Will FFXV be the new MGSV for Sup Forums?

Will we be looking back at the pic related trailer in sorrow because of how the final game may turn out?

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If the current version could be good if Tabata didn't want to pander to the western audience as hard as possible

we will never expect ffxv to be good

>We don't get Yakuza Regis anymore
>STAND BY ME and celebrity voice actors in a movie no one wants

mgsv was a good game with flaws and the flaws are what Sup Forums remembers. the same will be true of xv, except the flaws in xv are a lot more screenshottable.

FFXV doesn't even look good on the trailers

To be completely honest, if FFXV will be of the same quality as its trailers it's going to be blunder of the year

If MGSV was as good as its trailers it would be game of the decade

Regarding combat

>Cannot attack an enemy outside of their pre-baked target points. This also affects your height in the air because noctis will always aim down at the target point of the enemy and lose altitude instead of attacking at what height you currently are.
>stupid stuff that happens automatically like the annoying that blocks inputs at times and auto air teleport which makes you feel not in control and will probably confuse casuals
>attacks don't have a set distance they can move but instead just gravitate forwards to make sure the casuals always hit the enemy. Jokes on them, if the enemy moves while gravitating forwards you still won't hit and there's no way to prevent this. This is still in the master build footage.
>auto aim always takes priority over the direction of the control stick which means you cannot aim an attack between 2 enemies to hit them both and also makes you feel not in control, and means you will not be able to do an attack backwards for style or other creative shit.
>A lot of directional specials (pressing stick while holding attack) can only be used from a specific range. If you input it outside that range something else will just happen instead
>Combat moves are not accessible outside of combat, meaning a no fun allowed approach to all non-combat things, exploring will just be exploring and not dicking around fun and expxloring, but at least SE saved money on playtesting that they used for other useful things like optimizing the gfx, fps, and combat right? Enjoy your anime and movie guys.

When are devs going to realize that casuals do not care about how the combat works?
Make a good system for people who care, and then just add an optional crappy system that does shit automatically. The casuals will not notice the difference and everyone will be happy.

>generic ancient evil and muh friendship plot
>all characters look like faggots
doesnt seem like western pandering to me

Don't trigger the guy from the other thread again

Overall, blame Tabata. He is unable to make good combat systems and even ruined simple things as the UI

Well, he tried as hard as he could without puttin too much effort into it. Writing a good plot and changing character models would require effort

Duscae was fun and not a walk in the park, though? You can easily just spam moves with easier enemies, but with harder enemies or huge groups of them, you actually need skill.

This is not about the difficulty. It is about having fun by having the freedom to do different attacks and use them in creative ways. It creates a sort of meta process within the gameplay that you can focus on and get good at.

I found the difficulty pretty harsh for a game that is apparently so focused on casuals, but the duscae difficulty was pretty good if you ask me.

>Don't trigger the guy from the other thread again
Because he'll try to say i'm wrong with weak arguments and false statements? Please. He can get triggered all he wants and it still won't change anything.

This game will be forgotten in 3 days

How much money did they waste on these trailers? Give me a rough estimate.

TPP was shit and XV looks already worst than TPP managed to be.

Not much. The Kingsglaive movie alone probably multiple times as much

So far they wasted money on:
>The development of 13-Versus, depending on how much they reused
>10 years of development time between both titles
>Probably by delaying the game 2 months
>The "Uncovered" event for the release date that got moved
>Celebrity voice actors for a movie (apparently none of them are the actual VAs in the game either)
>Florence and The Machine's music

Well MGSV at least looked somewhat good while also being a cross gen title and ran well and for what it set out to be it had great gameplay
Non of that really applies to XV
Both have way to big empty open world with notinng to do except for sidequest though

It can't really be as dissapointing as MGS V because it's a self contained story rather than the continuation of a story. The expectations are different.

>you thought CoD was the most injurious franchise to gaming
>it was really GTA

>Will we be looking back at the pic related trailer in sorrow because of how the final game may turn out?

The final game where that location and those abilities in that trailer are still there? What?

>We don't get Yakuza Regis anymore
He was never Yakuza. Insomnia running like a Yakuza is nothing but headcanon. And he still wears that same exact suit.

Fits Versus and XV theme 100%.

> celebrity voice actors
That's the movie, and the movie was bonus stuff throwing people a bone who wanted to see the invasion in full CG glory.

Fuck off with this copy pasta. No one cares about your memes.

Imo it doesn't matter if it fits. It shouldn't be in the game when they could easily use a Shimomura track

MGSV isn't even a finished game. It's an unfair comparison.

>Fits Versus and XV theme 100%.
I don't think it does at all. Western pop music just doesn't work with it. Kingdom Hearts did using pop music better,

You seem to care enough to reply to him

>Imo it doesn't matter if it fits.
Yes it does.

>It shouldn't be in the game when they could easily use a Shimomura track

Somnus is the main theme, Stand by Me is the theme song. What is so hard to get?

No. FF XV will deliver.

This x1000. I'd rather a Shimomura track. Her score is great so far.

Because they could've just used a new track made Shimomura. You only act like Stand by Me is suddenly the greatest thing because Tabata added it. You probably never even thought about it before it popped up at Uncovered.

>yes it does
Well, no it doesn't

We can play this game all day, but you're the autist here so i'll probably lose this game

>solid game mechanics are a meme
I bet you can't even eggroll fucking redditfag. gb2gaia and kys

>I don't think it does at all.
It really literally does.

First of all XV/Versus main story theme is abound bonds. Stand By Me is about bonds. XV/Versus is about 4 guys on a journey, Stand By Me is used in a film of the same name bout 4 boys going on a journey. The story of the game with the nights and the moon illuminating it, the earth decaying is referenced directly by the lyrics. The fantasy based on reality motif of XV/Versus is met by them using a real song which also has the FF prelude backing. It fits the game in multifaceted ways.

Daily reminder that, if not for the awful visual kei band character group, FF XV'd had potential to be the best game in the saga and the true savior of JRPGs.

But, as it is, it'll be a wonderful world, with a fun but shallow gameplay, and an interesting plot, all dragged down by having to stand four assholes that not even a fujoshi'd think are well written, developed, or just likable.

>You only act like Stand by Me is suddenly the greatest thing because Tabata added it.

No I'm acting as if it actually fits the game in multiple ways because it fucking does, and would have even when it was Versus.

>Well, no it doesn't
Yes it fucking does. See

Yes, but it's American music in a JRPG. It's jarring.

Who's doing the FF7r ost? I think the style in the trailer was perfect but it doesn't sound like yoko.

I hope so user. I hope so much. It looks like everything I'd want in a game but the combat plays like ass in the demo.

>visual kei

dont forget taking pictures of rocks in remote locations so they could end up making the mountains on what looks like The Sims terrain editor and pasting ps2 textures onto them

So what?

I don't mean in the sense of lyrics. I mean overall. But we're fighting against other with opinions, so it doesn't matter anyway
Stand by Me was just another western bait that fortunately fits some of the games themes
Might as well let Shimomura write a song about the themes
The worst thing is that it plays in the first few minutes while you push a fucking car.
I wouldn't give a shit if it plays during the credits

meaningless bullshot the graphics are trash now including things like landscape geography which is a massive flat field now instead of rolling hills like that

They haven't started recording any FF7R music, or at least we haven't heard anything newly recorded for it.

The E315 7R trailer used music from Advent Children and the PSX trailer used music from Distant Words.

Why are you even replying if all you accept is your opinion?

MGSV was awful in every single fucking way but at least there will be decent waifus in FFXV and therefore porn of them.

For the same reason people wouldn't want random J-Pop in an American movie.

Not Uematsu that's for sure. They'll most likely do orchestral versions of the FF7 OST. Worked out fine for KH2.5

I wasn't talking about lyrics. I was talking about multiple avenues.

Thematically it fits, lyrics wise it fits, metaphysically it fits.

>Advent Children
This doesn't have the opening bombing run music. Because that was in the ff7r trailer




>CG poster

Are you dumb? Is the FF10 boxart of Tidus in the water bullshot too? What about the poster of Cloud looking at the Shinra building?

the combat system is gonna be fucking horrible id imagine

so no.

There's no jpop song that's anywhere near as popular in the states like stand by me is in Japan


It's just these tracks i think

It's still bullshit and not based Japanese composers, like Uematsu and Shimomura.

Don't even bother. They could add dubstep and he'd say it fits perfectly

They did in one trailer sadly and it was horrible.

m8 read what I said.

E32015 used AC music while PSX trailer used Distant Worlds music.

This is the E3 2015 music used these two

The PSX trailer used this

No I wouldn't, no need to get ass devastated.

It fits, and the game has always had heavy western influence ever since Versus.

Don't worry i'M not ass devastated. You're just triggered way too easy

No need to cry anymore.


>Will FFXV be the only good game in the series?

I don't know, man. FF games are quite shit, just like MGS, but that last demo was pretty bad. If it stays like that, I don't think it will be very enjoyable.

It's impossible for FFXV to be another MGSV.

Even diehard fans are prepared for disappointment with this one

>Playing the bombing mission fully remade with music like that

Well I think you're right about the first one. The 2nd one i'm sure is not in there.

>but that last demo was pretty bad. If it stays like that, I don't think it will be very enjoyable
That's probably because it was basically a tech demo. Duscae was better.

I don't understand how anyone can expect anything but a disaster. It has all the warning signs.

Because it's the most ambitious game ever and every game should fear FFXV

Which ones? Being in development after year 2000?

I mean I actually had hopes for MGS5 while I fully expect FF15 to be terrible.

Duscae is fun and I've been following it since Versus. I am a bit more weary of it now, but I do think it will be a great game.


Who are you fooling? The plot is generic boring trash and what we have seen of the world is bland af.

>Final Fantasy fans right now

I think you're confusing "realistic" influence with western influence. The only remotely "western" influence Versus had was making Accordo like Italy.

Lucis was supposed to be like Japan with gothic influences and the whole plot was shakespeare inspired among other things. Latin and other real languages being used for names etc. Like I sad, it had "realistic" influences but not pandering specifically to the west like it obviously is now.

This is me.

>stand by me
>fits Versus

It really doesn't. Versus had lots of different themes, but was overall supposed to be a human drama/tragedy. Somnus fit with it well. Stand By Me maybe fits XV because it's a generic roadtrip but saying it fits Versus is hilarious.

>inb4 it was always a roadtrip

No one said it wasn't, just that it had other clear themes that were important as well and clearly a different tone.

more like.

>hair actually reacts to rain

Not that surprising, probably half their budget end development time went into it

Thanks to that we had to cut 95% of the environmental detail - Tabata probably

>only hear good things about MGSV for months
>metal gear survive or whatever is announced
>everyone is outraged
>suddenly see nonstop posts about MGSV being the worst game of the century

I don't understand.

You're retarded.

>only hear good things about MGSV for months
You weren't in Sup Forums then.

I get it, I really do, but can we at least wait until the game is actually out before having a billion FFXV shitpost threads on the catalog at a time?

You're on Sup Forums

I would be perfectly happy if this turned out to be analogous to MGSV. That would mean, to me, that it has the least exposition of the entire series and the most gameplay.

MGSV may not have had the magical story telling I had grown accustomed to but it knocked it out of the park in gameplay. Feel free to disagree but I thought it was some of the best gameplay in the series.

Versus didn't exist, it wasn't anything, there is zero proof in any of the brief footage we got from it that anything you think is there was there.

Then why do you keep bringing it up
Make up your mind

I'm not even the same user, I just wish people would stop talking about what Versus XIII was "supposed" to be when it was fucking nothing.

>Versus didn't exist
Pretty fucking sure that's the title of that game which gameplay footage we saw.

fucking btfo

That gameplay's as real as the gameplay we've seen for the FFVII Remake and you fucking know it.

>Insomnia running like a Yakuza is nothing but headcanon.

Fuck off xv-kun

So it's... real?

Good mechanics, terrible execution. No memorable missions or encounters and Fulton is literally always the number one option

How did we go from that to THIS?

The scenario was complete and the actual game was 25% done, which means they had decided on how everything should be and had a solid base for the game.

the first 20% is the most important part of development, even Tabata said the same thing in 2014 and he also added that after 35-40% the development speed is tripled.

So yeah, fuck off. Versus was a game that got canceled because SE couldn't afford to make another FNC trilogy and needed a new FFXV as well as someone to remake FF7.