Sell 500.000 copies of MKX on PC for full price in first month

>sell 500.000 copies of MKX on PC for full price in first month
>turns out it is abysmal barely working port with terrible netcode
>don't fix shit for months
>3 month later pretend PC version didn't ever happen
>stop porting characters and roll updates for the game

>light years later when nobody gives a fuck anymore
>peak players online is literally double digit number
>"Oh hi guys, we actually can bring the updated version of MKX for PC, are you excited?"

Just a friendly reminder. This faggot lied in your face, he sat there with angry padre and lied without even twitching, do not ever buy shit from anyone, if you see WB, NRS or this cunt involved.

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PCucks are subhumans and dont deserve any better tho.

Never ever trust this faggot.

no one gives a shit about PC except for Blizzard and moba developers

PC is a dead platform

>30 million dollars of pre-orders and first month sales is not enough to get a good port boys, fuck you.
Ed, go kill yourself.

It's only with the advent of fighting games coming to PC as of late that they're doing this. Also to advertise MK11. Which I can almost guarantee will have XL as a pre-order bonus.

Is this actually coming to PC?

Maybe. Maybe they just started to look for a new developer to fix PC version and it will take another 6 months to pull shit together. Maybe they just started discussing the possibility of fixing their fucking game.

Who the fuck cares now? By the point it is ready you won't have anyone on the platform to play with.

Just stay fucking away from this hack.

>light years later
Light year is a unit of length, not a unit of time.

Subhumans like PCucks have rights to demand anything.

>>light years later
light years is a measure of distance.

And? That's like 10% of the total sales. The PC version probably costs them the most money aswell so why shouldn't they drop it if it's not as profitable as the connsole version and costs more? Businesses are all about making money.

Did you beat Brock yet?

light is a unit of mass.
year is a unit of time.
You could say a light year is either of them (or a verb) but it being a length makes no sense

It is not about percents, dummy.

If you are coming to a platform with a $60 pricetag - deliver or fuck off and stay on consoles. If PC player paid full price for his copy, he has all legit rights to demand same experience and same treatment as console player.
Besides, I bet 10% (of their 30 millions PC profit) is the amount of money they spent on a port if no less. So there is literally no reason but incompetence to act like they do.

Light year is a unit of length. It is the distance light travels in one year.

>It is not about percents, dummy
But to me it looks like devs usually don't give a shit about low percentages. If a PC player paid full price for his copy without doing research it's their fault for getting screwed over.

>Besides, I bet 10% (of their 30 millions PC profit) is the amount of money they spent on a port if no less
It doesn't matter if they broke even if they could've made more money in the same amount of time it wasn't worth it. That's why they probably dropped PC, because they focused on other stuff that made them more money.

>angry beaner
First time and last time i watched his video was about GW2. I almost fell for it.

>its your fault you bought shit port after main developer clearly claimed it will be as good as console versions
>its your fault developer didn't fix any bugs and just abandoned the game in a few months
I have nothing to tell, honestly.

I guess you are some kind of fucking console faggot who is ok with buying ammo, grenades and praxis in new Deus Ex single player for real money and who thinks it is has no impact on the industry because you can ignore it.
I also guess you think Ubisoft false advertisement with their "gameplay" videos is fine and it is player's fault if they believe it and face cut down game after the purchase.

Anyways, I wish you the worst.

Nice strawman faggot, I never said anything about that. Actually I specifically said that it's your own fault for getting jewed out of your money if you don't inform yourself before you purchase something.

>wow guys we shit out a poor product again and you are so fucking annoying talking about it
>you know, it happens so often, that we already have a special nickname for you
>god, you are such a burden, could you please stop buying our games all together, it will make our life so much better
>no, we can't stop releasing shit games on your platform and lie that games are good, you are just 2%, not too important to tryhard for you, but just enough to take your money
Gee I love that logic. When it comes to development - it is not big enough to care, but when they count the profit, suddenly, it is big enough to release on the platform.

"You won't hear it elsewhere, but out of the industry we call you "shit developer who is going to end up like crytek".

They should just drop pc all together and focus on giving consoles more content at a faster rate

I already bought the console version. This better be free

God damn you guys are entitled

>it's your fault you don't buy garbage
And that's why it's PC friend. All those graphic settings, unlocked FPS, etc are all because people want better.

You can say something is a large distance ahead of something else and retain the meaning of the sentence. The use of ly in there is not an inherent mistake.

>wanting MKX
atleast ask for good games like XRD Relevator or KOF14

I boought the PC version at launch for a good price and neve had a issue outside online not working entirely but that happened across all platforms

What Ed and WB did to MK PC players was unforgivable just when I trusted the cunts too

Arkham knight also came out that year the signs were everywhere

But I am curious

I had a 970 , now a 1080 , when I bought the game and never had a issue outside the online. What issues did the PC version have?

thats how PCucks are treated all the time, it's just normal.