He thinks video games were better 20 years ago

>he thinks video games were better 20 years ago

>he thinks video games are art

Fantastic thread!

>He thinks gaming started going downhill immediately after 2004

Nintendo games were.
Fuck neo-Sup Forums, you niggas praise Nintendo AFTER they went to shit


oh goddammit

>He tries to fill the void inside of himself with videogames

>he thinks

>he thinks that he thinks
>implying therefore that your are

games 20 year ago didnt need memes, forced teamplay, lootboxes and penalties for leaving the game to be fun.
in fact i fucking hate everything released this year its just same tasteless garbage. like a sandwich that has nothing in between you dont want that its maybe new but god damn its bad

>coincidentally the moment video games stopped being good is when he exited puberty


>coincidentally the moment women became whores was when they wouldn't date him

>he thinks anyone other than TSF is best girl

really makes you think

>He thinks video games have gotten better

>he thinks

>He believes there is a higher being

Holy fuck

Games started going downhill the moment you were born.

Not the year, month, or day of your birth. The actual birth of you. Did you shit up things in the internet to cause it as you grew? Perhaps it was your bitching at game stores and convention? Unsure exactly.

But it was you, and you alone.

Why is everyone getting their posts deleted?
I wanted to see more about the Umaru cosplayer. She was cute and live in my city.



Do I trigger you?