>Too many tanks
Too many tanks
Other urls found in this thread:
>2 roadhogs on the team
>one guy says "less roadhog pls" in teamchat
>everyone switches to roadhog
Going hog wild with 6 street pigs in the opening weeks of this game was so satisfying. No one could counter it.
>you are the only DVA
>enemy has 2 hogs
>literally impossible to counter as reaper because one of them has a hook on you at all times
>mission: attack the objective
>team picks defense snipers
>No healer
>Last guys picks Genji
>another pointless overmeme spam thread that could've been a single post in the general
But that's what you're supposed to do.
>you switch to lucio once again
>everyone goes tank
>win game anyways
And that's why you'll be stuck playing lucio forever.
>play Ana
>get picked off by a Hanzo safely camping on a high ledge all the time
>"Ana are you dps?????? heal us ffs!"
>nothing but a full stack of 76s
It's like I'm playing a better CoD.
>only healer on the team
>killed by enemy
>waiting to respawn
>everyone goes attack/defense characters
>instapick Reinhardt so I don't have to change to a healer
>nobody goes healer
>S76 never drops his healing thing throughout the entire match
>playing Reinhardt
>Get boosted by Ana
>charge roadhog and start whaling on him
>Get pulled by other roadhog
>ult him and squishy
>Progress to squishy
>Get pulled by the first RH
>When someone on your team thinks Roadhog can pull off solo tank duty
>when someone on your team keeps moving while you're trying to heal them as Ana and dies
>how do I aim lol
>When your teammates make you move from your vantage point so you can heal them instead of taking two step backs themselves
Defending the last point of Volskaya makes me want to die.
Anyone else think its weird that roadhog can usually beat a reaper?
Someone post the new D. Va emote where she's playing vidya in her mech.
You are now aware that she's looking at the screen mirrored from her perspective.
I hate the fact that duty killing Roadhog is so obnoxious. Fucking hook mechanics are ASS in any game multiplayer game regardless of genre.
Aim, you shitter
>2 guys pick the same hero at the same time
>another 1 picks the same hero
>everyone picks the hero
>I hate the fact that duty killing Roadhog is so obnoxious
Not with zenyatta.
I like the hook mechanics though. It feels so fucking crisp when you reel someone in.
>Offense heroes with tiny hitboxes keep dancing around the tanks while spamming heal me and your grenade is on CD
>They complain when they're killed
If only they knew the struggle.
You'd have to explain why that's weird first.
The lack of blood is really surprising, just a huge open wound like it was skinned. Wonder if she could ever recover.
You can see that he only caught the skin and not the flesh.
DESU I'd like to say shit aim, but also genji and tracer players should learn to stay still for a moment for healing.
Because reaper is the tank-killer.
That wound will never close properly, it will eventually get infected.
>Lobby loads in and someone instalocks Genji/Sniper
>You fuck me like this?
>Well okay time to go second Genji/Sniper you little bitch
>Everyone goes Genji/Sniper and we lose gloriously
Eat a dick every Genji I've ever teamed with.
Why can't you instalock Genji/sniper? It's only bad if he doesn't change because he's in a shit team comp or something.
But hurt tf2 fanboy detected. How do you feel now that tf2 has officially gone to hell.
Come on you already know the answer to this.
They're never good.
Are you joking? How would that gash close itself naturally? Bitch ass lion got what she deserved
That doesn't apply to roadhog since the pig can kill you just as easily. He outranges you with his attack and god help you if his hook is off cooldown.
Reaper's not a counter to him.
Does roadhog have a single hard counter? or even a counter in general?
I mean I hate to complain about him because I know he's not THAT useful but he kills me more than any other character, and I've seen roadhogs carry shitty teams so many times it's stupid. Not even close to being the best character in the game but by far the most obnoxious.
If you miss the hook, if the Reaper goes in just as you hooked someone else, or if the Reaper is good at anticipating by quickly phasing when he knows you're gonna throw the hook, he's going to very easily take you down.
I'm genuinely shit at aiming, but it's always the smaller characters like Tracer that I've had that experience with. I can hit characters like McCree just fine.
That's not even the same lion from the first pic.
>If you miss the hook
>If you're fighting someone else
Any hero can do that.
Instalocking Genji/sniper are only an attempt to show your preference. I'm shit at them too, so I try to practice in normal queue when I can.
You just sound preemptively buttmad.
That's why it's so weird. Reaper should counter him, is what I'm saying.
Zenyatta, then you get your friends to instantly burst him down.
I think much of the reason why zenyatta is played in top level is because how much he counters roadhog. And roadhog is so powerful he is picked anyway.
He's the only hero who can hook and instantly kill most heros in the game, even people like reinheart because his shotgun is so insanely powerful. REINHARDT BARELY GETS PLAYED.
beta cuck found.
>Preemptively buttmad
Yeah that's the entire gist of this conversation.
>Reaper should counter Roadhog
He doesn't and shouldn't. Their kits just don't work that way. You'd have to change something fundamentally about how they play. They're both shotgun users which is why they can't counter each other.
I don't find that weird at all. Other characters can generally harass Roadhog more so unless you're coordinating an attack or flanking him unawares, just find another target.
Well it's either that or lose and I prefer actually winning every once in awhile
>tanks that constantly gets gold for more damage and more kills
Absolutely stupid.
>mission" attack the objective
>Plays Symetra
The thing is, you'll always get bum matches whether or not you play support. Might as well just play what you want when people go full retard instead of enabling them like a sissy bitch.
Nah, Roadhog was perfectly designed to be a counterless hero, since he can instantly kill anyone who would potentially be a counter to him.
The only way to counter him is by ganging up on him or stacking tanks.
>Have three tanks
>A Mercy
>A Reaper
>And me as McCree
>Completely impossible to do enough long range damage to break through the enemy defenses
>Dva and Rein refuse to keep up their shields long enough for me to take out the enemy Bastion
>Roadhog is completely useless, getting one hook kill then dying
>Reaper chases around the enemy Tracer the entire game
>Mercy uses her pistol instead of healing despite me spamming I need healing, forcing me to go get health packs instead
>Everyone refuses to change class
Could nerf his health down to ~500, and make his inhaler breather heal him alot quicker.
He should be easier to kill when he's caught out.
She actually gets stitched back up
You can post URLs on Sup Forums, dumbass.
Yes, take away the only benefit the full meat tank with no shields or armor has in his hp pool.
Well excuse me, princess.
didnt know that thx
>favourite character is D.Va
>play her like 90% of the time
>friend gets Overwatch and now his favourite character is D.Va
>friend picks her 100% of the time
>never play with him again
He's one of my best friends so it's getting a bit awkward but seriously, fuck off dude, she's mine
Two dvas ain't that bad.
>one of my best friends
>can't casually say "Hey I'm gonna play DVA this game"
Yeah, you sure know how to pick them.
>No healer.
>Asshole in chat starts bitching about it.
>Tell them to shut up and go healer then.
>Good, leave now!
>Next person joins.
>They go DPS.
>Nobody is healer.
>Somebody on team is bitching.
Hey I am healing just fine.
>Me and Soldier 76 go on a recking stomp of their team.
>Reaper can MAKE YOU miss the hook with his Phase
>If you manage to hook Reaper, his 250hp makes him one of the few offense heroes that can often survive the first shot and escape
>Sometimes when you hook him, you won't even get a shot on him before he phases away
>If you're facing a full HP Reaper, he will much more reliably out damage you since your gun has shit firing speed and either terrible damage outside of point blank or very fucking precision based when using M2
Let's face it. Roadhog surviving a Reaper if he doesn't land the hook on him is just dumb fucking luck. If the Reaper is as good as you are, he is your main counter.