Would you play a survival horror game where the protagonist was in a wheelchair?

Would you play a survival horror game where the protagonist was in a wheelchair?

Maybe as an extra hard difficulty setting, or even as the default option.

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>Would you play a survival horror game
Not really, no. I don't think there were any good survival horror games besides the original RE and maybe Amnesia at best. The rest were awful, awful games, even if they had great aesthetics like SH did.

>extra hard difficulty setting
Do you really think that a game with a protagonist in a wheelchair would play any different from a game with a protagonist who's not bound to a wheelchair?

Only if the game is really short, or a small part of a bigger game. The movement options would be too shit really.

I can think of two things at the top of my head.

1. Stairs. And uneven terrain, for that matter.
2. Can't move and hold a weapon at the same time.

That's not survival horror


Cry of Fear? Maybe again.

>protagonist in a wheelchair
>in a hospital full of monsters
>have to get out of wheelchair and crawl up stairs, vents, etc. and find another somewhere on that floor
Monsters can hide in vents.

Wheelchair cloud in Dissidia when

This could make a really tense level, imagine a silent hill like hospital were you have to escape from, but you can't feel your legs and therefore walk.
You can only use the elevator but they obviously have to be repaired or some shit.

Also the bag cleaning the cathing minigames.

I have no idea how in the world you've come to that fucking conclusion.

It wouldn't work

you could achieve the same gameplay by crippling the players legs to the point where they couldn't run, they would still be able to move objects around and get over small barriers

there isn't even a fun gameplay mechanic you could introduce to compensate for the character being wheelchair-bound, unless you plan on introducing drift racing to survival horror

>Stairs. And uneven terrain
While this might be true in the real world a video game would be designed around the fact that you are sitting in a wheelchair so the locations would ether be flat or have an elevator.
>Can't move and hold a weapon at the same time.
So RE 1 or the protagonist sits in an electrical wheelchair.

manual wheelchair > electric wheelchair

>there isn't even a fun gameplay mechanic you could introduce to compensate for the character being wheelchair-bound
You can go limp and pretend you're one of the horror game cliches so that monsters would ignore you while you slowly roll around the hall.

is there even a single game where the protag is in a wheelchair the whole time

at least one where you can move around and not a VN or whatever

already exists

looks pretty good

Would you play a Sonic game where he's paraplegic


I was thinking a survival horror game in which the playable character has fucked up hands might work.
The more combat you do your hands hurt more.
This would result in shaky aim, using consumables like health being less efficient, reloading being a complete bitch to handle, and the character panting and sighing in pain which would alert monsters about your location.


>nobody figured out OP is bashing survival horror tank controlls
such wow

As a survival horror? No.

As a downhill racing game against other paraplegics where you could knock them into obstacles and off the road or into traffic? Yes.

Because you don't have ammo and healing items to manage. You don't have to make decisions wether to attack an enemy or run. Due to Amnesia's gameplay, you only can run and there always is a hiding spot nearby.
Amnesia is just a hiding simulator.

Oh this would make a cool level.
>have to wheel yourself around dangerous level rolling away from something
>at the end of level you have to roll your ass down some stairs to escape
Of course you'd fall out of the chair, but it would cut away to another character and you'd find out how hurt/dead the cripple is later. Would be very dramatic.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories had a wheelchair segment. It was interesting, I guess.

The issue is that survival horror isn't very "nimble" to begin with. Earlier games literally had tank controls. From a gameplay perspective, all a wheelchair would do was provide context for limiting/cumbersome controls and turn stairs into obstacles.

But I played Resident Evil already.

>can't move and shoot

See a dozen plus Silent Hills, Parasite Eve's and Resident Evils

we need to go deeper

what if all the enemies were in wheelchairs

wow sick moves

>choose nightmare difficulty
>my character is now in a coma

colostomy bag slurpy

what if the enemy is the wheelchair and the protagonist has to come to terms with being a retarded cripple?

so you have never played it then.
>what are tinder boxes

What kind of dopey cunt do you have to be to use tinderboxes.
Lamp oil at most, but that's stretching it.

Putting the player in wheelchair of all things for the sake of difficulty is an odd and somewhat bizarre idea. I mean Iron Boots would pretty much have the same effect of slowing you down/removing accessibility.
On top of that if your game is an actual action adventure-style thing a wheelchair is comically unrealistic.(if youre talking about "wheelchair mode" and it actually being a feature for comedic value, thats passable, but still pretty lame humor wise)

I think you could do something interesting with the chair as a plot point though. Lets say some guy thats very outgoing get into some accident, gets chaired, and starts delving into the digital world. You have the potential for a great Lain story there, and the opportunity to do some unconventional stuff gameplay-wise. You could even do a .hack thing from there.
Or you could for bartender management thing a la "VA-11 Hall-A". Pretty much anything that doesn't draw constant attention the chair/involve "concurring your disability", no one wants that story.


What again?
What's swiss chocolate got to do with that post?

It would be a neat way to make a VR horror game.

Sit on a chair and and use the vive controls to "spin the wheels" of your wheelchair to get away from monsters


>the protagonist is in a wheelchair
>Because of this, there's a reason behind using tank controls, feeling always nervous and having troubles moving and shooting at the same time

I mean, you are introducing the first three resident evil's elements into this game using the wheelchair thing, sounds REALLY good to me for a survival horror game

Gimme a lever-action/break-action shotgun and maybe some other goodies and I'd think about it.
Allow for movement tricks by turning off your wheel-lock and shooting a highpowered load.

How the hell does a cripple have abs like that?

Also, why barbed wire around her thigh?


Is one of the bosses going to be stairs?

I don't understand why people think crippling controls is good horror. There's nothing scary about bad controls, they're just annoying. It's hard to feel spooked if your attention is on something as mundane as the controls.

Also, SH: SM had a wheelchair part and it was dumb.

I could imagine it, sort of a Haunting Ground deal with what mentioned.
Powerlessness is a pretty big part of horror, so being a cripple would make for a scary setting.

>movement is mostly crawling, rolling, sometimes using a wheelchair; crippled from the legs down but can move around using their arms well enough that it's rarely a pain to do simple things

>A few different 'monsters' wander around the hospital
>a big burly retard in a surgeon's outfit who thinks you need your legs amputated
>he's not very bright and is slow to notice things so losing him isn't too hard
>when he catches you he drags you by the legs and you have to waggle to break free, but also have somewhere to retreat to so he doesn't just pick you up again
>if he drags you to an operating room he'll start hacking away at you and kill you
>an insane nurse under the Florence Nightingaleeffect ; she was caring for you before some accident and is now obsessed with you
>interprets most of your actions as illnesses; if you're panicking and shaking around you need tranquilizers to calm down etc
>won't actually hurt you and might actually fix some of your wounds, but sets you up to be screwed over by other monsters (ie passed out in a hospital bed as she strokes your hair), can attack potential allies lethally however
>probably yandere, gotta get that mix of sexuality and horror in there somewhere

>other patients can act as allies trying to escape who can help you but have their own disabilities to take into account; a mute might be able to piggyback you but can't communicate things they see/hear clearly
>some patients are insane and will try to kill you, you have to use their disability to avoid or defeat them ie a deaf insane patient won't notice you moving away from them at high speed

Would be neat if some monsters could possess you and cause you to walk around, only to leave your body and make you crawl back to your chair.



That toble causing Lightning to wobble


>Would you play [...]
I'm not a nerd

>introducing drift racing to survival horror
I'd buy that, sanic around doing drive-bys on monsters

Uhh, any other opinions about besides Toblerone?

Work in that wheelchair standoff scene from Scary Movie 2 as well.

Sounds like that time I was sent to a mental hospital.

It would get annoying really fast, unless you want the player to get frustrated and just start running past all the enemies. It reminds me a lot of the sanity mechanic in Amnesia where the character would start panting really loudly and you'd get blurry vision and eventually he'd start hallucinating bugs crawling on his face etc.

If I'm scared or on a clock I'm not going to be performing things optimally, I don't need the game to tell me when to be scared or how frightened my character is.

I beat up a girl in a wheelchair in that ikki tousen game on the psp, that was fun.

Also I've already played a game where you're in a wheelchair, it's called resident evil 2.

Cry of fear

>Tfw a regular flight of stairs can permanently kill a party member
>It's an irritating party member no one likes and can be easily replaced
>And makes an endgame boss map a lot easier with him dead

Someone tried this as a means of handling VR controls and it worked. Game wasn't fun tho.

Garret was a fucking badass.

>final upgrade is having a motorized wheelchair for chase sections
I'd play it.

I'd play that. Still, I feel like the hard part would be getting down the player character's mobility. The character's ability to move might be shit, but that's not an excuse for shit controls.

how is the game controlled? two wii-motes to simulate moving the wheelchair?
or an actual wheelchair peripheral?

That actually sounds like a good idea. Would play

>vidya in general
>cripples on wheels get barely any exposure
Such a crime.

the final boss is a spiderdemon
you blow up the brain and take over the body for yourself and ditch the wheelchair
everyone lives happily ever after as human/spiderdemon hybrids

No. Since it's hard enough to escape danger without a wheelchair.


You would either have to be fast as fuck, or the enemies would have to be slow as fuck to make it fair, and that isn't really scary.

Why do you feel that you need a game that caters to the impaired? Would you feel better when the floating camera would be in a wheelchair instead of floating in the air?

Game is a game for a reason. I would play the game even if the protagonist would be in a wheelchair but it wouldn't change the experience. He/She would get killed multiple times because of my own stupidity like he/she would even if he/she wouldn't be in a wheelchair.

You're stupid for asking a question like that.

Yeah. Sounds like a good way to justify tank controls, honestly.

If the wheelchair was a well thought out game mechanic then yes. If it's just for muh diversity then no.

Not necessarily wheelchair only, but imagine you always had to hold on to something while you explore.
Have the ability to do one or two steps without support, or use a (noisy) stick as powerups.

That wasnt the point faggot.

But could you get past the final boss?

Wheelchair fags cannot handle themselves in horror.
Very related

i swear toblerone is delicious

Horror protagonists already play as if they were cripples so why not?