What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
I have the mental age of a 14 year old and want to go around bullying people while pretending I'm doing the world a favor for it.
t. SJW's
SJW's and Sup Forumstards BTFO
Well, she isn't wrong. Social media warriors are laughable.
She ain't wrong
>haha look at this le funny png
I agree which mean we should ban all thread that discuss devs, youtubers and all that human shit.
She's pretty cute.
Looks like she is making fun of people who bitched about mechanical apartheid.
Based Eidos, shitposters on suicide watch.
How the everlasting fuck do you get rid of this thing? You can literally turn off EVERYTHING under HUD settings and it will still be there.
I just wanted a game set in the future, without sociopolitical rhetoric being forced in.
I play games to fucking take my mind off these topics.
I don't want to constantly find myself barraged by the opinion of game developers.
Could you be any more of a cry baby?
SJWs/alt-right BTFO.
>i want to play deus ex without sociopolitical shit mixed it
that's like saying you want a cyberpunk game without niggers and asians
>game has a gay character
>you have no way of knowing their gay unless you break into their house and happen to look some pictures on a small wall
>apart from them being a snappy dresser you have no way of knowing they're gay
Now this is how you do a gay character.
have you read any cyberpunk book?
eidos sucks dick
try mario or something
deus ex always was like this you bandwagoning fuck
twitter fags BTFO
Which thing? God damn, you fucking newfags need to learn how to be more specific.
>I want to play a Deus Ex game without what makes it Deus Ex
>lmao do u even read brah?
It was pretty obvious he was gay
you want a cyberpunk game that isn't sociopolitical..?
wait, hold on, are you sure you enjoy this genre? You do know what cyberpunk is about right? I'll break it down for you simply: Dystopian future, a focus on advanced technology and low quality of life. It often deals with high levels of class divide, powerful and corrupt corporations, corrupt governments
Also, what do you think the punk is in there for? Punks are far-left on the spectrum. They're anarchists, anti-capitalist, anti-corporate, anti-authoritarian/police, anti-conformity, pro-equality, advocate for things like open borders.
I don't know what it is, people new to the genre or is it just younger gamers who simply don't understand? There seems to be a lack of comprehension with young people (teens to early 20s or so) and entertainment, in books, movies and games. They see something they disagree with, and in the case for Sup Forums, that tends to be left wing ideologies, they see this stuff presented in entertainment and take it as an agenda being pushed, as if that's what the game or whatever is all about. They don't understand it's supposed to be a world of mixed views, it's not telling you one way is right or wrong and it gives you all sorts of different views within the world, but you stay focused on the ones you don't like.
Deus Ex is a very political series. The thing is, you're a cop in them, you're not on the left, you're not on the right, you're pretty much neutral. The people you work for are corrupt, the people claiming to be the good guys are corrupt, the supposed bad guys have SOME good to them. You're super human who is being exposed to truths the public don't know or understand. You're busting the heads of punks, augs, non-augs, cops, people you worked for, people who played you. You don't have much of a side other than finding the truth or the root of a problem in these games.
I'd like to see a competent writer that also happens to be an Alt-Right faggot straight out of Reddit and Sup Forums making their own cyberpunk game, to be honest. It could be fascinating.
Sup Forums is strong with the meme magic though. Hillary's about to call them out in a speech.
>I just wanted a game set in the future, without sociopolitical rhetoric being forced in.
And I want a pony that shits gold.
But I guess the best I can get is one that shits regular shit and I don't want to deal with that. So I guess I just won't get a pony.
Wow, life is pretty easy when you're not a complete retard, turns out.
What about E.Y.E?
You're joking, right? You're mocking Sup Forums? I can't tell.
Didn't even stop Sup Forums complaining about it anyway.
E.Y.E is E.Y.E
I would like to play a Deus Ex game that has socio political issues, just not this braindead horseshit
>these graphics require SLI 1080s to run at 60fps
bravo square enix
>I'd like to see a competent writer that also happens to be an Alt-Right faggot straight out of Reddit and Sup Forums
Sounds like an oxymoron. A competent writer needs to be able to do more than regurgitate memes.
Nobody likes the "punk" part of cyberpunk.
Every character with spiky green hair detracts of product's quality.
People want Blade Runner neon lights and rain and not some faggot with metal spikes on his jeans vest.
>deus ex then
>end corrupt bankers, end the fed, end the secret government
>deus ex now
>dude anti-aug racism LMAO!!
>wah wah stop forcing politics on me
It's a fucking cyberpunk game, what did you expect? Goddamn, you faggots will whine about anything.
Fuck off cyberbabby, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Well, what about System Shock? I don't remember any political shit there.
Wake up grandpa, nobody cares about that shit anymore
Punks are people that look like fucking morons, sit at the train station with their dogs and beg people for money
I bet you think anyone still cares about guitar music too lmfao
You have a very shallow perception of what "punk" is about and consequently also a very shallow perception of what cyberpunk is about.
Stay out of my genre.
the problem with modern cyberpunk is that its been hijacked, now days the "punk" part is code for lgbt/gender rebels fighting the patriarchal society aka evil raysist cops
Second post, best post
>my genre
You are the only one still pretending that cyberpunk is about le pink mowhawk hair, everyone else has moved on from that
When people say they like or want cyberpunk that's definitely not what they mean, it's all about the cyber part and not in any way about the punk part.
Things change, grandpa
>guy who originally posted it failed to understand the context
>kids then repeatedly reposted it here without understanding the context
Enlighten me comrade
You'd just get Atlas Shrugs with exceptionally worse writing.
It worked for the titanfall 2 beta
wasnt HR about this also?
why would they make the same exact social commentary as the last one, are the next 4 dlc's going to be about anti-aug racism too? (aug isnt a race btw)
>lgbt/gender rebels
ironically cyberpunk has always featured degeneracy as a theme so i don't see the point
it has, but it's really just characters claiming to be anti-establishment while somehow working with the establishment, so there isn't anything punk about it
haven't gotten around to playing E.Y.E yet, I've had it for a few years, someday. Can't really speak on it.
It's entirely possible to make a cyberpunk game without going all political, look where system shock takes place. You're aboard a space station. Other themes of cyberpunk would be things like advanced technology, taking down an evil A.I. Not every cowboy western movie has a gunslinger. But Deus Ex is a cyberpunk game that takes on all aspects of what embodies cyberpunk, it's a game where you play as a cop, they put you in this position of power so that you can observe things from a neutral standpoint. You'll deal with punks, thugs, cops, corporations, poor, rich, you don't pick a side.
Not all punks look like that. I'm not a fan of punks either, not real ones in today's world or the viewpoints held by them in fiction. But we need to understand that cyberpunk typically deals with corporate powers that have hijacked government. Punks exist because they are a result of the negative effects that has. They exist as opposition. Most works of cyberpunk don't actually have you playing/reading from pov as a punk, nor do they make punks the heroes, they exist to show the class struggle, they are a product of the class divide. Getting rid of them is getting rid of opposition and indicating things aren't so bad.
People hate liberals, they hate the alt-right, the alt-right is a reaction from modern liberalism. Fascism was a reaction to communism. Cyberpunks are a reaction to oppressive megacorps and governments.
where has this been the case? the being hijacked part? Also, punks have always fought on behalf of LGBT and against gender norms. They're anti-class and anti-conformity. They always have been, ever since the punk subculture came to be in our world.
People don't understand, punks in real life and fiction are and always have been faggots. They're not cool.
>You are the only one still pretending that cyberpunk is about le pink mowhawk hair
No, you are, because you don't even understand the first thing about it.
>everybody else is wrong about this thing im the only one who truly understands and it's totally still what i want it to be and think it is even though literally everyone else involved disagrees
Cyberpunk is a dystopian setting, oligarchy, powerful corporations that control governments, low quality of life for a large amount of the population yet with advanced technology. Punks being anti-establishment, the underclass creating trouble for the powers that be, being that punk = anarchism.
Yet today, all the marxist/anarchist/leftist are also largely LGBT type faggots, BUT.. corporations, hollywood and the government cater to the LGBT pretty hard and they are advancing. I think in real life, LGBT faggots will just merge right into the establishment, give it a few generations. The left anarchism kind of loses a lot of its following in that case. When we look at leftists right now, they are very pro-censorship, they definitely have the political power to shut people up, the entire media backing them. Right anarchism (ancaps) are definitely on the rise..
it's as if things reversed and cyberpunk games/fiction have it wrong. Leftist faggots are going to be the oppressive political and corporate force and peoples more aligned with the right are the underclass and counter culture, but don't get right-wing in this context confused with your typical bible thumping republican type, although, christians are definitely going to be persecuted quite bad in the future.
>even though literally everyone else involved disagrees
I only see you arguing, kid. Stay in your lane. Lurk more. Maybe you'll get it when you're older.
>Deus ex
>Conspiracies within conspiracies
[Majestic 12 soldier coughs]
I second this post, it's super annoying
Did you save this or just take it from the archive? I remember writing it in a cyberpunk thread months ago.
Current works of cyberpunk are predicated on works from the late 70's and early 80's like neuromancer and do androids dream of electric sheep. I think cyberpunk projects a futuristic version of itself from those times with the twist of oppression and corruption from corporations and governments.
I stand by what I said there, there's definitely a shift coming from the left. They are becoming the establishment. We won't have left-anarchism in that case. But it won't be cyberpunk either. Think of it more like Stalinist Russia. It's going to be regressive too, not a big boost in technology. Leftists love socialism and communism now. They aren't the free speech "I fucking hate your right-wing views, but dammit I want you to be able to say them and we should have peace not war" type hippies from the 60's that opposed the vietnam war. They're my way or the highway censorship leftists that want open borders and to kill dissenters.