12 hours game?

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Dead online as well

$60 is nothing if you have a six-figure salary.
Have you tried not being poor?

You're the reason games are turning into shit. Would you prefer if the game had a bunch of forced filler content that nobody enjoys so you have to slog through 2 hours of really shitty gameplay just to get 30 minutes of good content?

Agreed, that's why I got it cheap at my local JB.

Price = Single player hours * 2 + 10 if multi is good + 5 for every other feature.

I waited until it was $30.

Are you genuinely stupid? Why would I buy a 12 hours game when I could buy a game that will last me much longer for the same price?

HL1 was 12 hours as well.

I paid £24 for it on release. Only chumps pay full price.

Just because I make money doesn't mean I'm still willing to waste it... Good luck retiring with your money sense, kiddo.

you dont want a 100hour doom.

Also the gameplay is pure fun so replay value is a thing

When I was a kid, games cost upwards of $80 USD and only lasted about four hours.

i got it for 35 on the steam summer sale
honestly i dont know how sony ponies manage to mentaly handle buying games full price all the time

>Good luck retiring with your money sense
>what is welfare

Except it has multiplayer so you can keep playing the game.

>playing doom multiplayer

Are you serious?

I only buy games with multiplayer because at least that's extra content that you can play for hours compared to a shitty short campaign.

There's no point trying to understand the mental state of a whole bunch of people who bought a console to play inferior multiplats + Bloodborne. Although Xboners are even worse.

>It's a good game
>Overwatch costs 60$ and it's the same match over and over (still, it's good so i'm not complaining)

But Doom's multiplayer is certainly nothing you would want to play, did you play it? Honestly I would rather replay the campaign 10 times than to ever touch the multiplayer again.

>12 hours of gameplay
>Witcher 3
>0 hours of gameplay

game is on sale for 20 bucks on gamestops website

>this blatant shitposting

whats this bullshit

nigga dont you remember buying a ps2 game back in the day full price only to find out that the game sucks ass and you're fucking stuck with it

so you buy cheap ass fucking games on amazon and you find that one fuckin gem

nigga please shut yo trap

sick of it

>Overwatch costs 60$
What did he mean by this?

>length of a game determines the quality of the game
>sale of a game determines the quality of the game


>nigga dont you remember buying a ps2 game back in the day full price only to find out that the game sucks ass and you're fucking stuck with it
Back then there were demos and actual vidya magazines with reviews that listed the playtime
Stop pretending you know what your underaged ass is talking about

A lenght of a game doesn't determine the quality of it, but it should determine how much it fucking costs, it's stupid to pay $60 for a game that lasts for 12 hour, or even less.

>he bought gaming magazines

kek, I bet you were from the chess club too

fuck you nigga where the fuck did you get a demo of a game you actually wanted to play

opening a mag and slipping the disc into your back pocket? Signing up for some loose ass shit online for game demos only to find out they sold your info and now your home address is being spammed with some other bullshit




>fuck you nigga where the fuck did you get a demo of a game you actually wanted to play
Buying the magazine. Don't tell me you're one of these poorfags that didn't even take summer jobs and then complained about not being able to afford anything.

And to think that people used to complain about Dragon Age: Awakening's main story being only 14 hours long.

fuck you nigga I built a pc with my summer job money

I bet you dont even have some stale ass network card for dial up sitting around


You expect me to play a game for more than 20 hours? Fuck that.

what the fuck is "combined" ?

I bought it second hand for £22, beat it, then sold it on for £19.

What now

Game + DLC, in this game is the same because it doesn't have DLC.

I see, thanks user

>only 99 hours

Why spend that much money when you can play a game for 800 + hours for free?

Is that cookie clicker with another skin?

i played MP for about 50hrs and i didn't completely hate it. so many newer FPS feel hugely frame delayed, bad animation interpolation affecting hitboxes, and like they have worse networking than the 56k days. doom at least felt snappy and like i could actually duel people, make insane flickshots, and weave in and out of rail shots etc. yes TTK has to do with it as well, but there are plenty of times in CSGO, OW, R6S, Destiny, CoDAW, etc, where people just slide out of corners and you're dead before human reaction time can even kick in, even if on their end they just walked around the corner, saw you, aimed on you, shot a few times.

and i liked the kinetic energy kinda gun that charges as you move, i think it was actually called the static rifle? its pretty unique and probably kind of awkward and not good, but i loved the playstyle. you just peg people really hard with it whilst zipping around, and finish them off with a shotgun or something. i didn't see anyone else ever use it either.

Yeah, a region-locked multiplayer where you stay hours in a lobby with a brazillian guy

How can people justify paying $20 for a 21 minute game?

>throws money away
>thinks 6 figures is a lot

This is the kind of person who doesn't know how to save or value money, ie; an idiot.

>He wants a bunch of useless busy work side missions
>He wants a story in Doom
It's 12 hours of fun at least. Never a dull moment in that shitfest

>With Trump or Hillary in office
I doubt it will even exist by the time we retire. Hell, businesses are "adjusting for inflation" when most of the US hasn't seen an actual pay increase.

I pay $10 to see an hour and a half movie in theaters. Sounds like a good deal.

Stop being poor.

That's not how it works, you don't pay for duration, you play for quality.

Would you argue that shorter movies should be cheaper to see?

What about games that are shit, but have long campaigns vs games that are amazing with short campaigns? The shit game should be more expensive?

5$ per hour of entertainment? Have you ever been to movies? Also people I know who bought doom completed it at least twice.

Completionist 24 and a half hours. I think that's what I got more or less going through the game for the first time, on nightmare, 100%ing every level. Had to replay some of the levels to get that 100%.

Also snapmap content is pretty good now if you just want more singleplayer stuff.

its $20 at game stop right now

>third worlders make another thread on Sup Forums

>Dead online
>Just played MP last night never saw a repeating name and took me 10-20 seconds at most to find full matches before start.

But then again i only play TDM on D44M and from what i understand the rest is dead but honestly the rest is pretty shit.

thats $5 per hour

what are you, poor?

I'm not poor

>60/12 = 5 dollars per hour

Compare that to going to see a movie. The average length of a movie is an hour and a half, and tickets cost anywhere from 6 to 8 dollars. So really, it's no worse value than going to see a movie.

nigga overwatch only costs $60 if you are dumb and want the shitty skins

I just walked down the street to a Redbox and rented the game for my PS4, I played and finished Doom for 3 dollars.

yeah but movies always suck dick
there are only like 7 good movies

people pay more for less, so purely mathematical your argument lacks merit.

Movies are vastly more polished than games for a complete lack of interactivity, comparing the two is not smart.
Movies also have pacing that is completely out of the consumer´s hand, in contrast to games, where people might spend hours simply fuffing about, not really playing it, or beelining it to the end.

this 2bh also overcucked will have $40 dlc and has p2w micropayment but blizzcucks will defend this. inb4
>b-b-b-ut YOU CAN FARM

>[what are you, poor?]argumentation
What are you, dumb? Valuing your money, however little or much it might be is not something anyone can logically argue against.
Stop polluting the world with your stupidity.

witcher 3 is a boring game with unexciting gameplay that revolves around a B-tier story and visuals.

if all you care about is hrs/dollar then just go play a bunch of F2P mmos and stop posting shit threads here

well done, you responded to the bait
are you happy with yourself

>buying games on full price

How can people justify paying $60 for a game?

Then go buy jrpgs they last at least 100 hours each. Be a full on weeb aswell as a retard.

People used to pay 60 for atari games and ps1 games.

bought it for 30 on sale

Because it's fun

I found the collectors edition on sale for $50 which included some big figurine and shit. Spending that much money is like buying lunch you poor homosexuals.

>He doesn't play his games to completion

>paying for pirating games
ultra cuck

>Not just going to gamestop and stealing the physical copies.
Godlike cuck

>length matters
its about girth

The game is just terrible from a competitive standpoint though, the depth in the game is a step down in every aspect from something like Quake 3 or 4. Plus the demon rune and "perks", which both lower the importance of skill, are very involved in whether you win or lose. It's a casual game, no doubt about it, although I honestly really got into it because of clan arena

Overrated shite

On PC, yes, TDM is the only mode you'll be able to find a match in at any time of day, but it's a bad mode. I think the new maps playlist has some players still if you play prime time but there's some trash modes mixed in there and it's not worth bothering with imo

You blizdrones jumped on that quick huh?

Thanks for ruining the game industry by supporting bad games.

You know a lot of rich people waste thousands of dollars on unnecessary cars, furniture, and houses yet retire with more money than you make in a lifetime

Wasn't it 60 on consoles?

Aren't the boxes on the shelves empty though?

>Vote with your dollar
>Keep garbage companies afloat because "lol yur poor"

What a disgusting degenerate.

console versions only sell the origins edition which is 60 bucks.

The game without the origins edition is 40 bucks but only available for the PC.

sssh, dont try logic. idiots dont get it

>$60 is a lot of money
Since when?

That implies longer games are more enjoyable

i payed 35 for it
it was worth it

>Goes back to playing No Man's Sky

>Implying shorter games are more enjoyable just because they're short

No matter the price, I don't feel as though I get my money's worth if a game isn't at least 20 hours long these days. I don't even mind filler missions/ levels as long as they're still fun.

stop being a retard

>I pay $10 to see an hour and a half movie in theaters.

Holy fuck seriously? What the fuck. There hasn't been a good movie on in years. What did you watch, Avengers? Jurassic World?

>Sounds like a good deal.

Stupid people often get duped.

Since forever. if you don't think 60$ is a lot you're a fucking dumb ass. Even my rich ass dad thinks twice about spending anything over 20$ on something. Don't be a retard and overpay for shit, games are not worth 60$ a piece ever, at all.

>paying $60 for a 12 hours game
You don't pay that much, you pay less.

I've played it for 40 hours lol

>Ultra Nightmare
>No respawans through the whole game, if you die you begin back on the first level

>12 hours to complete
+ online

Kiss my ass

super mario bros 3 was 45 dollars on release and its only half that with a single difficulty level
quake 3
quake 3 was 50 dollars and it didnt even have singleplayer
doom 1 was 50 fucking dollars too
this is all before the dollar was as inflated, before they had to pay hundreds of employees, why isnt it worth 60 bucks, why arent you counting replayability, and why the fuck does every game have to be 300 hours of 'unique' content long just to be sold fucking fullprice? there has never been a game that long that was fun the whole game, i would rather have another megaman 1 or umihara kawase over morrowind and other boring rpgs and doom 4 was a pleasant surprise

It's a good 12 hours