This is Onryoki, he is a boss in Nioh and he is harder than any boss in the Dark Souls trilogy

This is Onryoki, he is a boss in Nioh and he is harder than any boss in the Dark Souls trilogy.

Oh and did I mention that he's only the tutorial boss?

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Is it because the hitbox are all out of wonks, the attack patterns are random as fuck and you do litterally no damage ?
Call me when your difficulty is real and not artificial.

He also looks like a sack of shit so I hope the rest of the game doesn't follow suit.

How can the community for a game be this awful before the game has even come out?
I don't give a fuck about your petty comparisons, I just want to play and enjoy both games. They're vastly different anyway, they just took some design philosophy from DeS. The combat is closer to Ninja Gaiden than it is to Souls

I don't play souls games because they're difficult, i play them because i like the build variety and combat.

Oh man I love le "hard = good" meme

You can't level weapons or armor before fighting him, so he's probably hard to people who haven't learned to play yet and relied on OP equipment to finish the Souls games. If you actually learn the game mechanics he's really not that bad, no where near as challenging as Ancient Dragon, Nito, O&S, Dragonslayer Armor, etc., even with upgraded equipment.

Honestly though, I think most Souls/Bloodborne bosses would be considered harder if you did them with an initial equip character.

And how much does the game focus on being actually good and not just hard for the sake of being hard?

Dude beat me once. There have been Soulsborne bosses that have beaten me 5+ times. So, what the fuck are you on about?

game is really not that hard if you use utility items, such as smokescreens and sloth talisman.

Took me 4 tries, user-kun

Because the PS4 community constantly needs to prove itself to the whole world.

Like that random kid in Kindergarten you've never even spoken to before, that one day just came up to you out of the blue, and told you that his toys were much better than yours.

That's the kind of people you're dealing with here. They judge the quality of their shit, not by the actual quality, but by what everybody else has.

Walton Goggins is a fabulous motherfucker.

>M-muh Sonyggers!
Explain why they shit on Bloodborne too then.


This is Mugeshine, the final boss of the Nioh beta.

Judge for yourself how hard it is.

Why doesn't he have a twilight variant?


So far:

Bloodborne > DaS > Nioh > DeS > DaSII

Didn't play DaSIII yet

Wow, great job for that guy, being such an honorable Samurai. He better commit seppuku.

seems like hard enough you had to cheese him.

For me it's BB > Nioh > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2

Didn't play Demon's Souls but I love me some fast gameplay.

>my game is harder than your game!
>they are all just shitty dodge simulators with predictable bosses once you've seen their movesets
Is there anything more pathetic than the modern gamer?

The person who uploaded it is probably a mentally unstable wannabe trap, but the video is still proof for your statement.

I'm pretty sure it's intentional, why else would there be a narrow crevice in an otherwise open area? This is from my first try, don't blame me if I thought that the game is giving me a strategic advantage.

Is there anything more pathetic than gamers? All they do is sit around playing button pressing simulators while being useless piles of garbage.

Prove that you can do it better then.

He is really really slow by any souls standards and just throw big baby tantrums

He's actually one of the most predictable bosses I've fought.

When did this become a debate? The statement made was:
>I think most Souls/Bloodborne bosses would be considered harder if you did them with an initial equip character.
This person did just that, and stated that it was not only difficult but also time consuming.

Are you just looking to bicker, user?

Oh fug that magic looks cool. How do get?

He isn't as hard as you say he is

t. Souls guy, love Ni-Oh


>you do litterally no damage
I've never played this but how are you supposed to beat it then?

They're all predictable if you hadn't noticed. Every boss in the Nioh beta does their moves in order, regardless of where you are.

How the fuck is this hard? Only dodged like 2 times and stun/stagger locked him 85% of his health. OP is a fucking faggot.

He's pretty easy. The only bullshit part about him is when he throws the balls since he will just autoaim and the only way to not get hit is by dodging which means he'll even throw that piece of shit right through his upper body if he has to.

Man that image just hit me really hard

lol sure mate.

I haven't gotten to the boss yet, but I will say this game so far, in terms of average enemies at least, is more difficult than Souls. Maybe I'm just used to Souls gameplay more by this point, but DaS3 was easy as hell everyone says Nameless King is hard as fuck but he's actually piss easy. Bloodborne was difficult to begin with and the DLC bosses are a great challenge and never really get much easier, OoK still fucks me up multiple times.

The regular samurai armor enemies in Nioh however actually fuck me up like I'm nothing.

Just sprint to the opposite arm and he won't hit you

But that's not true either. Onryoki has a clearly defined moveset, even if somewhat predictable, that changes based on location and proximity.

this is just as autistic as blaming a gamedev for """""""allowing""""""" you to cheat

bait thread

>I haven't gotten to the boss yet, but I will say this game so far, in terms of average enemies at least, is more difficult than Souls

I don't know why everyone is going on about the bosses, they're the easy part of Nioh so far. It's the areas with enemies that give me a lot more trouble.

Just beat him after like 20 deaths because I'm an idiot who would always fuck it up.

Bah, human enemies are weak because of parry. With kicks and parries, regular enemies become inconsequential.

>This is Onryoki, he is a boss in Nioh and he is harder than any boss in the Dark Souls trilogy.

The fuck he is, I beat him on the first try. I still haven't beaten Royal rat authority or Nameless King on NG+

>Oh and did I mention that he's only the tutorial boss?

He's not, though. The tutorial has no boss.

>You can't level weapons or armor before fighting him
You can't level weapons or armor after you fight him either. The blacksmith only lets you change random perk. Also enemies drop better weapons, are you trolling or genuinely this retarded?

Load up into the mission and just watch him without attacking. The guy repeats his moveset list by order regardless of where you stand or not, as long as the move he's going to do is in proximity of you ie. can reach you. He always opens up with his chained double fists, follows up with the AoE around him and then goes for a hook. Once his chains are off it becomes more apparent, because you can clearly tell that he's throwing the balls the same time like always, even if you're infront of him he starts throwing them towards you because he's going by a fixed order of moves.

It's more apparent with the female boss even. Intiates with a dash, shoots even if you're infront of her, uses her regular kicks 3 times, then does the whirlwind kicks twice in a row, before going back to shooting. It's the same order every time for every phase.

>using a weapon in the game is cheating

nigga what

Its like they took a hippo from DS2 and removed all of the moves that would add some counterplay against braindead play like that.

>>That camera angle

>my game is harder than your game
>Uses Onryoki as the example


For me, he opens with the chain, then the right overhead. I stay in front of his head so he'll repeat the right overhead ad nauseum. As long as I dodge to the inside, he never goes for the AoE. And in second phase, there's been times when he'll go for the balls repeatedly. It's not a set move list. Maybe you're just fighting him the same way each time so he's responding the same each time.

But that's just human enemies.

Yokais are pretty easy too with a kick. You can just hit and run until they run out of ki and then go crazy until they recover and repeat.

This is Turbo Tunnel, it is a level in Battletoads and it is harder than any level in the Dark Souls trilogy.

Oh and did I mention to fuck off shill scum?

That supposed to scare me? He going down.

I literally can't play this game because the aliasing was giving me eye cancer


>le DKS2 bad gaem XD maymay

Pure cancer

It's not the best but something has to be at the bottom, calm your fucking tits.

>Best game in the franchise at the bottom maymay

Pure cancer

Don't be so obvious about your bait next time

This nigga


I'd take a well designed and cool looking boss over a "tough boss" any day.

Or in DS1 case, why not both.

How do you get the twilight missions to rotate?


O&S aren't well designed at all and if you think they are you're delusional.
>Easy bosses by themselves
>only challenge is there's 2
Design is top tier though

>Dragonslayer Collision Issues and Executioner Bad path Finding are well designed
>Tough boss

My sides can't take this

Bat slut was worse than Kos for me

The samurai dude after her killed me more, but I wasn't getting frustrated at all and didn't feel like I got fucked by some equivalent of spinning out of nowhere.

>O&S aren't well designed at all
>Design is top tier though

>Dark Souls
>You can kill everything and everything can kill you in three hits
>You can kill everything in 100 hits but everything can kill you in 1 hit.

Seems pretty artificial to me, to be quite honest senpai.

I meant their gameplay design and the latter being their visual design you numb skull.

>>Bosses fight together
>>Bosses are designed around dealing with both of them simultaneously

Both of those statements are completely false and you know it. Why would you post that?

you can kill enemies in the first level in 1-2 hits after leveling up a bit and finding a good sword.

>>DaS2 room is designed to be challenging because of 7+ enemies in a small area
>>Enemies use their numbers and positioning to their advantage

>Bosses are designed around dealing with both of them simultaneously
Except their not if you've ever seen either O or S get caught on a pillar.

>See trailer
>Samurai fighting demons
>Recall Onimusha
>Remake and sequel never

"you can overpower the tutorial enemies after a bit of grinding and some weapon upgrades"

10/10 GOTY from IGN confirmed.

>waah why doesn't the game just let me win
>fucking artificial difficulty bullshit

>enemies using their numbers and positioning to their advantage

Since when? The sentinels literally synchronize with each other and stack on top while you're juking them. Even Pacman had different AI sets for different ghosts, just like they did with O&S.


Finally someone said it.

>Obvious intentional environmental factors can be used to deal with the numbers disadvantage

Hey Guys.


>same enemy has the same AI while different enemies have different AI

he ugly

>Get Orn caught on a pillar
>he charges while stuck
>teleports to me from across the room
but that's intentional, right?

>You can press this button to skip to the last cutscene and have the words "you win!" displayed for 3 hours

Ergo they're not using their advantages, unlike O&S, which complemented each other.

This game will be just another flop

I'm callin' it

Screencap this

The enemies are just so boring. Its like Musou Souls, and if the diametric opposition in those two terms isn't obvious to you, you shouldn't be spreading your brain farts to other creatures.

Underrated post

Except they didn't. It was just fighting two separate boss type enemies at once, except scaled down a little like they do with every multiple target boss fights.

But it's not true?

demo is already better than 90% of the trash released this year.
Played it for over 15 hours and far from sick of it, not too mention there's only 4 levels, 2 of which can be completed in under 10 minutes.
This game might not do well in sales cause it's kinda niche, but it will be far from shit

Nigga I know exactly what I'm talking about. I sat myself down and PLAYED a video of the gameplay for over 5 minutes.

Gonna download and play next weekend. How long is the demo?