>welcome to McDonalds may I take your order?
>No Man's Sky? Yes I worked on that, but could you not pester me about that travesty please?
>do you want ketchup with those fries?
Welcome to McDonalds may I take your order?
Other urls found in this thread:
no man's sky is a huge financial success though
Can I eat my burger with a friend?
It may not be a sustainable success though.
HAHAHA OH WOW. Get it? Because like
get this seriously
like seriously
oh wow
Oh freakin' gosh
My sides are in lelbit
What the fuck does that even mean.
And where the fuck do McD employees ask if you want ketchup?
This is the worst post this week.
I don't know what type of next level basement dweller OP has to be to not know how a McDonalds works
>he unironically eats at McDonald's
It means the negative impact of this game will transfer to his next game. Since his next game will be shit too since Sean is untalented as fuck he will be done for.
He could eat ironically at McDonalds though and still have the knowledge.
>you order a large bigmac with everything on it
>ask if you want fries and a shake with your meal
>you say yes
>he says that meal includes a free 6 piece nugget and apple pie
>your excitement increases
>you pay for your meal
>he returns with a square patty between two cold buns
>you ask where the rest of your meal is and all the shit he said he would give you
>says he never promised any of it
You can meet up at the same place and eat at the same time but you won't be able to see each other. On the bright side, there's no policies against literally shaking in excitement.
Can other people see me eat?
Wow so many people eating right now
>2 story mcdonalds
>you enter 1st floor
>friend is on the 2nd floor
>"wow, we're at the same place at the same time but I don't see him. worst mcdonalds ever"
No man's sky looked alright until he mentioned "Oh yeah and DLC"
Why the fuck can't I get a single 8th gen game that isn't a remaster or requires a shitton of patches and DLC that adds up to hundreds of dollars?
It's gotten even smaller these days right?
>Burger was bigger back then
>people were skinnier
>burger is smaller now
>people are fatter
Where's the beef?
mcdonalds is delicious
Thank god I quit out on fast food 10 years ago.
He's constantly being compared to Todd Howard. He'll do fine.
I ironically eat at mcdonalds and ironically enjoy it.
I think the point was that these burgers have remained perfectly "pristine" over the years without any kind of decay, which is unnatural, and means that they were pumped with all kinds of dangerous preservatives.
what the hell do you eat then?
Just like No Man's Sky is fun.
Although, I will admit the pricing is at least fair.
do they really not rot?
im attempted to buy one and let it sit while documenting
I am trying to make a joke about how he might con McDonalds clients based on how he conned people into buying No Man's Sky, but I am not creative enough.
Hes probably a millionaire now
The ones on the bottom aren't the same as the top ones. The big one on the bottom is a recreation and the small one is a modern big mac
>guy directs videogame
>it turns out shit
>despite that fact nobody on Sup Forums could possibly do that
Because game prices haven't increased for 25 years, yet the currency has halved in value during that time due to inflation. Publishers have to make back that shortfall somehow. Buying a game for $60 in 2016 money, you're actually getting a 50% off what people paid in the 90s.
Hello commie
Most large foodstuff remains relatively intact over extended periods of time. This "dangerous preservatives" shit is a dumb meme for housewives and you should feel bad for believing it
>$5 then could buy the entire menu
>$5 today barely gets you a full meal
whatever happened to orangeade?
I pay $9 for my buyer, fries, and milkshake and get 100 times better tasting food.
>haha he works at mcdonalds what a loser
>haha he's a neet what a loser
I don't understand, wouldn't you want to encourage someone to have a job?
In Germany they give you mayonnaise with the fries. Fucking retards.
Another satisfied numale!
you also get 9 times more space in your wallet
>mayonnaise with the fries
germany sounds like the king of no fun
New one looks so much better.
Better patty and cheese to bun ratio
>"Yes, I'd like ketchup with fries."
>Get a wet potato.
Go to bed, Vincent
The people who invented fries eat mayonnaise with them. The fuck are you to argue? Enjoy your sugary water retards.
calm down
>15 cents for a hot coffee
Where did it go and where am I now
Ketchupcucks make me rage uncontrollably.
I season my fries. I don't dip them in sauce, you tard. what type of fat, greasy faggot dips them in mayonnaise. fucking disgusting.
>implying his numale ass wouldn't be out on the streets of London selling his asshole to sand niggers for heroin
This user already did it so you don't have to
>being poor
I bet you also game on a console. In fact, McDonalds vs Restaurant is the same as Console vs PC.
>not going to 5 Guys, ordering a burger with literally everything on it, then filling your bag to the brim with peanuts
stop getting angry over people's choices of food condiments you fucking freak
will i be able to eat these fries with other people?
>almost a million copies sold on PC ALONE (~46 million dollars)
>probably 2 times more on PS4
>lol now he works at mcdonalds xD
>I bet you also game on console
It's funny you say that because the fact that I game on PC is why I'm poor.
>"May I take your order sir?"
>One BigMac with large fries and a Coke, please
>"One BigMac, large fries and a Coke coming right up"
>"There you go, sir"
>Uhh, is this some kind of a joke? The BigMac is just 2 bread buns and a pickle
>"To be super clear - BigMac isn't the dish I promised to bring you, please don't go in looking for that experience"
>"Also you can see other players"
The irony of your post is lost on you probably, ketchupcuck.
5guys fucking sucks man. it's greasy as fuck and tastes like shit.
I'm actually mustard race
I do it for the peanuts, my man
Then why does my bread attract mold if it sits around for more than a week, you dumb fuck?
try it, though it may fail now as McDonalds reported that they are going to cut down on the dangerous chemicals. Although your small experiment may prove otherwise and that it was just bullshit PR.
Sincerely, a """scientist""" who was paid off by fastfood companies to shill positive pseudoscience for them. How's the new corvette?
Because you dont refrigerate it
NMS jokes will never get old
>Someone voted for McShit
wew lads
>voting for burger kings at all
You guys want some stale fries to go with your stale memes?
>McDonalds vs Restaurant is the same as Console vs PC.
No they aren't. People eatting McDonalds don't scream and cry about how McDonalds is obviously the greatest food ever and restaurants will never compare.
Fucking Sup Forums and its totally wrong food analogies
It's great until the kids who work there forget your bacon.
>No Man's Sky development cycle.jpg
> fries with mustard
Where the hell are my pizzas?
>He doesn't enjoy the fries
Why can't the prices stay this good?
They're doing it right now though. They also brag about exclusives like Mac and Cheese filled Cheetos.
Is Big Kahuna Burger any good?
>food analogies
All of you "people" deserve to die a violent, slow, painful death.
the game is not going to give continuous money you retard, but people and assets in the company has to be paid every month
the next game will be a huge fuckup because no one will buy it after the disaster Numalesky was
>No they aren't. People eatting McDonalds don't scream and cry about how McDonalds is obviously the greatest food ever and restaurants will never compare.
They do in the US.
Just like the kind of death Hitler inflicted on the jews?
because years ago people had less money
>Fast food
>Not in it's own category
English, do you speak it?
>Mac and Cheese filled Cheetos
I threw up a little in the back of my mouth. American food is truely the body horror/gore porn of foodtypes.
so, not one at all?
Well the modders are already fixing the game so he has that going for him, just need some sort of editor to add the missing features though.
So it went from ludicrous expensive to still too expensive. Just a measly 10 games is $600.
We get the joke OP you dont need to post an explanation for your joke just for a bait
If I ever open a store, I would sell everything for 50c. I'd get tons of business because people want cheap prices.
>game prices haven't increased for 25 years
If you weren't literally 12 years old you'd know this isn't the least bit true.
Games didn't cost 60 bucks in the 90s you fucking child