Which will be better?

Which will be better?

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I think both will be nice.

Sonic Mania.

Freedom Planet 1 already focused too heavily on the cheesy voice acting, the plot, additional playstyles out the ass, levels that were too long/repetitive and less than perfect physics, all the exact things that led to Sonic's downfall in the first place - not that FP was necessarily a bad game. Also Sonic Mania is made in Taxman's proprietary engine whilst Freedom Planet 2 is made in Unity which, Yooka-Laylee and mobile games aside, doesn't exactly have a great track record.

Freedom Planet is great but it was made to fill the hole left by a lack of Genesis-styled, Sonic-esque platformers. That hole is being filled now. Sonic Mania is the main article, so to speak.

Isn't Taxman also working on Freedom Planet 2 in some capacity though?

He did some of the core programming work on the game, yes. It's still made in Unity though, which raises a red flag for me, especially with 2D games. A fully 2D game has no business being made in Unity, all you'll get out of that is a whole lot of bloat.

I somewhat agree, but from everything i've seen and heard, the original Freedom Planet engine was far more of a nightmare.

But yeah, it shouldn't be that terribly difficult to have a good engine for a full 2D game.

Freedom Planet felt like a really bad sonic fanfic. Also
>The bunny isn't a cute shota
I never dropped a game so fast

She's a Dog, a Basset Hound to be exact. Also
>Being a fag

I'm still convinced that, before the conversion to a new IP, FP was gonna be based on Archie Sonic or SatAM.

I'm pretty sure it was always just a OC adventure. From the earliest screenshots and demos.

Sonic Mania.

I liked Freedom Planet but it felt really derivative. Sonic Mania is a dream coming true.

Will Sonic Mania be better then Sonic 3 & Knuckles?

It was originally Sonic-centric, to the point that they asked Sega if they would pursue legal action if it went from a fan game to a commercial, unrelated product.

A lot of the characters are suspiciously similar to cartoon/comic Sanics, too.

I know this, I followed it from SFGHQ. I remember it still had rings. But it was phasing all that stuff out because it was just standard assets in the engine. Plus they never had characters form comics or cartoons in any of their material. They didn't even have Sonic himself in the game.

Studioapolis music and stage looks like the most creative 2D Sonic stage I've seen in years. I really hope the other stages are just as awesome. I think it will be on the same level or better than S3&K


>judging games not based on how they satisfy your needs as a player, but as a lonely autistic furry

Why can't it be both?

What are you even talking about. I like the game for the gameplay, that user dropped it just because it didn't have a shota. He would of kept playing whether he liked it or not just to get off.

Don't be stubborn.

>would of

Nostalgia fag get out

>I can't think of a response
>Thank god he made a grammatical error
ok user but there's no edit button

If it is I will be very shocked.

Who are you quoting furfag?

Here's your (You), now get out

>sequel to some mediocre furry fanfiction trash
>game that will likely be pretty good
I wonder

From what they're saying, they want to give Freedom Planet its own identity with the sequel, so hopefully it won't feel too derivative.

Freedom Planet wasn't that bad

Are you implying Sonic Mania is a glorified fangame?

>Not getting turned on by the concept of woman as subservient as a dog

Truly worse than Hitler.

>Furry trash


>Sonic 1, 2, and 3 but totally different I swear you guys original idea

They're both shit.

Oh boy, here comes the comparison shitposting. Both will be God tier in their own way. Mania as a worthy successor to the classics, while FP2 as a vastly improved squeal to a great game that's a tribute to multiple Sega Mega Drive classics besides Sonic.

>Sonic 1, 2, and 3 but totally different I swear you guys original idea
Why would doing this be a bad thing, people like these games and they have new stages

>>Sonic 1, 2, and 3 but totally different I swear you guys original idea
This is a good thing you faggot.

Lilak's outfit sucks now and there's too much detail in green girl's. ironically the worst of the 3 looks the best now.



First post best post.

>Furry Planet
Fuck off with that degenerate shit

>calls it degenerate shit
>He posts on Sup Forums

>sequel to furry planet
>having even a remote possibility of being good
can't wait to watch more fursonas have sleepovers and eat SUSHI occaisionally being interrupted by uninspired level design

Depends on the amount of levels. It needs at least 8 fully fledged new levels to even be in with a chance of topping any of the Genesis classics, in my opinion. The whole concept of the retro stages is really weighing on my mind at the moment, and I think every Sonic fans greatest fear for Mania as of now is the possibility of it having more rehash stages than brand new ones.

If they can dodge that bullet though, then I have no doubt that it can stand tall with the Genesis classics. It's doing everything right so far.

Isn't it obvious just by comparing that art?

Fucking Sonic Mania will rock the world.

Well they've said it'll be longer than Generations and Sonic 3 & Knuckles I believe.

They said nothing of S3K, only that it'd be longer than Generations. That means, if Generations has 9 zones, we're at least getting 10 zones. However, Aaron Webber said Mania has been in development for quite a while, and it's still not out until next year, so I'm pretty confident of at LEAST 7-8 new zones and 5 old ones (one from each game). Plus, Sonic fans have a pretty big complex about trying to one-up S3K in terms of size, scope and gameplay, so I could see them trying for something like 16+ stages which would be fucking amazing.

It is still a concern though. They might have the dream team but SEGA management have fucked up many a potentially good game in the past. I'm cautiously optimistic, I guess.

People over-exaggerate the length of Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Even though the main menu lists 14 zones, it's really only 11 real full fledged zones. One of those is Hidden Palace which is short as fuck, one is Sky Sanctuary which is pretty short too and kind of a boss rush anyway. And Doomsday Zone counts as the last one which is just a boss fight.

Yeah, but it's still the longest 2D Sonic game, and a fairly lengthy game on the whole.

Both will be fun. But mania will have better music

Now give me the (you)s

>New age Sonic 2D game vs furry donut steels of Sonic.
Oh man, I'm stumped.

That spindash looks way too fast if it's just a single button press.

What's wrong with that gif?
I noticed a slight stall in animation, so I opened it up in photoshop to fix it. That's when I noticed something strange about the frames.
There's the front facing frame, a right facing frame, and a back facing frame. Logically, a left facing frame would complete the turn-around. But instead of a left facing frame, there's a black-left facing frame and a front-left facing frame. Making a total of 5 frames.

Just what the fuck?

I slowed it down so you can see what I mean. What's going on? Is the gif missing frames? Or was it originally animated like this?

It's missing three frames, 3/4 facing right from front and back and profile facing left.

If this is a finalized animation they're really fucked.

Freedom Planet had kickass music though.

That's not that hard to accomplish considering the first 6 levels of Sonic 3K is complete shit.

Because Sonic 3 is fucking shit


So you prefer the the S&K levels instead right?


Carol = Milla >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> niggers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purple cunt

>Sonic isnt furry trash

Sonic Mania probably won't have any of those characters.

You ARE aware of how many people want to fuck Tails right?

I'd rather not be aware of that.

more people want to fuck him more than every character in

Mania most likely, but my dick will still guide me towards FP2.

The first game was alright. Loved the bosses and I'm not really a huge fan of 2D Sonic boss fights.

For the better of the two, Sonic Mania without a contest. Freedom Planet 2 should be good too tho. Ill play both

>not the full image

freedom planet

>needing any other outfit when that one exists
But okay

From what I've seen it feels like the fangame Sonic:ATS.


No it fucking doesn't. Stop talking out of your ass. It doesn't resemble After The Sequel in physics, gameplay, visuals nor level design. The only similarity is the music.

After The Sequel is shit. This looks nothing like it.

Also, ATS had an unhealthy blend of reused assets, horribly made original assets, bullshit level design, kirby gimmicks and references, and amazingly similar boss fights for each level that all do the exact same thing.

This game looks more like the Sonic CD 2011 port Taxman and Stealth made, if it were given original and revamped levels and art, completely custom animations and sprites from scratch, and fresh new gimmicks and themes for each level, including existing ones.

>bullshit level design
I got some of that from BTS as well near the end of the game let alone the physics were ass.

I got to that stupid cloud zone level and got game over and said 'fuck it'.

Should I try ATS? I didn't really like BTS aside from some music.

Fucking these. I don't even hate BtS and AtS but I don't get why some of you retards put them on such a high pedestal. They're NOWHERE close to the same quality as the classics, let alone Mania.

Well they say ATS is much better but those physics just don't doing it for me.

It's free so I guess it doesn't hurt to play it so I can shit on it properly.

I know I gave a lot of points against it, but you should still approach it with an open mind if you want to get any enjoyment out of it.

It can have it's fun/cool moments, but overall, everything blends together, a shit ton of negatives popped out at me, I didn't enjoy playing it, and it ended up becoming a boring slogfest for me after like, 4 or 5 levels

Why is this even a question?
Furry Planet is Deviantart Dogshit

Mania by a longshot

Unity is not the problem, it's the terrible programmers out there
Look at Cuphead...that is made using Unity

FP1 was made using Multimedia Fusion

>Furry Planet


And that's an unfair barometer...3K is too hard to top

only pickleboys say sonic mania Freedom planet 2

Fuck off and kill yourself

I had to convert this from a mp4 file because twitter turns its gifs into that. So it lost some frames

You haven't played freedom planet, have you?

>They're NOWHERE close to the same quality as the classics, let alone Mania.
I think you meant to say "nowhere close to the same quality as Mania, let alone the classics"

>The only similarity is the music.
I don't get this
Studiopolis music sounds very different from those games

Why is playing one bar you from playing the other? they're both going to be cheap games. just get both you incredible autist. Only sonic fags would complain about getting more good sonic games.

You can do the same exact thing at the end of S3K boss screens too. Probably just looks faster here because of widescreen so he's covering more ground.

Yikes that spindash looks OP

Found a proper version.

I played that demo back in the day
Shit was awful

freedom planet was shit

so sonic

Will Sega ever learn that you can never make people happy? I am sure that even with Mania classic Sonic fans won't be happy with it.

Wow, FP went to the shitter with that artstyle

I don't think so, a fully revved up spin dash maybe, but a single button press should not give you that much speed, even in S3K.

Yes this is better. I'm going to delete my old one

That's more like it.