Post your favorite video game guys

Post your favorite video game guys

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not gay, but...

I just want to hug him, that's all.


post the shirtless webms already

Or you know... THAT webm. Released rather recently.


How do I get a qt pokemon trainer bf?

Bottom left a best


Maybe not released that recent but it sure was posted around here a lot recently

Solid taste user.
I couldn't, so I became one


Well he does seem to enjoy getting touched down there


Swedenistan, sorry user



Best FE boy, completely undefeated after all these years

what are some games with cute boys

well I was just memeing, I'm not from London either, still it's ok, I'll forgive you if you post butt pics

I tend to get banned for that

It will only be for a few days. You might have more time with video games that way!

Morgana is male.

>post image
>let it sit there for a few minutes
>delete it
>no ban

come on, now there's a bunch of anons that want to see your cute butt, do you want to let us all down?
maybe paste an imgur link or something while you tell us who your favorite vidya boy is, so you don't go offtopic

>its a bunch of user's try to get someone to post their butthole episode

>tfw I have the slender body of a professional twink but I waste it on heterosexual relationships

So your average Sup Forums thread?

>Tfw no qt twink blue hair bf

I bet there's a place in hell for people like you

Fug didn't mean to quote. Originally I scanned my folders for a sfw link pic to post but didn't find one, so then I just posted my favorite vidya guy

why are his hips so wide?

Twinks are basically women anyway.

Ask Nintendo

except for the penis, what if I like dicks and feminine bodies?

You're straight.

If I want to have a drink with Maxima, hear his war stories and maybe enjoy being held in his strong arms at the end of the evening, that's not gay right?

That's what you tell yourself user? You aren't straight. You like guys with a feminine physique. You like dicks. The end.

as long as you don't think about his dick


prove it

Do not sexualize Link, he is for cute, not lewd.

Can't we make him cute and lewd at the same time?

Tell that to Nintendo

i want to be him

the only correct answer

You have great taste. Maxima is a God tier KOF character

>that bulge

No, that would mean sexualizing him. You must think only of hugs, hand holding, and head patting.

I'm a straight guy but damn is Link hot


He is a boy, what do you expect?


>inb4 he never finishes it

end it now senpai


I want a marty bf

Not even the best pokeboy



>go through his tumblr
>i shouldn't do this

Why is he the only SFM animator with taste...


> BarrenSpiffyJellyfish
> image 76c6irjoh
> image xkjegeqdl

Why is James so cute?

>dem tities


>Cute boys thread

>that Nurse Joy

They inflate


best boy
>you'll never have kanji as your house"wife"

People in denial are bad

Japan is weird with their kid shows.

this doesnt look like leeterr


no, that's timpossible

post ash

Please no bully wriggle




>that bulge

I wanna get under those pants

Can't even make jokes about this fuckhead not existing anymore because I guess he's fucking back as of KoF 14.

Not that any of you cakeboys probably played KOF in the first place

Link is cute!


>dat girly everything
he is made for dick

Got some news for you

Better grip

This. Boys must only be with boys. Girls are gross!

He's the perfect twink. He is cute as fuck and doesnt talk


The best GG was already posted

Did you watch the Olympics Sup Forums?

i dont think you know what straight means


How can my 3DPD possibly be this cute

I'm wondering the same

I sure goddamn did

I never realized how much of a husbando he is ;_;

>mailman outfit