Are you hyped up for BF1, I mean you HAVE pre-ordered it, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ive played every battlefield game in existence but the last time i preordered one it was BF3 and that shit was so fucking broken because of the abortion known as battlelog that i literally could not play BF3, I mean I couldnt connect to servers, so much that I ended up just playing Tribes Ascend instead.

So fuck preorders and fuck battlelog.

Seriously EA can shove that shit so far up its bloated ass hole.

But it's WW1, it's fresh and something completely new.

They're removing battlelog with bf1. Bf4 is also getting an in game server browser.

The game looks dope as fuck no shit. I'm going to play the ever loving fuck out of it. I cut my teeth on 1942 and the desert maps were my favourite in those so im seriously looking forward to seeing how they play out in this.

But you asked about pre-orders and fuck that noise.

i dont believe that. alpha/beta require still using that shitty service and they have build stats for it too.

I'm definitely going to buy it. But from some third party key site just like i did with bf3 and bf4.


>buying Battlefield, after 3

This might be the most blatant shil post I have ever seen. Well done pajeet $0.02 has been deposited.


That's probably temporary. And i don't think they will get 100% rid of it since there are people who really like it. More than likely you can just choose which one you like more.
The bf4 menu overhaul already has a closed alpha so it is happening.

>1 bad game = all bad after that
Impeccable reasoning my lad

I had relatives dying in WW1 and I find offensive they are portrayed as niggers.

BF3 wasn't even bad.

no, after watching one hour gameplay from levelcap, I think this game is generic as fuck
I'll just stick to bf4

4 is also an abortion, together with hardline. So they have already 3 bad games right there

>a WW1 game without french and russian soldiers

yeah sure

Yeah it's not like Battlefield 4 was unplayable for almost a year on PC too. It's not like Battlefield hardline didnt die after 1 month. It's not like Star Wars: Battlefront wasn't an content-less 60 dollar rip off with muh season pass and it still died after 1 month.

If there was any company not to pre-order from, it's DICE/EA.

>4 is bad
Please kill yourself

>using thread title
>EA garbage
>customer poll
this is not even shilling, it's literally a rented commercial space

>one bad game

>1 bad game

This game actually looks pretty good, desu senpai

No matter how good the game is, pushing for people to preorder makes you scum.

>hyped for cottonfield 1.

He's right though. Every game since 3 was a disaster. 3 was unplayable for 6 months. 4 was borderline unplayable for almost 2 years. HL was no different, and BF was the biggest fuck you out of all of them in every possible aspect.


Did everyone sign up for the beta?

I'll base my judgement on the beta. Then I'll make a decision if i should drop $30 on it on black Friday.

You kids are fuckin dumb.

>france is dlc
>posterchild is a fucking nigger

fucking this.
I have no problem with their "everyone has full auto experimental weapon" bullshit,
or the fact that half the soldiers are black
but no french or russia but instead motherfucking american soldiers in ww1?

nah man I'm out or waiting untill they get patched in
>inb4 they are part of the season pass faggotry

> mfw i'm still playing bad company 2

no and no

I see EA is shamelessly shilling on Sup Forums now.


>claim direct ancestry to a people that where not comprised of nothing but royals yet still claim they where royal
>claim ancestors define you and that slavery of your people was bad even though the pyramids where built by slaves

No. It's niggerfield.

>Not Cottonfield

Same here, was a huge BF2 fanboy, was disappointed by the Bad Company spinoffs and once EA announced BF3, promised it would be a spiritual successor to BF2, oh boy was I disappointed once I played the actual game. Never bought a single EA game since then, I'm glad I got to avoid the Mass Effect 3 shitfest and so on.