>final boss has multiple phases
>the first phase has the best theme while the others are generic fight music
Final boss has multiple phases
Other urls found in this thread:
You might as well called this thread babymetal general if you're going to open with that gif OP
Fucking Sonic adventure 1
>final boss has multiple forms
>you have to replay the dungeon once again to fight the last form
>enemy placement changes and difficulty ramps up severely
>a nigh unkillable monster is chasing you throughout the dungeon and it can kill you and your party members in a single hit
new album FUCKING WHEN???
They're not exactly Sup Forums related, but they do make for great reaction images.
What would a Babymetal game be like?
Their second one only just came out in April. It's not even half a year old yet.
>what would a Babymetal game be like?
All I know is that it'll be made by Platinum
best song
>listening to semen demons
They're cute, not sexy. They're all too flat to find attractive, so they're no demons of mine. Unless Su ends up with the body of her older sister, then that might change.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Fuck off.
>you will never be this new
feels good man
>Planet Robobot
I'm still mad
>phase 1 plays haltmann's theme in a triumphant way
>phase 2 and 3 is generic space shit
Yes. Yes I want this. Yes.
ugh i want to fuck moa
She legal yet?
She's 18, the other 2 are 17.
I love BM and Video games