Best PS3 games for a complete newbie?

I played mainly on 360 and PC last gen so I missed out on all the PS3 exclusives. I'm planning on picking up a PS3 slim in the near future and maybe putting a CFW on it. Here's a list of the games I plan to play. Anything important missing?

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
MGS Legacy Collection (haven't played MGS4, might as well play them all in HD)
Ni no Kuni
Yakuza series
The Last of Us
El Shaddai
KH 1.5/2.5
Okami HD
SOTC + ICO Collection
Sly Cooper Collection
3D Dot Game Heroes

Other urls found in this thread:

Metal Gear Rising (haven't played any other metal gear game so I can't suggest those)
Bayonetta if you can't get a Wii u or 360 version
Demon Souls
Omani HD
MLB The Show

Real talk, how many of those games actually appeal to you?

I plan on trying all of them because I've heard good things about them, otherwise I wouldn't have listed them. Why are you asking?

Demons souls

El Shaddai play only if u like cocks in every crevice of ur body
Enslaved oddysey is utter garbage made by the shittiest company ever
Nier is somehow shitter then Enslaved
The rest is good

>MGS Legacy Collection (haven't played MGS4, might as well play them all in HD)

I suggest starting with these. They are 4 games, so they will keep you going for a while, just don't take them too seriously like all the fagets here who endlessly bitch about them.

I don't suggest Ni no kuni. While the overall game is fine the story and the dialogues etc are extremely childish. People were lying when they said it's a Ghibli game , Ghibli just did the character design.

>El Shaddai play only if u like cocks in every crevice of ur body


it's a legit great game.

I've already played 1-3 and V so I'll just play 1-4.
I can get Ni no Kuni for cheap at worst and free at best so I might just give it a go. Thanks.

OP here, wtf is the cocks guy talking about?
What did you think of El Shaddai user?

The appeal of many of those games came purely from marketing.

I was never exposed to the marketing so it doesn't really matter for me.

Yeah user if u like naked men waving light dildoes around and being vague, go ahead.
I like my vidya straight or neutral. Not gay as this shit.
Epic new mechanic: GET NAKED AS U LOSE HP

You're not seeing his balls or anything, it's just his chest. Are you that insecure about your sexuality user? It's ok, you can tell us.

>light dildoes
literally lightsabers? you must really be searching hard for dicks in your games

And here we have two guys that should meet up and beat eachother with "bended slong sabers" while gradually loosing clothes
Yeah guys, I am pretty fucking secure about my sexualiy. I dont want female or male protag to lose clothes while losing hp cus that shit is gay. If I am an armored dude I want to remain an armored dude. Not look like a gay wagon rape victim.
Go fap to ur gay bloom bleed artsy fartsy game.

what the fuck does that even mean

Ratchet & Clank HD trilogy + Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time

>gay bloom bleed artsy fartsy game
the mental breakdown of a Sup Forumsirgin
dropping out of middle school must've been tough

Oh I forgot about R&C, I'll be sure to play the new ones. Cheers.

>I'm planning on picking up a PS3 slim in the near future and maybe putting a CFW on it.

Did that myself recently, it's super awesome. I just kinda wish I went and bought a E3 Flasher so I could do it myself, I love it enough that I'm telling all my friends to do it.

I'm sure Sup Forums has a recommended games list, somebody should post it. But a couple games that jumped out at me as surprisingly excellent:

Deadly Premonition
Trails of Cold Steel
Drakengard 3
3d Dot Game Heroes
Valkyria Chronicles
Spiderman Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time
Ratchet & Clank Collection/Tools Destruction/Crack Time/Into Nexus
Tales of Vesperia
Dragons Crown

El Shaddai is great, but it's style/art over substance. Some of the gameplay is just broken, I eventually hit some platforming I couldn't pass and quit the game. But god, that second level was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

Thank you! This is the kind of reply I was hoping for.
How are the Spider Man games actually? I thought Spider Man 2 was the last good one. Never played any of them so I can't say.
Also what did you like about Drakengard? All I know is it's a hack 'n' slash.

Oh, I've dabbled in a few PSN games too. You can EASILY grab any c00 games, and get others without too much sweat:

Some that were great:
Costume Quest
The Unfinished Swan

I'm sure the list of decent PSN stuff is a lot bigger, but I haven't tried most of it yet. I've had Okami sitting on my HD for ages, I should really get around to installing it...

I vote MGS Legacy Collection! Great collection of games that may lead to you buying V.

Drakengard is edgy and weeb bait. Which is exactly why I like it, no need for a game to be pretentious and try and hide what it is.

I already played V and 1-3...

CFW user here. On Rebug 4.80.1.

What homebrew applications should I get? I grabbed Movian and Retroarch.

Also, is it worth setting up my external to not only read ISOS but also to avoid the FAT32 4gb filesize limitation without having to split files. If I do this, I apparently lose the ability to play PS2/PSP ISOS from external. No problem as I'll just FTP those games to my internal on my PS3.

Should I bother? I have 800 gb worth of games on my PS3 external already but plan on adding/removing some that I'll play/don't play.

Okami HD
Tales of Symphonia HD (will remind you how great those JRPG once were and what a travisty is NNK, DQ8 will also show you how cartoonish style should look like)

Wait, do you have to split all PS3 isos larger than 4gb?

Yes if they have a single file that's bigger than 4gb. The folder size can be any amount sized but FAT32 has a limitation of 4GB filesize for each file.

Ok. What's the recommended minimum size if I mainly want to play off a HDD?

I'd say if youre looking for a good open world action game you'd want to pick up infamous 1 and 2

No. If you use a ISO loader yes, but those have shitty compatibility AFAIK. You simply toss the file guts of a disc into a folder, and that's your game. Some games (FF13 etcetera) have individual movie files that are over 4GB. Those need to be split on your external FAT32 drive, but you can toss them on your PS3s internal drive.

Okay, PS3 games come in folders under a folder with the game name and region info.
The contents of that folder can add up to any amount, say 32gb.
However, if there is a single file that is over 4gb in size, it needs to be split.
You can overcome this obstacle by either splitting the file(s) that is/are bigger than 4gb.
OR, you can format your external harddrive to NTFS and avoid all of that splitting and worrying about filesize. However, the problem with using NTFS is that you lose the ability to play PS2 and PSP games from external. This isn't a problem as you can FTP games to your internal hard drive.

Oh, and ISO loading is supported.

Will do, cheers.
I'll just stick to folders and any cheap discs I find, then. Thanks man.
Got it, thanks.

While mentioning limitations. I should point out the PS3s internal HD maxes out at 1TB, and external drives top out at 2TB (or maybe more if you change away from FAT32, but that causes other issues).

>If you use a ISO loader yes, but those have shitty compatibility AFAIK
Since when? This is the first time I've seen anything about that.

Multiman and Webman require another homebrew application each time a game is removed/added to properly support NTFS but that's not a problem and maybe where your compatibility is coming from?

Demon's Souls
Red Dead Redemption
Resistance: Fall of Man

>Enslaved: Odyssey to the Wes

Looks like this will keep me busy for quite some time... thanks!

Perhaps, I haven't researched it much because I don't see any point or real advantage in switching over to ISOs.

>Trails of Cold Steel
This fucker got his own game?

Kingdom Hearts games any good? What order to play them?

I figured the 4gb filesize and hoped that ISOs were smaller due to being compressed.

>if you change away from FAT32, but that causes other issues

Such as?

You can play either chronologically or by release date; as with Metal Gear Solid, the gameplay gets more refined with each entry hence playing chronologically can be jarring gameplay-wise. I'd recommend playing in release order.

oh and I forgot to mention, they're fun action RPGs. The story can be a bit convoluted and won't win any awards, but the gameplay is quite good, esp. the battle system.

That list is surprisingly outdated, or just incomplete. Just to mention a few more things
Resident Evil 1/0/4/5/6/CV
Steins Gate
Odin Sphere
Tomb Raider Trilogy
Tomb Raider (newfag one)
Dantes Inferno
Lost Dimension
Sly Cooper 4
Ducktales Remastered
Tales of Vesperia
Tears to Tiara II
Fairy Fencer F
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Drakengard 3
Alice Madness Returns
Mirrors Edge
Spiderman Shattered Dimensions
Spiderman Edge of Time


Katamari Forever is a must.

A lot of those games are on PC or PS4. The rest are average.

So? Did you look at the pastebin?

i have one (OP here), but it sucks (intel hd graphics and laptop i5). i'll build a proper one eventually but a ps3 is a pretty good, cheap option.


Demon's Souls
God of War 3
Uncharted Trilogy
inFamous 1&2 (these are awesome and really underrated)
Killzone 2&3

probably forgetting shit

thanks senpai
didn't have GOW or Killzone on my list

oh my fucking god it changes f a m to senpai
kill me

sure f am

uh, have you been away from like the whole year or something?

GOW3 was fucking great, also get the GOW remaster collection on PS3.

KZ2&3 are okay, don't expect anything great. 7/10 each.

i never really used Sup Forums before because most of what i found here was and still is hardcore shitposting
this thread has some top notch posts tho, excluding the "COCKS IN MY ASS" guy :^)

the senpai pham filter extends to all of Sup Forums tho

i don't use pham that often, pham
are there any other filters i don't know about :s

'cuck' in capitals
try these acronyms and experience magic lmao

let the meme magic flow :^)

baka desu senpai