Ready for the best RPG with Final Fantasy in its name in over a decade?

Ready for the best RPG with Final Fantasy in its name in over a decade?

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Yeah. WoFF looks OK too.

After 10 years it better be fucking good.

It most likely won't

This has potential, so naturally I'm curious to see how Squeenix fucks this up

After ten years you know it will be a broken mess, which is what it's looking like.

Kind of sad what happened to Square since the mid 2000's. At least now they seem to try to be pulling out of the hole they dug for themselves years ago.


WoFF looks great. I waited 10 years for XV, but sadly it'll turn out the be mediocre at best

what reason is there to expect this will be good? I dont know much about it but judging by the brand cash-in and chibi style I assume this will have a terrible, shallow combat system and crap story. Also sidequests will probably just be fetch quests like all FFs and then the chocobo racing which ive never given a fuck about

I honestly love everything About WoFF except for the creepy Kingdom Hearts main characters

>another game that relies on cameos to be noticed

Well, it's literally made to be a FF fanservice game
You can play all the other FF games if you want

What don't like Not Kairi and Not Sora?

Preordered the collectors edition. I'm more excited for it than XV at this point


looks like kh shit

Hey now FF15 and FF7Remake could be good. No need to insult it right now.

>Not Sora
but that's obviously Not Neku

Well, then you don't have to buy it

Don't mind me, just enjoying the best FF game ever made.

The MCs aren't going to be silent protagonists are they?

Which one?

Waifu Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

No, every character is voiced. Even the ones from other FF games

Wow. That looks fucking beautiful.

this game is going to have bare minimum content, will rely on crossover and cameo interest and will likely not exceed 40 hours to 100%. other than that mite b cool

wow its horseshit

I'm just hoping for something similiar to BD.
Who is the team behind this ?

It's literally built to be a fanservice and cameo game, how is it a bad thing? If you want new things you can always play FFXV

actually, in this thread we are talking about WoFF and not XV.

Only if you don't want to make the cutest waifu with floppy hats and matching outfits.

Also there's a sadistic loli that stalks you.

Looks more like Not Roxas to me fampai
I'm actually really excited for it
Probably won't sell to well and many people will hate on it, but it has more effort and care put into than most Square games of the past few years

There's something off about that chicken

I can't fucking wait!

play nep VII or something you useless weeb


there will be too much focus on fanservice and cameo to where there is little content actually avaliable to play, hence it actually wont be the best game with FF in its name in a decade

Oh you actually took the OP serious. Well, your fault


Look at this penguin

The concept art looks fine but the renders look like anorexic bobbleheads, especially when they smile. I Guess it's the noodle arms and the oversized heads.


shills not even trying to be subtle

It was so good!

too bad few people played it because of "the FF13 effect"

>cutest waifu
I would cum inside Lumina though

Yeah sure i bet you suddenly want to buy the game now

Boko is the best!

Isn't this game some shallow monster catching RPG that mostly banks on nostalgia? Why the fuck would I be excited for that?

Game has been in development for 3 years faggot

Truly the one true goddess



Because i like FF
Sorry that some people like videogames

>That heart symbol on the crown

Someone did this on purpose.

That's OK, I like video games too. Good ones that is, not shallow niggertrash. By the way... did I fucking give you permission to reply to me, kid? I don't think so.


Its a FF spinoff that looks half decent, I was going to buy it anyway. shills on here go overboard though


Well, good thing we're on Sup Forums

>XV shills are actually spouting this

Only if it has agrias

I've only ever played X and a bunch of Theatryhthm, but I find myself really looking forward to this. In an ideal world both this and XV will be good, but that Platinum demo inspired no such hope

By posting a few images? Jesus you guys are paranoid these days

suppa, if you're in here kys


they actually only just started 3 months ago

So Hamauzu is composing this

I don't know how to feel

That's kinda kawaii


Patch to erase pink-haired bitch from the game when?

s-shut up

commence flooding of the thread with random lightning pictures and aimless responses to OP after I mention shilling. square please leave


End yourself.

I fear this the most too (or that they pad it to avoid it, which is worse), but I'm looking forward to it. I find it highly unlikely that it will be better than the Dissidias, XIII-2 or LRXIII though. I expect it to to be in the good to great range unless the combat gets crazy interesting and strategic later on against their marketing spiel, in which case maybe it will happen, since I doubt I will like the characters excessively, since many of their elements are lifted from the previous games, which tends to irk me rather much. A problem that was really detrimental to IX for instance. I have my doubts with the story too.

Overall I expect to enjoy myself.

will he make Final Fantasy great again?


Please be excited. He is my favourite composer.


I'm skeptical about XV being good because of the luminous engine. But other square Enix games should be good I think.


>chibi artstyle
Objectively trash, call me when Disgea is out

He is decent but I liked more XIII-2 and LR ost because they have more composers and it had more variety


I hope this is bait because otherwise that's just cute



where is her butt?
why do her tits hang so low?

If this actually his work and not someone else:

Then he has finally discovered what a melody and crescendo are. Meaning his music will for the first time not be cowardly, background music, that you're not supposed to notice. I'm actually looking forward to it and this is coming from one of the greater Hamauzu haters on this site, who thinks he's the fifth worst thing to happen to Final Fantasy. Good luck to him. He's on the path to redemption.

I'm exited. The monster designs look amazing and I prefer the chibi artstyle to Square's usual hyperrealism.



>a woman with a guitar

There is absolutely no chance in hell anything thats been in development for over 10 years will meet all the expectations of anyone who has waited for it all that time




