Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?
Least I'm a full game.

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>hitman 2016
>better gameplay
>more choice
>escalations and contracts are fun
>multiple ways of doing each main story
>3 out of 4 episodes have been great

no i dont miss absolution. 2016 may be episodic but at least it does it right but having a lot of well designed content every release. the elusive targets are a great idea too.

anyone who prefers absolution has no idea what hitman is

>3/4 episodes

But they've all been great, user.

>retail will come out a year after first episode
>will be full price
>they basically kept the price of their game to constant 60$ for a whole year
fucking genius.
still waiting on that retail release though.

i really disliked Marrakesh, far too many people and not enough areas. consolute is no-fun allowed

I'm not liking Marrakesh too much either. But I think I wouldn't like being in a country like that on the brink of war either. So maybe its supposed to feel restrictive for a reason. Also that German fuck was based in that interview.

Not at all.
Marrakesh is garbage, and Thailand has been wasted in a hotel level.
It could have been in literally any other part of the world and it would have remained the same.
Paris was decent, only Sapienza is the legitimately good one.

He was swedish.

Source: Am Swedish, there's a swedish flag outside the SWEDISH consulate (which is where he is based) he's blond, he's white, there's a hanging moose you can use to kill him during the interview, and there's atleast one IKEA reference in the mission.

Fucking kek. Gotta do the moose one.

Yeah, had a lil' snicker out of that one.

>full game is worse than incomplete one

really makes you think

Fuck you, Absolution, you piece of shit. I don't miss your sorry ass and I'm glad you're gone. TM is much better, if nothing else by virtue of actually playing like a Hitman game.

So the new Hitman is actually good?
I stopped paying attention after Absolution.

Also this

it's really good.
it has some of the mechanics of Absolution like Hitman vision and unreliable disguises.
but it's much more fun to stealth and the levels aren't liniar and a lot of options and shit.
also a lot of replay value for each level.


Fan va gött

>there will be a time when Sup Forums will be filled with retarded kids saying absolution is good
>it happened with cawadoody
>it happened with world of nerdcraft
>it happened with me2
>it's starting to happen with da2

yeah it's great if you enjoyed hitman for its versatility and replayability
if you were a hitman fan that just ran through everything, you'll probably still enjoy the new game when season 1 launches.

Absolution was good

I really don't get this "having no idea what to do is good!" meme when it comes to Hitman games. It's practically QTE bullshit with walking in betwee. Walk around, see what you can interact with, each thing you can interact with follows a logical path to the kill. Cool. Choose your own adventure. Not a game.

It was ok in my opinion but got boring quickly I got stuck

You have to be more subtle in your approach.

Absolution has less content than what the new game has though even when only half finished

I enjoyed Hitman Absolution.
It's a fine game, but it's not as good as the others in the series. It's the weakest Hitman title, and that sucks, but I still liked it.

Codename 47 is worse but it has the excuse of being over a decade older
