Gremlin is canon! CANON!
Gremlin is canon! CANON!
Other urls found in this thread:
>le dva on da frontpage xd
stop talking about my gf
Post more himouto chan
meme. MEME!
get the fuck out you fucking faggot, stop saying that shit you retarded piece of FUCK STOP IT NOW HPOIFH#@!!!! R@! %A Au90
dont worry I'm sure there'll be some no mans sky crying or smash faggotry or some pol-tier shit along any minute now to satisfy your appetite.
Dumb steer poster
Nerf this.
To anyone who doesn't know, they're actually giving her an emote where she eats chips from an orange bag and drinks from a green can while she plays a game.
They're also giving her a skin that's the exact colors of the original girl from this manga/anime. Don't know the name, but the pillow thing is orange and the shirt is white.
I just want to cup those breast. To have them warmly fill my hands. Is that too much to ask for?
so she's getting an Umaru skin? Does that mean an orange mech and a white on pink suit?
It looks like this pepe is up for a fight.
Dva confirmed as dumb rat shitposter.
Mountain Dorito Pope, standing by.
I fucking hate this thing but I love the butthurt it causes koreans and asian SJW's.
>Blizzard: "Hey guys! It's a sexy gamer girl who wears a skintight suit and plays Starcraft professionally."
>Fans:" No. She's a slob who eats junk food. We've decided."
>Blizzard: "Haha! Oh memes! We're down with memez! We think memez are great! What do you think of our meme, fellow social media users?"
And now it's not funny anymore.
Hannah, I know you're enthused that Sup Forums doesn't 'hate' you or bomb your streams, but can you tone it down just a leeetle bit? We can hear you posting from your room.
But why is this autistic neet nerd a superhero?
>check wiki
>asians attacked by giant sea monster
>basically mecha godzilla
>they develop mechs to fight it
>it comes back and it's stronger
>they recruit videogame players to pilot the mechs
Fuck me in the ASS they just ripped the plot straight from Pacific Rim.
overwatch is gay
XD upvoted
It's only a matter of time before Blizzard throws in a gremlin spray
And when they do I'll be right here on Sup Forums to watch everyone freak out.
and a good portion of our wet dreams.
How would any of us react if we were told we were part of a 'tournament' and the 'winners' were inducted into a quasi military service defending earth by piloting the mecha we've 'played' with for years?
I'd sign up.
I'll buy it day one and throw it up just to piss people I'll be doing with the gaming emote.
>have gold weapons
>have her gremlim emote
>mfw using the emote as a round starts
>everyone gathers round and either congratulates me on the golds or watches the game
You do know that the gremlin dva meme was made on fucking tumblr.
Its fucking sad when people spam it here.
you, sah, are an uncultured underageb& who has never heard of The Last Starfighter
he's right though. Shit is derivative stolen garbage. you like it because you only played blizzard products all your life. You shit on "weebshit" all day long, but it's ok when blizzard does it.
you do realize a location isn't it's populace and your complaint only makes you look bad.
Who cares where something came from? You came out of your mom, we're not bitching at her.
>>feelz when no grig.
The fact that she's the only one with a legendary emote (the gremlin one on the PTR) just shows how this has spiraled out of control.
fuck off dumb gremlinposter
>Neo Sup Forums
Fucking pathetic to see this place go to shit and have faggots spam shit from places despised all because its 'funny'.
Is that a gremlin emote?
I thought it was just her playing some game?
yes, yes, let the hate FLOW through you, your tears are sweet.
>nu-Blizzard is so creatively bankrupt they allow dank maymays becomes a characters personality
She loudly eats from an orange bag and slurps soda after a couple seconds
What is this said gremlin emote?
She eats from a bag of chips and then guzzles a soda while playing the game, both of which look like Doritos and Mtn. Dew respectively.
I can't find an Umaru skin, user.
>>nu-cocksucker gets up early enough to post to Sup Forums before first period.
Why is chibi reaper so qt?
I got it from here, so it could have been an edit I guess.
reapfield and daily reaper are superior
Isn't "gremlin" a Kotaku thing in the first place?
The fucking bag literally says D.Vitos on it
>>how long until Doritos and Mtn.Dew have commercials featuring 'celebrity gamer HANNAH SONG'
What is the point of these threads?
>Not funny (and if it ever was, it certainly isn't anymore)
>Not cute
>A horrid amalgamation of shit-tier memes and normie shit
>Does not generate funny replies, as evidenced by this thread
>Merely demonstrates that people will reply to trash threads without saging
Fuck this.
so how long until we get a zenyatta pushups emote
I don't get what people are butthurt about. Valve embraced their shitty community trash with TF2.
Because Sup Forums cannot be happy with anything, period.
hahah xd mountain dew hahaha doritos it's so funny! xD
>stop liking what I don't like
okay i was seriously thinking about getting OW despite it being teamplay cancer but adding in memes just to pander to weebs is going too far.
I´m not buying this. If i want memes i´ll just browse Sup Forums leave that shit outside games.
>shittist community next to LoL
>brings nothing new to competitive team based fps shooters
>waifufags everywhere
>game is over populated with children
>half of the community doesn't know how to play together
>no ffa maps
>paying or earning the chance to get a skin you want
>not being able to just pay for what you want
>muh e-sports gotta be da best faggots every game
Prove me wrong
>>and in his sacrifice, nothing of value was lost.
>I can't formulate an argument without resorting to buzzwords
Prove me wrong.
Why? or stand judged by your 14 year old tight and curly peach fuzz? sure homey, keep going, that'll get you through alright.
you´re saying quake 3 pros refusing a game isnt a loss. just like blizzard, you dont really care about players.
>Stop wasting bandwidth on childish fandoms/idolization of a cartoon version of a video game character
Ya see how pathetic this whole shebang is, no?
You're both a cancer that should be removed
Does it really? What does the can say?
you're a quake 3 pro? Holy SHIT! Can I get your autograph? Please, jerk off all over my face, I can't stand to be in your presence without your precious seed!
I'm sure you're representative of every pro ever, everywhere, any time.
STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES. We have a fucking PRO here folks, A PRO!!!!
why would I care if a quake pro does or does not play a game that isn't quake
>fans like a thing
>blizzard puts thing in game
>blizzard dun care about players
okay friendo
Sounds like enders game
>stop partaking in an action I would not partake in
See how pathetic your whole argument is, no?
I can't respond with anything critical or make a legit argument, so I'll try to type anything that makes me seem superior: the post
It's a pretty common sci-fi trope 'youth trained by games/virtual interface engages in heros journey'
Always have dug it when done right.
The can is blank, but its pretty much dead on for a diet dew can
a vagina on a prepubescent girl holding soda and chips.
you have to be pretty gay to type something like that out, regardless of pasta, irony or not
Got it in one, I'm a peter puffer, sorreh, let me retire and suicide in ignominy because I've shamed my gaming forefathers.
Yes, yes it is.
but is it too much to DREAM!?
>ruining DVA with gremlin art
Thank god Blizz doesn't give a shit and nothing will come of it.
>people saying the gesture exists
>nobody posts it
it's a legendary named "game on"
Just wait, she will get a spray.
I guarantee it.
I want to fuc
What does D.Va stand for
here, I literally typed "new dva emote" into youtube and found it in 2 seconds
I'm shocked you manage to keep on breathing without anybody telling you how
It's a respirator doc.
Pepe couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag
>tries to dream about cupping breasts
>instead dreams about Reinhardt plowing me hard and Winston sitting on my face
this is canon
Plowing you hard and winston on your face?
sounds too too dreamy, when did you develop this strange fetish for apes and germans?
Dana Vaong
her Korean name
> gets dewritos
>junkrat can now lay down with just him, mei, and the ice wall between them
memes into dreams
put your D in her V and A
honestly im just happy they didn't give lucio a unicycle emote.
Welp! I sure was wrong. My dream of sexy animu DVA being canon is broken.
there's something very calming about this webm